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Blue Fox 001

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Everything posted by Blue Fox 001

  1. For a friends bitch, not sure how far along she is, fairly by the sounds of the dog. Packaging says "no known contra-indications but not specifically OK for pregant or lactating bitches. Says can be used on puppies/kittens from 4 weeks so makes me think perhaps not. Anyway has anyone used it or can offer any advice? Thanks
  2. I would be interested to know just how many people turn up and how many animals are available for sale and actually get sold. Will you go Pandy? I hope the RSPCA do turn up just because it might scare some away, although we all know what a toothless tiger they are, certainly many members of the general public don't.
  3. How old are the dogs? If either is older than 12 - 24 months castration is unlikely to help with marking issues. It becomes a habit after time and removal of testosterone will not remove the habit. But as you said your getting him done anyway and of course there are all the added benefits if reduced testicular cancer blah blah that you already know so good on you I have only crate trained a pup but all the literature says you can crate train at any ages so should be do-able, might take a bit more resolve on your part as they are likely to be more persistent than a pup. Definitely separate crates. There is lots of info on the interwebs about crate training so I won't type all the dos and dont's in here. Sounds like your on to it and you'll be less stressed once the dogs can come inside and be safe.
  4. We own a boarding kennel and from the description of the injury i wouldn't have rung the owner. We treat every boarder as we would our own dog or cat, what ever i would do for my own is how our guests are treated including trips to the vet or home treatment depending on the problem. You leave your fur kids in my care and trust that I will do what is best for them (in our case you actually sign to say that is as you would want it in case I want to take the dog/cat to the vet and can't get hold of the owner, as show dog says due to phone turned off, out of range what ever). BUT you should expect a full report on how the stay went, what problems occurred etc. We don't just tell the good aspects of a stay. If the dog is a problem boarder eg. Doesn't eat, gets stressed, is destructive we tell the owners that way they know what to expect when they board the dog next time, with us or someone else. I think we explain things to the owners very thoroughly and in a friendly way. Glad you sent them an email, I am looking forward to the response and really hope for the sake of the good boarding kennels they manage to provide a suitable explanation and redeem themselves a little. We are not all bad
  5. Just to add to the huge array of choices you've already been given I would wash her in a vet grade evening primrose oil shampoo :p I have tried it on quite a few clients dogs with skin problems and find it works well. I know you said you rinse well but that is often a contributing factor to the itching in the first instance, my rule is once I think I'm definitely done I rinse one more time :D
  6. I was getting my GSD down from the back of the car when the builders where at our place and as always said affectionately "Down you get Bozo" and the guy with a look of absolutely horror said "Ohh you didn't really call that beautiful dog Bozo?" Nahh his name's Locky but he comes to Bozo too :D
  7. Thanks guys It seemed a bit odd to start a whole breed thread when I am only going to post in there once Thank you to MalteseLuna for your PM. My parents Malt had to be PTS a few months ago, suffering from cancer, and Mum swore she wasn't getting another one as it was too heartbreaking BUT I knew they wouldn't be able to help themselves. They love the breed and have decided they don't want anything else. "Boomer" their old dog was a wonderful boy, not snappy, forever faithful - I hope the next one is as good :D
  8. Well I think I just might ;) Thanks guys, I was starting to think my eyes were failing me!
  9. Not sure where else to post this but I can't find the Maltese thread in the breeds sub-section. My Mum is after a reputable breeder so I thought that'd be the spot to ask. Could anyone direct me to the right thread?
  10. Sorry if this is a dumb question from a non showy but do the neuters have to be on main register? Would I need to talk to my breeder about getting a potential show quality pup on the main register but I would still want the pup neutered, cause I have no intention of breeding and do not want to have an entire male around the place?
  11. I have a heated single tank plumbed in - love it We also had a temperature regulator put on mine cause the hot water would fluctuate and I was scared of burning the dogs, think this is mainly cause we use pumped rain water so that might not be an issue for you. We also had a floor drain put in and the waste hose goes into a pipe that sticks out from the drain.
