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Everything posted by jillybean

  1. Seems like my beagle is losing alot more fur these days - not heaps, but enough that it shows up on my clothes. I have a cheapo brush and am thinking that perhaps it's not doing it's job. I try to brush her once or twice a week. What kind of brush would you recommend for a beagle to help get rid of all that fur she's shedding?
  2. I've heard Advantix is pretty effective on fleas. That's what I use at the moment. You might also want to get a fine tooth comb and try to comb out as many of the fleas as you can.
  3. Perhaps it's a beagle thing... I'm really hoping she'll grow out of it after she's finished teething! I only work 2 days a week at the moment so most other days I'm home with her. I spend plenty of time playing games with her and going on walks. Yesterday we went to the beach for the first time and she had a great time splashing about and playing with other dogs. I don't know how much more I can tire her out!!
  4. I usually mix raw mince, vegies etc in with Chloe's dry food and it seems to be fine
  5. I went to check out the new Aldi that's opened near me and found they sell kangaroo mince in the pet food section of the fridge. It's packaged in 1kg bags, for $4. Thought I'd give it a try. Only thing was I had to line up for ages just to buy that one thing haha
  6. Well she's my dog, so I'm the one that pays the most attention to her. I feed her, take her for walks, play with her etc. Everyone else only pays minimal attention to her.
  7. Thanks for that! Will definately try to make it - hope it fits with work schedule!
  8. My 4 and a half month old beagle pup won't stop biting me. She has always been a biter, but she was improving and doing it less until she started teething. She's now lost most of her baby teeth so at least her bites aren't quite as painful, but she's started biting more and more! I recently went on holidays and left her with my sister for 2 weeks and since I've gotten home she's been biting me on the hands, arms and legs when I'm walking, sitting or even standing still. She only seems to bite me and not anyone else in my family, but she also only listens to commands from me and will follow me around everywhere. Stubborn thing! The only thing that stops the biting is when I spray her in the face with water, but I can't carry the squirty water thing EVERYWHERE with me! In the past I've tried the loud firm no, yelping, turning round to ignore her, a gentle smack on the nose, holding her mouth shut, pushing my thumb on her bottom palate etc without much success. Any other suggestions?
  9. What's the website? I can't seem to find it.. Is it open to dogs of all ages or do they need to be over 6 months to begin?
  10. I wouldn't worry, it was only half a seed. Dogs in Malaysia (strays mostly) eat loads of rubbish including plenty of lychee fruit and seeds and they're all fine.
  11. Thanks everyone! She's about 9kg now. Think I'll try the tablets next time, rather than the chewables. I've tried the whole mixing it in with food or covering it in meat etc but she always seems to sniff if out and spits it out. Probably easier just to crush the tablets into her dinner.
  12. I'm using the flavoured chewables which they claim dogs love. Do they make tablets for that size, or would I have to use a few tablets?
  13. I've been using Drontal tabs to worm Chloe but being the super sniffer beagle she is, refuses to eat them. The very first time I gave it to her she ate it without any hassles, but ever since then she's just spat it out. I can usually get away with breaking it up and mixing it in with her food (eg. mixed with raw mince, vegies and egg) but today she even out smarted that one and managed to clean the bowl whilst leaving behind the bits of Drontal!! I eventually had to smother it in peanut butter and force it down... So I'm looking for an allwormer tablet that doesn't smell and will trick even my beagle into eating it.. Any suggestions?
  14. I'm thinking of taking my beagle to obedience classes and but wanted to do a little research about them first. I'm near Castle Hill in Sydney so would love suggestions for any around the area. Is there one at Castle Hill Showground? I could only find information about the agilty club run there. Also, do they generally accept dogs of all ages or must they be over a certain age? Chloe's just over 4 months at the moment.
  15. It might be an idea to give Obi a bath with a good moisturising shampoo. Perhaps that will stop with the itching? And if there are fleas you might see them in the bath water.
  16. Chloe struggles and squirms all over the place when I try to clip her nails too! She doesn't have a problem with me holding her paws as she lets me do it all the time, but as soon as I get the nail clippers out she pulls away! I had a horrible experience last time where she squirmed just as I was trying to cut a nail and I ended up cutting off abit too much and got the quick and she bled. However I've since found it's a tiny bit easier if I cuddle her and someone else tries to cut them.
  17. jillybean

    Parvo In Vic?

