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Everything posted by mixy

  1. Yeh, my dog always seems to. If you see her chewing grass you can be sure you'll find a nice pile of vomit around afterwards.
  2. *faints* what a precious fluffy little bundle! If you ever get bored of her just send her on over!
  3. Yeh I'd take her to get clipped and just start from scratch. That's what we did with Barney and he was so much more comfortable without all the matts pulling on his skin. To get her started on her diet, give her about 100g of dog food mixed with a whole grated carrot. This worked wonders for my maltese x shih tzu girl, along with regular walks.
  4. Barney had an ear infection and if was full of gunk, all inflamed and driving him crazy with itch. It might be the beginning of an ear infection so probably best to get it checked out before it gets worse. Poor Barney was miserable for a week when he had an infection
  5. What a beautiful girl! She looks just precious
  6. Reduce the portion size by about half, replace it with grated carrot. My dog was overweight for a while and this helped her drop the weight in a few months.
  7. I've only ever seen them in vets clinics and they have been upwards of $15. Maybe I should look harder!
  8. Don't walk him for the first few days, if he starts to lick it a lot then get some wound guard.
  9. It's mostly the cost of anesthesia that gets you. My guys are small, they were only about $150 each.
  10. bits of schmacko usually, but they come out quite easily. Fill it with peanut butter and your pooch will think it's christmas
  11. I'd like to know too, I just know if mine got out they would make a dash straight across the road in excitement. It's hard to make them sit while we're walking because they're so excited and focussed on going as fast as they can
  12. Those fish ones are nearly all fish anyway, it's the stuff like whiskas you've got to watch out for. The stuff with heaps of processed meat and jelly. Although the fancy feast fish is probably what the OP was considering anyway, so I guess it wouldn't be too bad. The sardines are still better though, and probably cheaper
  13. It's best to give her the sardines instead. Cats have very different nutritional needs to dogs and its not good to feed a dog cat food or a cat dog food. She'll love you for the sardines though!
  14. Hmm I am vegetarian but even I can see that feeding a dog fruit and veg is not going to work! I think they just need to get over it and feed the dog what it's supposed to eat before it gets ill.
  15. Millie does this too. She just doesn't want to stop playing the fun game, but gets it when I ignore her.
  16. The young ones get fed twice, but the older girl would look like a barrel if I fed her twice! The young guys burn off so much energy during the day they need to be fed twice or they start losing weight.
  17. How tragic. I'm really sorry you lost your Carli
  18. Peanut butter. Works every time.
  19. Pepper had one when she was a puppy and it never bothered her. The vet fixed it when she got desexed. It's probably not going to be a problem, just keep an eye on it.
  20. She's a darling, she definitely looks more JRT now that she's grown a bit
  21. I hope not, we've already had 1 rat poison scare this year . We have a lot of mice around because we have aviaries so the dogs often catch them and then dig them up later after we've buried them .
  22. Back to normal, tearing about the backyard like nothing ever happened. She had me very worried for a while there! She's the happiest little dog in the world so it was horrible to see her moping around looking sad. She must have just eaten something she shouldn't have like a lizard or a dead mouse or something. I will be keeping a close eye on her.
  23. She hasn't eaten since her dinner last night. I'm thinking she may have eaten one of those little lizard/skink things? There have been lots of those around and my other dog has done this a couple of times before. She couldn't have got to any chocolate, she's been outside all day. She hasn't had any diarrhea and otherwise seems fine. She hasn't vomited for a couple of hours now but she still seems quiet. I called the vet and he said to bring her in if she vomits again.
  24. This just had to happen on easter sunday when all the vets are closed. Molly had thrown up about 7 times in the last 30 minutes. There doesn't seem to be anything in the vomit, its just white and frothy. I'm fairly sure there isn't anything poisonous she could have eaten. What to do? Is there anything I can do or should I just get her to the vet asap? Is there somewhere I can take her? I'm in Perth.
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