  12. Yes indeed, I might go every night with the OH and our boy if there was red wine on offer, especially if when we got to our destination we could have cheese and bikkies as opposed to all the huffing and puffing and sweating - well you get the picture
  13. T sleeps with us on the bed, if we both get up together to go to the shower he moves to the couch and waits for us to come out again, before going back to bed where he watches us get dressed if only one of us gets up to go to the shower he'll stay in bed until the other one gets up hecdoes this every single morning without fail!
  14. We replaced ours with a garden hose type spray head from the hardware store. This way I can choose the type of spray eg. Shower has heaps of water and works like a normal hydrobath head, jet is a condensed stream good for dirty feet on big dogs and it has a trigger so you can regulate the amount of water, good for doing heads or really small dogs. Hope this makes some sense
  15. Try www.stayz.com.au We think we have found a townhouse right in the heart of Adelaide where we can have the dog with us
  16. Our standard poodle was neutered at 8 weeks and at almost 2 years of age he is not showing any adverse signs - normal, happy, healthy dog He very rarely lifts his leg and does not mark at all I wouldn't have thought it a common thing 15 years ago, and perhaps the anaesthetic then were not as reliable as today. If/when we get another one I would ask the breeder to have him neutured at 8 weeks, if they didn't already and if they had a vet who was experienced in early age desexing. I researched the pros and cons before we got our little man and to be honest it seems like the more you read the more you find both for and against. In the end I was happy to trust the breeder to do the right thing by her pups.
  17. It's not just dog parks thought. My OH was walking our standard poodle, coming back home down the street when two very large brown dogs of the Heinz variety came running out of their yard, hackles up and started circling them. OH didn't know what to do and was calling out to the owner who was in the yard but doing nothing about getting his dogs under control, OH was about to attempt to pick up our dog to try and keep him safe when the owner finally come out and grabbed the dogs. OH was very shaken up and keep saying "what if they had decide to have a go at T, I couldn't have done anything and he could have been killed" We shouldn't have to put up with this to walk our dog on a lead down a suburban street :D
  18. Behind the cargo barrier here too. This is the designated doggie area, so sand and wet dog are tolerated
  19. I'm not much help either as I live in SA but wanted to say welocme to Oz and Dogs Online DA = dog aggressive
  20. They are, unfortunately. Supposed to be outlawed under the guise of "Animal Welfare" but getting them outlawed I think was just an agenda borne from bloody-minded stubborness and by the time the fight, which went on and on and on for many years, was won, "animal welfare" as its centre focus I fear was forgotten. Just my opinion. But my question about "why Citronella?" was meaning "why not a cold spray or lemon scent spray collar?" (instead of Citronella. Unless you were using "Citronella" collar to mean a "spray" collar :D.) Re-reading the above, I think I'm confusing myself. Yes I suppose I just mean any sort of spray collar, I certainly don't have a preference for citronella over anything else. My wholesaler I think does just have citronella but I can look elsewhere if someone asks again. It sounds to me like the bottom line is your not going to know what will work for your dog till you fit the collar and see! With the exception of the static which sounds like it will work everytime but no good for us in SA.
  21. Thanks Ernie - I thought static collars were illegal in SA?
  22. Sorry I can't help either I'm in SA but I hope the little girl is OK and gets what she needs
  23. at MM and GR - yes it is great to have a proper giggle after so much sadness lately - thank you. Unfortunately I only have one dog but my idol is tlc one day I too will have 4 (except they'll be standard poo's)
  24. So what about sonic collars then? I have a lot of clients asking about anti-bark collars and here in SA it looks like it's either citronella or the sonic collars. I currently don't recommend one over the other as I have not had anything to do with either so would be keen to hear if the sonic collars work. I see Kramar make something called the K-Sonic, anyone had any experience with this collar or can recommend a good brand?
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