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Everything posted by Cockerlover

  1. Mrs torn socks ,thanx for the @ yr experiances,may be dd has just the thing for u just read yr other thread . Not having much luck r u u can buy concorete water bowls ,but other alternative is as suggested in previous posts ...A gal bucket dug into ground & maybe cemented in !!!!or a large garden water feature type bowl . good luck will be waiting with baited breath for updates
  2. just what every mum wants ,couldnt BEAR not to have a couple.
  3. depends on the mother ,if she knows whats she doing I leave her to it, but take bub of her as soon as detatched ,give a good rub while checking all other things then return to muma ,if muma to slow i step in & tear (if i can)or cut cord ,never bothered to tie off, no problems there
  4. Heat pads /hot water bottols ,heater if its cold & warm small towels( to rub yr bubs with when first born ,) Also a bucket (comes in handy if u need to *P*during the whelping
  5. Hi Lyndsey ,my foundation bitch was 4 when se had her first litter ,as long as the bich is in good health I personally dont think 4-5 is to old BUT please if its yr first litter, dont even think about having 2 @ the same time
  6. Thanx for sharing our holiday ,looks divine !great shots .
  7. There are no words that can heal your pain ,but please know my thoughts run deep ,Misty will be waiting for u ,you did all you could for her ,try consouling yourself with the dedicaion you both shared . Reat easy now misty no more pain . watch over yr treasured ones .
  8. Im finding it hard atm to write the words heart dog.for me there are no words that can discribe the love ,passion,togetherness & pride , ;its as if, even though mine has gone ,hes still with me in everything I do & gives me the reason to carry on .& share my love with those still here with me RIP my darling Huckie . ,
  9. Another beautiful cocker the angels needed so sorry for yr loss but has another angel to watch over all that have passed , hugs to u & watch over yr loved ones Hooley .
  10. HI,If u dont do soething about it ,for example .dry the ears or make him wear a snood ,when eating,it could develope into a fungal problam .
  11. my heart goes out to u ,having experianced a young boy with suspected epilepsy , my huckie was only 18mnths old when he had the first of many episodes, the last few left him a competley changed dog . it was like lights on nobody home . there is medication that can sometimescontroll this,but it is expensive & an ongoing process . I know $$$$dont count when it comes to our dogs ,but i feel personally one has to look @ the Quality of life .
  12. congratulations ,dosnt it just warm the heart to see the joy your love /care & dedication to yr breeding brings to new owners . makes all the* drama* we as breeder go through worth it imo .
  13. what is the difference between a furminator and a coat king? Just my personal results with cockers...... but the furminator merly skimmed the surface, where as the coat king takes out all the dead coat & is designed to only remove that .I can obtain coat kings cheaply, ;) if u r interested fel free to pm me .
  14. i wasnt inpressed with the furminator on my cockers much prefere a coat king .
  15. :D So very sad ,what a great fight u all put up ,but seems Reg was so special, the angels needed him to be with all our other special ones that r waiting @ the bridge rest easy now Reg knowing you are a brave warrior ,Watch over yr loved ones . A friend in need, is a friend indeed hugs to all
  16. just checking for more good news ,fight the good fight reg
  17. thanx for the update ig keep on fighting u brave warrriors
  18. Did the dog die from bleeding internally or the infection do you know? Indi girl ,it was a combanation of all factors ...as far as i know , He was on a drip for 3 days with raging temp, the vets were constantly hosing to keep him cool ,he was on vit k injections as well sorry can offer u any more advise ,but prayers by he truck load
  19. Indi girl ,thanx for the update ,a friend oif mine lost one of my breeding to rat poisoning,he had a raging fever as well ,here praying reg will pull though ,with al the healing vibes being sent from DOL community to u all .
  20. Indi girl ,thanx for the update ,a friend oif mine lost one of my breeding to rat poisoning,he had a raging fever as well ,here praying reg will pull though ,with al the healing vibes being sent from DOL community to u all .
  21. couldnt get u of my mind last nite ,was dreading looking for latest in yr post, but praises be he is still with us & now with his owner . You have done a wonderful job ,trusting yr loving care will bring Reg a full recovery .
  22. Even though he has had kc vacination ,there r some strains it dosnt cover ,so possibly kc ,keep him away from other dogs ,till u r sure , try giving him some honey diluted in hot water ,@ room temp to ease the cough .
  23. thoughts r with you ,healing vibes & prayers coming 2 u both
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