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Pug Hugger

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Everything posted by Pug Hugger

  1. Oh poor little girl - so glad she is fine. I will also be up for a fair chunk of the evening organising uni stuff so you are in good company :D
  2. Eagle pack has a seniors blend. Most of the stockists I have come across have mini-sample bags that you can try for free. I tend to fin the seior one is the easiest to get a sample of so maybe try her with that. Truth be told though I don't know if changing her kibble will help her breath! Our old BC (who got to 18) had terrible breath it was just old rotting teeth and short of putting him under a GA to clean and/or remove them nothing we did would help.
  3. Louie is now angry at me as he has not yet had a GRG treat!
  4. Go with GoldiesRGreat!!! Town and Country dogs are about 200m from my place. I walk past there a lot but have no dieda how good they are.
  5. 7am - what a lovely doggy - when LOuie was in the laundry her would start barking at 5.30am for potty. I have to say in my experience a 15 minute cry followed by a 7am wake up is pretty decent!
  6. What about if you soak kibble in some warm water to soften and fluff it up? I do that with Louies and e gobbles it down
  7. Louie started cocking his leg at about 9 months old, and has not stopped since!
  8. I would not worry if it was my puppy - I would rejoice that it was my puppy! Puppy school is both mentally and physically exhausting for them - Louie used to sleep for a lot after it. At 14 weeks old I found Louie had a decent grow, I am not familiar with your breed but perhaps the pup is sleeping in preparation for a grow.
  9. Poor little Levii was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was killed in an accident that was no ones fault. Birguil did you try to PM me earlier because I had a few go MIA without being able to read them - sorry
  10. Rest in Peace precious little Levii. Your time was short but precious. Hugs to everyone
  11. What a naughty boy! UNless you catch him in the act there is no point telling him off. I went through a stage with Louie peeing ALL OVER my couch. We ended up putting him in time out for 45 minutes (locking him in the laundry) and he never did it again - no promises it is that simple but it worked for us
  12. So long as you feel comfortable with them your GP is fine. In fact most specialist would not do an operation as simple as desexing I found. Louie had specialist surgery recently and when I asked if they could desex him while he was already under the GA they basically said 'no, we don't do things like that' (nothing against them and it was complex surgery...
  13. hee hee - one stitch - that is very funny... poor little guy If it were me I would get her done at 5.5 to 6 months old and not wait for a cycle
  14. What about taking her for three shorter walks, not one long one.
  15. Congratulations! How exciting, but you cannot brag about a dog and not supply pictures!!!
  16. I don't want to be gloomy but if money is so tight do you want to consider getting a dog at all? My Louie is currently in surgery which is going to cost me (in the end) over $3,000. This is not because he is badly bred, it is a freak congenital defect that no-one can be blamed for but nonetheless must be fixed to attempt to save his life. What would you do if something like this happened to your pup? After my experience I strongly recommend pet insurance. Think worse case scenario - I had over $1,000 in a side account just in case - that's not been enough in my case but I a fortunate enough to have very caring family who are helping me. I hope you make the best decision for yourself and your dog.
  17. Aww cute! And pug pups tend not to stop when there is a distraction - I would definitely separate them sometimes to avoid 'tired kid' brattiness.
  18. how is that funny? I find that very selfish of the man and very unfair.. Actually alot of you ppl seem to have men who seem very selfish and unfair, esp babyluvachi whos OH has rules to the house, what happened to equality? is he your father? why does everything have to go HIS way in the house where is your freedom of the house? I thought the point of living in your own house with someone was for freedom of your own rules and to enjoy the house and not be bound by someone elses rules, he sounds like hes fathering you more than making you equal. I have NEVER had these issues with my OH, we both debate and reason to what we like and dislike, we request but we never force eachother on things while yes I wont let the cats in the bedroom as much as I would love them to, its because I want to sleep and not hear my oh suffer all night from allergies. We dont dissalow eachother to do things, hell if i wanted the cat on the bed i could bring the cat on the bed, sure my oh may not be happy about it but its my choice, and its also his choice to remove the cat off the bed. If we buy something like clothes or pay bills, pet food etc, while the cat was my choice to buy we share all the money. Money is not HIS or MINE, its OURS, as is the house, its OURS, not HIS or MINE, the food is OURS, the bills are OURS, the cat is OURS, we are together and being together means sharing the pain and joy, we share the problems, we share the house, we share the food we share the responsibility. Wether or not it was me or him who got the cat or dog or shoes or car, we share the responsibility. I dont have a liscence but I am more than happy to pay for petrol one day. My OH may not like cats but he will be more than happy to buy cat litter and cat food and clean out the litter when he gets home to replace it. Thats what a relationship is supposed to be like, you share everything together. So far we haven't ever argued, we have been living happily together for 5 years like this and there is never a problem, only solutions to reasoning and discussion. I agree with most of this. Apart from the chocolate is most definitely MINE!
  19. I've met little miss and she is gorgeous and sweet ad not at all a trouble maker
  20. So sorry to hear of your loss. I can only imagine how devastated you are and wish you all the best. Run free Shack and Will
  21. SNAP! Louie is in for surgery to get removed on tuesday - Lilly's ear looks almost identical to what his does
  22. We had something similar happen when my old border collie was still around. He was 17/18 and one night out of the blue the 8 year old turned around and went for him, drew blood, hell of a racket and so on. Before that these two dogs had lived together for 8 years. Now I am no expert but I thought perhaps it could have been real, real gut instinct (i.e. younger dogs in the wild kill the older ones). From that point we kept them separated until the eldest was PTS in February. Hopefully someone more qualified than me can help.
  23. Careful with chasey.... My OH and Louie were playing it heaps - now both have put their backs out! Louie has chiro on thursday and OH tomorrow !! Or maybe it is just my clan that is broke!
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