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Everything posted by pavlova

  1. one more vote from me and i have asked a friend to do so too
  2. Beautiful photos, I particularly like the second one
  3. Its made me so sick in the stomach that i have turned the tv!!!! Its disgusting.
  4. Love the first photo They looked like they had a ball.
  5. That is sooo beautiful, what a wonderful person you are to do such a joyful tribute :D
  6. They are absolutely gorgeous photos. I love the one of the cub on the log, in fact i love them all ( i'm a huge tiger nut)
  7. She is gorgeous and great photos too
  8. I'm not very good at photography YET!!!! This is the first photo i took with my slr, had no idea what i was doing, but love it all the same, i just love photos of flowers especially roses I love photos where the background is blured, I didn't have much expections when taking this pic as i had no idea what to do, but to my suprise it came out almost how i wanted it so in the end i'm very happy with it hope thats the right size
  9. Thanks so much for the reply Crazy Daisy. I think we will still go, armed with raincoats lol. We both were looking forward to going. Thanks again :D
  10. Good Morning I hope this is in the right place. Now i was told there was a show at Durack today and tomorrow , my mum and I were going to watch. We were wondering what's the go when it rains, would it still be on. It rained all last night and this morning, and i can't find any information on who or where to ask. So i thought someone here might be able to help. Thanks in Advance
  11. I just want to cry with you, my god i can't believe there are ppl out there willing to hurt another persons dog when they own dogs of their own. I'm sorry to say this but ppl like that don't deserve to own dogs. I hope you and sally feel better soon
  12. She is gorgeous, she has a beautiful face
  13. oh I love hibiscus's, I have 11 different ones. Heres pics of my 3 favourites.
  14. I have put this camera on lay by so i can give more info when i get it this will be my first slr
  15. I was wondering if someone could do me a signature, Unfortunately i don't have a dog to put in it so i hope you still don't mind doing one ( i do hope to get a dog next year sometime) i would love it if the family photo could go in the middle, then the animals round the out side if that is ok, if not i'm sure what ever is done will be great. Ok for photos The family My Kitty Kakula Now two of the four snakes ( they are mine ) Mele Tanna Thank you in advance
  16. Thank you again harminee I printed out a 5 x 7 picture and framed it for mum. I gave it to her Yesterday and she loved it. She was in tears. You touched her heart with what you did and i can not thank you enough.
  17. Awwwww Thank you thank you and thank you ;) :p My Mum will love this Quick question though, would this be ok to print so i can frame it for her.
  18. Hiya I was wondering whether a portrait could be done for my Mum. She lost Goldie a couple of years ago to old age and on the weekend lost her last dog Pebbles to old age. They were my mums pride and joy. She is struggling to deal with her loss now and i know this would help. I would love one with both dogs on if possible. a huge thanks in advance PEBBLES GOLDIE I have a photo with both in if that helps
  19. I'd just like to say you guys that do the signatures are soo talented. I would love a sig but i don't have a dog yet, still trying to convince hubby though we do have 5 other animals hehe well done guys, oh yeah i'm just curious how do you do them what kinda software do you use etc... Hope you don't mind me asking
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