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Blue Fox 001

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Everything posted by Blue Fox 001

  1. Ohh fantastic photos newfsie, what a wonderful day. Looks like you all had a great time
  2. What a beautiful idea casowner. Talking Stones do a beautiful plaque - http://www.talkingstones.com.au/pet_memorials.php Finally having a quiet moment, finding it hard to comprehend such a tragedy
  3. Love this statement. When we started looking for our standard poodle I desperately wanted silver, as it turned out the litter wasn't silver and the right pup for us happened to be blue, we could have said no and waited for the next litter but gosh I am so glad we didn't as our darling boy is the most wonderful creature in the world Having said that I still want a silver and intend to hang out till the right health tested, well bred silver pup comes along when we're ready to add to the family
  4. Isn't it interesting that we think from a breeder 'no time wasters' might be a bit rude but if it was for a caravan or car advert we wouldn't think another thing of it? If you have the money to buy it, your genuinely in the market to purchase it eg. ready now but need more information to clarify that you are making the right decision - your not a time waster in my opinion. I'm sure if you hadn't decided the breed was for you and you rang and right up front said so but asked if the breeder had time to chat about their breed you also wouldn't be considered a time waster - anyway that's my 2 cents worth
  5. I like Plush Puppy - Herbal Whitening Shampoo
  6. Yes please I'd love one - been accused yesterday of not doing enough cooking, I'm hoping this will improve my credibility
  7. DeltaCharlie the National Parks around Ceduna (Far West Coast region) and down the Eyre Peninsula coast line often have 1080 baits; you could check with the Department of Environment and Heritage in Adelaide for definate dates. But the local town beaches are beautiful, more often than not empty of other dogs and people and no baiting If you would like some info on our part of the world the tourism website is www.cedunatourism.com.au Hope you have a great trip.
  8. I'm with kirst the wahls are really good for the price, I have a lovely pair of 51/2 inch curved wahls that do a nice job on little feet
  9. As it turns out I just broke the plastic clip on the blade, clippers are fine :D so no new ones here. Yep they are the pretty pink ones too
  10. I droppped and of course broke my Moser Acro's today - blade won't stay on now so I have been trawling around the net and came across the Speed Feeds and wondered if they were available, if so where, how much and has any one used them?
  11. I have the Wahl one speed and the Laube Mini Micro. Love the Laube's - small, lightweight and reasonably quiet in comparison the Wahl's. I have now ordered the battery pack for the Laube for the 2nd time and it's out of stock so not real happy about that
  12. Anyone else want to put the boot into groomers? This is one very awful situation and an unacceptable result BUT lets keep it in perspective - who knows hw many dogs go to groooming salons every week across Australia, have an unstressful experience and come home beuatifully groomed and happy. No dog should ever be terrified or panicked at a groomers - please don't lump us all in the same boat, some of us are very caring and go to great lengths to ensure our dogs are happy and relaxed during their grooming.
  13. I think some people just do not value the life of other creatures, how they can look their dogs in the eye and then take them to certain death is horrendous to me. We had a young woman surrender her 2 dogs to Council after they escaped for the 2nd time and she didn't want to pay the fines - we offered that she could pay $5 per week until it was paid off but NO she just didn't want to have to pay at all. We advised her that the chances of rehoming the dogs was very low and that they would be PTS - she shrugged her shoulders and walked out I despise her, I loathe her and all of her type!
  14. They always look like they're having so much fun, and the old poodle can do grotty with the best of them it seems the cream and white do it best
  15. I think if most of mine were truthful it would the CBF reasoning too kirst which is lucky cause it keeps me in pocket money
  16. Before the hydrobath we use to do the GSD in the bath :D so much fur! Luckily we don't have a teen queen to object I am constantly amazed at the poodle people who wash theirs in the bath or shower, my back would give up the ghost if I had to do our standard in a normal bath every week. The OH has agreed that even if we sell the kennels we will always have a hydrobath for the dog
  17. Ohh my just too cute Anne - wish I could get 4 in my hydrobath to sit still like that, would make a great promotional shot
  18. They look like the best of mates too cute
  19. People need to be encouraged to breed, to get into showing and to get into dog sports. We need new people to continue breeding purebred dogs. If people want to breed they should be encouraged to do so by becoming a registered breeder A quick look on the puppies for sale on DOL - 54 breeders of Cavs, 57 breeders of Labs, 33 breeders of Toy Poodles, 57 breeders of GSD's - even if they all had only 5 pups for sale theres 1005 purebred pups right there. Yes I know these are the high end of the scale and popular breeds at present, but I hesitate to guess that these are not the only registered breeders of these breeds here in Australia who actually have puppies for sale at present. Can't imagine all of the breeders are old and about to give it up, some of them will be left to carry on Don't think we need any more! Sorry quote didn't work
  20. It must be wonderful to live in France. A friend of mine went there recently and said she sat next to a tiny little old lady on the train who had an enormous GSD sitting with his head on her lap Beautifully behaved the whole train ride. And just about everywhere they went there were various breeds of dogs, at restaurants, in hotel lobbies etc...
  21. Lots of people have said that T looks too human and it kinda freaks them out, personally I think he looks like a cartoon character, think the way he acts probably contributes to that too. Ohh Cooper is just too darling, love the hat picture, he definately looks like a debonaire (sp) old gentleman, ready to waltz a girl off her feet
  22. I continue to be amazed at the types of dogs I get to bath that the owners could do themselves but want to pay me to do it . Bigger short haired dogs I can understand, not everyone wants a dalmation in their bath tub, and many owners want a warm wash so won't do them under the hose out the back, but I even have a couple of jack russels I bath on a semi regular basis - why wouldn't they just pop them in the laundry tub? Anyway not that I'm complaining, keeps me busy on the weekends
  23. With figures like 150,000 + dogs PTS every year I don't think we need to encourage ANYONE to breed more dogs, be they new registered breeders or BYB. From what I can gather getting registered with any of the state dog council is a matter of paying your money and choosing a name. While they do have codes of conduct for members from what I have read on DOL they do not necessarily follow up any complaints from new puppy buyers and there is no safe guard just because you buy from a registered breeder **flame suit on** Having said that I know there are many wonderful breeders, my beautiful boy's breeder is a great example of this, so I don't mean to lump every registered breeder in this pot. A decent ongoing education campaign from an organisation could make the difference from people buying from BYB and pet shops and steering them towards the registered breeders or rescue, arming would-be puppy buyers with information on what to ask and what to look out for. Dare I say this is something the RSPCA could do if they had enough testicular fortitude to actually want to make a difference. Your average registered breeder could not afford the ongoing cost an education campaign like this would be. Changing the publics perception will take years of continual exposure to the correct message. Putting an immediate stop to pet shop animals would go a long way to helping this horrible statistic.
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