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  1. BC - sorry, i forgot that i did not mention in my original post that Chelsea had cancer, hense the desperation in my wanting to go to raw food diet. I am sure it would of made more sense if i added that bit of info Lillysmum - thank you for your info as well Will be getting billinghurst book today, (lillysmum - am glad you said it was a quick read) and reading up. He is recommended by so many people, and, on so many sites. I am sure it will answer many more of my questions.. Thanks again for your advise and support.
  2. Thanks again Jed, i checked with my husband about her immunisations, and she has never been immunised.. Off to see the oncoligist today, so, am looking forward to hearing what he thinks.
  3. BC, thanks for your detailed reply - that helps alot of my questions Please dont get me wrong. I know i am jumping in on this raw foods/barf diet very quickly, and i would much much rather read and gather information before subjecting my dogs to this change. But, to me, every day that i wait, is a day that i am loosing time. Even if i what i am giving her is not the best thing i could give her, its got to be better then the dry chum she was eating. I am just so desperate to try and save her. I am going to read that billinghurst book, and get as much info as i possibly can, but, to wait until i get that information, i feel like i am doing nothing to help her. I guess even what i have feed them on tonight, has helped me as well, that i have done something good towards her possible 'recovery'. I know i cant cure the cancer, but, i will do as much as i can to help stop slow it down. And, i just cant afford to waste time. Does that make sense. Doing little is better then doing nothing at all.
  4. well, i started them today. I gave them 700grams of food. Prob abit much, about 600gms was meat, the rest vege. I was aiming to do 500gm meat and 200gm vege, but, got abit carried away. I gave them some lamb (i think) flaps, with abit of rib still in it, chicken knecks, and chick breast with meat on it. Then, sweet potato, cucumber, beans, brocolli and cauli. Oh, and a tin each of muscles.(sp??) Chelsea, first thing she did was pick out the chick breast and put it to one side, and happily ate the rest. Abbey, stole the chick breast from her. It went pretty much as i expected. Chelsea will eat bones no problems, but, just not with alot of meat on it. I can give her bones from the butcher, where most of the meat is removed, but, i have once before given her a shank, and she wouldnt eat it. So, tomorrow, will get some more necks for chelsea and Abbey can have that extra breast. Its to much for her food wise, but, i fly to Melbourne, and i dont time to undo it all now. She can live like a king for 5 days!... When i get back, will get some of these books you have mentioned, and study more. Thank you to everyone for you replys, and i hope to get much more insight into this... oh, and please... how did i do?
  5. thanks everyone for your responses. I had the call from the vet today, confirming what he thought. We are booked to see the oncoligist on Wednesday.. I will also find at holistic vet in perth and seek help from them as well. I find it encouraging to read these varing responses, I know what the end result is, but, i feel more sure that we can help her, and that fingers crossed, the end is not so close.
  6. staffyluv - i have read one of your other posts re: ollies treatment. Do you give him human type fish oil and vit c? Or, do you get a something from a vet/pet type distributor? Sorry if i sound completly stupid, but, this is all so new to me. I had no idea i even had options till yesterday. Oh, i am in Perth. WA
  7. Staffyluv - thank, yeah, i know its not variety enough, just all i could think of atm for ease of while we are away. Is to give meat in mince ok? Sounds silly question, but chelsea wont eat a meaty bone. They used to have pasta and mixed frozen veges, which they loved, but, now, i want to go that bit further. I have searched the net. Most things i come up with say about the benefits of raw food diets, but, not as good on the what to give, and quantities etc. Lacey - i stumbled across the barf website, that is not a bad idea, and i hadnt considered that, so, i might see if i can get some today. I guess it works out to how long a pack will last.
  8. I want to start my dogs on a raw food diet, and I want to start today... of course.. no point waiting :rolleyes: Where do i start? I have read that i should give them 2-3% of their body weight, so, that is fine. But, what proportion of raw meat v veges do i give. My other issue is that tomorrow, hubby and i are going away for a week, and MIL is feeding them, so, i need something that is easy for her to do. What i was thinking was mince meat mixed with chopped carrots, sweet potatoe and pumpkin. And maybe some chicken necks. Would this be ok to start? Although i guess its better then dry food...
  9. thanks benny and 4lv... for the first time, i have some hope. I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I know that she will still go, but, thank you for giving me hope.
  10. One of my girls has been diagonsed with Lymphoma. We are devestated. Chelsea is no different, she is still a happy, bouncy cheeky dog. Its heartbreaking to know that its all going to start to go down hill for her. I would love to hear from someone that has been thru this.
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