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Everything posted by poodlemum

  1. This has already been well noted, so why bother bringing it up again? The OP has asked for advice, and whether the pups are pedigree or mongrel makes no difference at this stage. The deed is done and someone is asking for help. In an ideal world, these pups would not be on the way, but they are, so get over it. The snobbery and bitchiness of some people on here simply amazes me. Julie x 2
  2. I agree - you see so many posts about how Maltese are yappy, snappy etc - they obviously have only seen some of the badly-bred dogs. I have a friend who used to breed Maltese & her dogs were great - friendly, confident (happy to play rough with Standard Poodles) and great little dogs!
  3. I've raised a fair few litters of puppies on Supercoat puppy (amongst other things) and they thrive on it. I give my boys Supercoat large breed for breakfast & they love it. They get raw chicken or bones for dinner.
  4. I would definitely recommend it! We lost our gorgeous boy, Lennon, at about 6 years of age - he hadn't been used for stud fr a couple of years & got an abcess on his prostate gland. Had he been desexed it wouldn't have happened
  5. Isn't it interesting that, the more you love your dog, the worse names you call him/her? ;)
  6. Happy, happy birthday Charlie!!!
  7. ;) - Your 2 are beautiful! I also love Labs & Aussies but, of course, Poodles are my 1st love ;)
  8. What country are you from and what breed do you have Showdog - I see you posting often under different threads but your profile doesnt show what breeds you have or where you are from (just says overseas?)...... just curious as to the breeders you are referring to. I have wondered this myself - will be interested to see if you get an answer
  9. That is DEFINITELY not normal - I would continue to monitor her - any chance you can get on to your normal Vet? (I agree with you about Emergency Vets)
  10. A yellow discharge CAN mean an infection - I have found in the past that regular flushing with saline solution can stop it getting any worse. You can also get Brolene eye drops from the chemist. Speaking here from 17+ years experience of dog breeding!
  11. Me too - I have quite a scar on my left arm from trying to break up a fight between my GSP & a Dobe (it was MY dog who bit me)
  12. Is she rubbing at her eye at all - ie, does it seem to be bothering her? I would advise you to flush the eye with saline several times a day - if the eye's not better in 2-3 days you'll need to get the Vet to looks at it.
  13. Ah yes, ALL dogs know the "OI" command When I first got Harrison his name was Hogan (but I hated that name) he responded quite well to Harrison. When I met OH he started calling Harrison "Hazza" and Dylan "Dyzza" - they both answer to those names - Oh, and Dylan is also sometimes (Mr.Poodlemum being a Tolkein fan) Dyldo Doggins.
  14. May I ask, why do you breed? Sure. I breed because I love/enjoy it and because I'm good at raising great pups with the help of my gorgeous girls. I have friends who are groomers and do the shows - I support them and they support me. It has been this way for a long time and works well. I would never breed without health testing and knowing the pedigree and would never use an inferior or untested sire. I have one dog that, after getting him 6 years ago, I found that there was Addisons in the line so never used him. I had him neutered and he is a great friend and companion. I have a lot of satisfaction from the happiness that people have from pups that have been bred here and the fact the all pups have become lovely adults. You sound like me Ozwildflower - I also have Standard Poodles and, over 17 years, have only had litters about every 2 years. I don't show either (although a friend who has a bitch of mine shows her). I do it for love of the breed - I have done Obedience trialling with a couple of my dogs and dogs I have sold have been trialled in Obedience and Tracking. If you feel like PMing me, I would love to see some of your Standards. (sorry for the OT, Poodiful) ETA - I certainly don't regard it as a business - when I think of the costs over the years! It's just a (very expensive) hobby.
  15. Niki (now at The Bridge) was called Niki-Bear. This led to my ex calling him bare-butt, then butt-face, butt-breath , the BIG GIANT BUTT (after The Big Giant Head in 3rd Rock From The Sun) etc Niki would quite happily respond to ANY of these names but knew he was in trouble if I called him Nicholas Edward Bear
  16. That is priceless I've been TOLD categorically that my dogs MUST be "Labradoodles", as purebred Poodles don't get that big :p
  17. A friend of mine used to breed Maltese & they were GREAT little dogs - very friendly & confident - quite happy to play fairly roughly with my Standard Poodles! I'm sure there are a lot of badly/backyard bred Maltese about but, if you find the right breeder they can be a ripper little dog.
  18. What are you feeding him? Is it the same as he was getting from the breeder? How is his health, liveliness otherwise? If he's looking healthy & drinking water he may just be seeing how far he can push you, but it may be that the food you are presenting is unfamiliar and he's not sure about it.
  19. My ex & I tried this system many years ago - we had a bitch who was determined to get out, so we put the system in the unfenced area at the front of the house - the idea being that if she managed to get out the front door (and she was VERY cunning) she would go no further. However, she somehow figured out that if she got a good run up & jumped over it she could avoid a shock. As I said, a cunning bitch, & too smart for us sometimes
  20. My sister had a cat (female) named Bob - after a female character who appeared in both series 2 & 4 of "Blackadder"
  21. I like to name my dogs after people I particularly admire, so Harrison (George Harrison) and Dylan (Bob Dylan). My absolute idol is Eric Clapton, but I couldn't name a dog either Eric or Clapton I would rather people gave their dogs human names than their children dogs names. I remember years ago when some friend named their baby Max & my ex told them "that's a Bull Terrier's name"!
  22. Your dogs are in crates when you are at home? or - your dogs are crated to sleep ,when you are at home? should have said ,when we're NOT home. One little word makes a world of difference
  23. Why? The dog certainly doesn't care! That he has a name is important, what that name is is purely for our benefit only. Exactly Haven.. PM, if the dog was called "Deefer" would you still have a problem with it? My dog answers to nearly *everything* we call him including his name.. so I really don't think he cares as long as he gets love! I agree that the names are for our benefits. I happen to think "Deefer" is the absolute dumbest, most bogan name anyone could give a dog. I know that a dog doesn't care what it's name is (call me what you like, as long as it's not late for dinner) but I think that giving a dog a meaningful name means that the dog is special to you, rather than just a possession indistinguishable from others you have had. All of my dogs have had a number of different "nicknames" and answered to all of them. And, breaking my own rule for once, I named a bitch puppy after her great-grandmother, who I had PTS about a month before I got the new puppy. As I stroked Sascha & spoke soothingly to her on the exam table at the vets I said "your great grand-daughter will be Sascha II, after you"
  24. Oh yes, they certainly DO remember - I've had puppies (well, fully-grown dogs ) remember me after 2 years or more! It's great when your puppy buyers keep in touch.
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