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Everything posted by jillybean

  1. I'd say it's related to the teething and having some blood and floaty bits of gum in her mouth! More bones and perhaps a good brushing of her teeth should help..
  2. As the others have already said, check what your puppy is currently being fed at the breeder and continue to feed that at least for the first week whilst your pup settles in. Moving to a new home away from mum and litter mates is stressful enough for your pup without changing his diet at the same time. After that you can slowly start to introduce his new diet by combining a small amount of whatever you choose to feed him with his old food over the period of at least a week until he is eventually on his new diet. You might find it easier to feed Eagle Pack puppy kibble along with the bones and BARF patties because feeding BARF alone requires abit of research and often needs supplements. In regards to treats - kibble makes a pretty boring treat, plus it's hard so it takes longer for your pup to chew. Soft treats and things that smell lots usually make better treats because they're easier for your pup to eat quickly during training and are something different to their usual food. Have a read of the health/nutrition/grooming forum, there's PLENTY of talk about different foods and diets!
  3. The vet recommends between 5 and 6 months.
  4. My dog does this in the car when she's on the back seat, and now that I think about it, it usually is before she lies down like BC said. Unless you want your couch shredding to bits I'd suggest you buy her a bed of her own, or get a really strong couch cover!
  5. Great vid! love the paw prints haha
  6. I didn't take my puppy for any official walks till after she'd had all her vaccinations, which was at 16 weeks old. Before this though she was playing fetch with me at home, attending puppy school and having doggy play dates with some friends dogs.
  7. Chloe gets Eagle Pack for small/medium puppies at the moment and she's doing well on it! Nice soft shiny coat
  8. What area are you in? I found frozen roo tails at a butcher in Eastwood - the asian one near Franklins. I think they were $7 per kg bag.
  9. It is important to start training now because otherwise she'll think it's acceptable, and will keep pulling even when she's older. Make sure your leash is nice and short so that she can't pull too much and gets used to staying near you. Even if you have to wrap your leash round your hand several times so that you've got control.
  10. Like others have said, don't worry about the milk. You could try putting ice cubes in his water bowl? My dog will always try and get them out to crunch on, and in the process ends up drinking lots of water
  11. When I bought my pup she had already been microchipped so I have no idea about pricing of that, but Chloe's 12 week and 16 week vaccinations both cost me $90 each. No idea what other vets round here charge.
  12. As Rysup said, it's a good idea to set the rules so that everyone's treating your pup the same. Even things like what commands you're going to use (eg. does drop mean lie down, or does it mean drop the toy she's carrying?) and where the pup is allowed or not allowed to go (allowed on the couch, beds?) so that she's not getting confused. Pup's tend to poop after they've eaten or after a little bit of exercise, but you might just have to let her do her thing when she wants to then try to take her out at about the same time every day.
  13. I got a rubber mitt type brush today and it seems to do an okay job. Will keep the furminator in mind if I'm still covered in hairs
  14. Chloe gets a pigs ear every so often. However I think she usually eats part of it then buries the rest because I never see the other half and I know she can't eat them that quickly!
  15. I'm not sure if you'll be able to find a harness small enough? My beagle pup managed to wriggle her way out of her harness even when it was adjusted to the smallest possible size. The Reject Shop sells plastic carrier type crates for $25. They come in 2 sizes. You could get one of them for the journey?
  16. I don't think anyone minds if your dog pees on their lawn - it's not like they'll ever know unless they see it happening! And again, as long as you pick up the poops they'll never know!
  17. Is he doing it when he's alone or only if he's meeting new people/new dogs? My dog tends to do it when she gets really hyped up about meeting new dogs.
  18. 2 meals a day is fine for a 6 month old puppy. Some people only feed their dogs once a day beginning around that age. You probably don't need to leave the dry food during the day, especially if she's only nibbling at it because that means she's not really hungry.
  19. Do u actually mean oil from bananas? Perhaps it's from the leaf or other parts of the plant rather than from the fruit itself. Tried to google it, and came up with this, from trusty Wikipedia Maybe it's not even from Bananas!
  20. When they're puppies you want to get them into a routine of what you expect of them. So if you want them to sleep on their own beds or in the laundry or wherever later on, then that's where you should be putting them to sleep now. But if you're happy to have them sleep on your bed even when they're older then go for it.
  21. I give them to my dog, but my butcher usually cuts them in half lengthwise for me. Chloe usually eats the bits off the ends and the marrow from inside. I only leave it with her for a day before I throw it out.
  22. LOL How are you not permanently covered in bits of fur?! Everytime I wear black and Chloe sits on my lap I get white fur everywhere!
  23. What about Sirius Cove at Mosman? It's an off lead beach/park area. Visited there last week with my pup and some friends and their dogs and everyone (dogs included!) had a ball! I'd be willing to make the trip out there again!
  24. There are plenty of threads around here about what to feed. I personally wouldn't feed my pup what you're feeding.. The grain in weet bix is hard for pups to digest, plus it doesn't really have any nutrients. Apart from what's in the supercoat, your dog isn't getting any protein and dogs should have more protein than carbohydrates in their diet. At nearly 4 months they definately don't need puppy milk or puppy porridge. Just so you get an idea of other things you could feed, my pup gets Eagle Pack dry food mixed with grated vegies and raw mince (beef, chicken or roo). Occassionally she gets sardines, a raw egg or a blob of yoghurt added in too. She also gets chicken necks or lamb brisket bones during the day.
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