    The puppy school that I went to made sure that all the puppies attending were vaccinated. We were also encouraged to carry our puppy from the car to the backyard area of the vet where puppy school was held to make sure that the pups weren't going to catch anything from any unvaccinated dogs that had been running around the front area of the vet. Only vaccinated pups were allowed in the backyard area.
  18. Thanks for the reply Erny. According to K9 Force's puppy development calender there's a fear phase at 12-16 weeks also? Perhaps this is what Chloe is going through. In terms of socialisation, she's been to puppy school and a few of my friends have brought their dogs over to play so she's had her fair share of socialising with dogs of different breeds, ages and sizes. I've also taken her to local sporting events and even walked her through a uni. She's been exposed to everday things such as the garage door opening, the sounds of cars etc since I've had her and until last week would pretty much ignore the noises! She certainly hasn't had any negative experiences (unless you count being carried by little kids!) which warrant fear behaviour. In terms of walking, when she stops or backs away because she's spotted another dog (even if it's walking past a house wth a dog who's behind a fence) I try to encourage her to keep walking. I've tried using treats to tempt her but it doesn't always work, so I sort of end up half dragging her past whilst telling her what a good girl she is for walking. Is this what I should be doing?
  19. My pup has recently taken to burying her bones, but as far as I've seen she always digs them up later that same day so maggots haven't invaded as yet. I wouldn't give my dog bones indoors! My friend does that and finds them hidden in her couch amongst cushions, YUCK!
  20. So, seems Chloe is now going through the fear phase. She's 17 weeks at the moment. She's barking at anything and everything, like noises such as the garage door opening, the neighbour slamming a door, and other animals such as birds. She's also been cowering at things like the lawn mower which didn't use to bother her at all - she used to sleep through it! She's also developed a fear of some big dogs and won't walk past them when we're out on a walk, when she used to approach any dog and try to play. I also took her out to the markets today and a train went past, so she went and hid under a ute and refused to come out! What do I do whilst she's going through this fear phase? Do I ignore it? Or should I try to encourage her to keep walking etc when these situations occur?
  21. Picky puppy is not a fan of whole carrots.. she will eat them if they're grated into her food though, but not as a whole. She does love pears and apples though, so I'll be giving her more of those to chomp on too. Bought a heap of roos tails and lamb chew things from a market stall today so hopefully those will keep her busy for a while.
  22. Thanks for all the replies! Chloe's lost a few more teeth since I posted. I've yet to actually see a tooth though, I just see the gap and sometimes a little blood around it. She's got a couple of Kongs, a regular one and a puppy one. I also went and bought her a rubber nylabone type thing which she's been chewing on today. She seems to like chewing hard things such as chair legs and plastic pots. In regards to walking - I've been walking her for about 15-20minutes each morning. She's quite good at loose leash walking until we get within sight of our house (2-3 houses away) and then she'll pull like crazy! I think I've tried pretty much everything I've heard of to stop her from biting but without much success...
  23. Chloe is almost 4 months old and she's teething! As far as I can tell, 3 teeth have fallen out already. She's biting me like crazy! I can't spend time with her unless we're playing games or out walking because she keeps trying to bite me if I sit down or just walk around. I've been trying to keep her distracted with frozen kongs, pigs ears and bones but she seems to prefer to bury them rather than chew on them. Instead she'd rather dig holes or rip plants out of their pots Any suggestions on how to keep her busy, and to help with the teething? This past week she's also started barking early in the morning, at nothing in particular. She'll just stand with her nose in the air and bark, usually around 6am. This could go on for 20mins or so, but she usually stops if I stick my head out the window and yell at her. She usually doesn't bark at other times of the day unless someone's mowing their lawn etc, but the early morning barking doesn't seem to be directed at anything. What can I do to discourage it? I'm not enjoying having to get out of bed to yell at her then try to get to sleep for a little while more! I've tried walking her at night, hoping that she'll be tired and sleep through till a little later at least, but no luck. Thanks all!
  24. Chloe's finally old enough to get her last vaccination this week (she'll be 16 weeks)! How long do I have to wait for it to kick in so that it's safe to take her out and about? Do I have to wait a week or something like that, or can I take her out the day after? I'm dying to take her out walking to use up some of her energy! And I'd love to take her to the beach for the first time too.
  25. I feel similarly about this. I feed Eagle Pack, with the occasional egg, blob of yoghurt and sardines as well as raw meat/bones and vegies. As far as I'm concerned your average dog shouldn't need supplements. I can understand it for those with dogs with joint problems but otherwise I think it's overkill..
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