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Everything posted by jillybean

  1. Well looks like I'll be sticking to the tablets then! Thanks for the replies!
  2. Good to know that it works! I wasn't entirely sure how effective it would be. I gave it to my puppy 3 times this week since she picked up fleas at puppy school, so hopefully most of the fleas are gone now.
  3. Oooh another beagle! I have a beagle too - she's just 11 weeks old at the moment! I would get a basic collar, either soft leather or nylon. Keep in mind that the 8 week old will grow out of it pretty quickly so you'll have to replace it soon anyway! I wouldn't use a choker chain, I don't think it's necessary. I'd suggest a standard length leash, not a retractable one beccause you don't want them to get too used to being able to run too far away from you. You should get them used to staying close by your side whilst walking. But the 8 week old won't be able to go for walks till after his/her next vaccine anyway. You need a car harness if you plan to have your dogs in your car, unless you use a crate type thing. Legally you need to have your dogs restrained in the car. If you get one which is adjustable, just buy a medium size and you should be able to make it small enough even to fit your puppy. Squeaky chew toys are great! Kongs are also good. I've found soft toy animals that they sell at the Reject shop which make animal noises when you press their tummy - my puppy LOVES these! But I don't leave them with her because she's likely to rip their arms off and eat the stuffing haha
  4. The breeder where I purchased my puppy from had weaned them on to raw mince mixed with mushy rice. That's all my pup would eat when I bought her home!
  5. I'm taking my pup to the vet next week to get her vaccinations, and a friend (who's studying to be a vet) suggested I get the Proheart vaccine whilst I'm there. Do any of you guys get your dog treated for heartworm using an annual vaccine? My other option would be to just treat with tablets, which to me doesn't seem like all that much hassle since it'd be just once a month with the Advantix anyway. Plus it would work out cheaper Any pros/cons for vaccine vs tablet? They're both as effective right? Thanks!
  6. Lucky for you that he's not actually biting, I get that when I walk but my puppy actually bites... The trainer at puppy school suggested always carrying a toy with you when you're walking and then use that to distract his attention from your legs. It's not very practical, and it doesn't work for me, but you could give it a try!
  7. Hmm might have to move them to within the swimming pool area where it's all fenced off, otherwise my mum won't be too impressed to come home and find all her orchid plants destroyed! I have been freezing kongs and other iceblocks but she just has such a short attention span that she needs a million and one things to keep her occupied! haha
  8. I just bought some from Pets on the Park http://www.petsonthepark.com.au/index.htm Not quite as cheap as the website listed above but they do free delivery if you're nearby. They actually drive over and drop it off ASAP, and were very helfpul over the phone.
  9. I know all puppies are destructive, but Chloe seems to be getting more and more so! She has plenty of toys and bones to chew on which I change frequently, yet she's recently gotten into the habit of pulling plants out of their pots and putting them in her bed!! She's a beagle so she's still quite small yet she manages to pull entire orchid plants out of BIG pots and then drag parts of it to her bed. Apart from moving ALL the plants to somewhere high up (which is pretty impossible, there are LOTS of them), what can I do to stop her ripping them up!?
  10. Hmm I'll try adding an egg to Chloe's pet mince + carrot tonight and see how she likes it!
  11. My dog gets pet grade chicken mince, but human grade beef mince along with chicken necks and wings. I agree that the pet grade chicken mince is probably better because it's made from minced frames.
  12. So raw egg white is okay for dogs? I thought I read somewhere that it wasn't good for them?
  13. I think my poor puppy caught fleas from one of the other dogs at puppy school over the weekend. I've put Revolution on her this morning and am planning to wash all her bedding tomorrow. Should I also buy some Capstar? Is it okay to use if I've already put Revolution on her? What's can I do to stop her from getting MORE fleas from puppy school in coming weekends?
  14. I'm not sure about this but I'm guessing it would depend on your vet and their preferences. Best to give them a call to check!
  15. Jillybean, how old is he? I think he's about 6-7months old now. However he's not very well trained or cared for, so I wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with that.
  16. Most brands have a feeding chart on the back of the pack. Just match up how old your pup is and how heavy she's expected to be at full size and it'll say how much to feed. However that amount is if you're feeding dry only.
  17. Sorry, I don't have any useful advice to share, but one of my friends has a dog that does this too! He pees all over the place then jumps around in it and jumps up on you! eww..
  18. Has she been eating grass or any plants in the garden?
  19. I tried this and it worked for a few days until my pup decided that it was all part of some crazy game. As mean as it sounds I even tried putting her paw into her mouth after taking my hand out, thinking that she'd realise that biting hurts, but unfortunately not.. She also thought it was a fun game haha
  20. The breeder where I got my pup from had been feeding raw mince mixed in with rice - that was from 4 or so weeks of age, so I guess it's never too young to start! When I brought her home Chloe was only eating tiny amounts but I think that was mostly because she was just settling in. After a few days she built up a massive appetite! Perhaps your pup is still settling in Eldoop?
  21. Do dogs even get bitten by mozzies? I find that if i'm out in the evening playing with my pup I'll get attacked by mozzies but they don't bother Chloe!
  22. Red Lea chicken shops have frozen chicken pet mince for $3 for a 2kg bag.
  23. I purchased some things from there and was initially very happy with the service - quick delivery and free gift etc BUT i then found that one of the products was faulty and so emailed to ask for an exchange.... oh the difficulties I had trying to get them to exchange it for me!! Never dealing with them again...
  24. My pup's eating Supercoat at the moment, but she really doesn't eat that much of it as it all gets mixed in with some vegies, mince, chicken etc. I stood in the supermarket for ages the other day and compared all the ingredients & nutrition info on all the puppy foods. It seemed like the best one there. Had meats listed as the top ingredients and had lots of protein in comparison to the others. However I'm sure there are plently of people here that would recommend not to feed supermarket brands.
  25. I had a read of their website recently whilst looking for a puppy school nearby. I can't say that it sounded all that impressive because the impression I got was one of "we just want to make money". Can't say I've had any personal experience with them or know of anyone who has, but I chose not to go with their puppy classes even though they're held at the same vet as another puppy school.
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