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Everything posted by chloebear

  1. I know this may sound stupid, but to be honest, I have no idea of what to do with this puppy, I do play ball with her and take her for short walks. But we need to be careful when walking due to other dogs in the neighbourhood (rural) not being fenced and we get ran at. I have no idea how to mentally stimulate a dog. I am trying to get her more comfortable with other people by getting friends to call over and if possible bring their dogs (I keep stealing the neighbours little dog to play with my puppy). I have no idea how I am going to train OH to keep his crap put away and to shut the shed etc. Unfortunately he is of old school and doesn't beleive in the soft approach.
  2. I agree, I need to take her to training, but we have a location issue. I have worked out that I would be able to take her month about, attending for one month then I would have to miss a month (OH rooster/works away) plus two young children (one won't stay put at training will disrupt everyone). Obiendence has now shut for christmas in my closest town until next year. I will have to check then if we can go month about. Must admit I have no idea how to mentally stimulate her, yes I do some training with her, sit,stay,come and we play ball. We where playing tug-of-war but I have stoped that incase it was encouraging her to rip the washing.
  3. With her dog run, it is 6ft high dog mesh, she was climbing out through the larger sections as our dog wire has larger holes as it goes towards the top. So I wraped chicken wire around the bottom section to stop her from climbing to the higher section. Yes I think we are going to have to break up the concrete that we have and pour a new slab.
  4. Like yourself I am hoping every so much as she grows up she will get better, but she is a member of the family, we love her and she is here to stay. It makes me realise what a saint my previous puppy was, I don't remember going through anything this extreme. I just got home from visiting a friend and when I walked across the patio i just felt disgusted at the mess that was there. I have always taken pride in my home and now it just looks like a dumping ground, riped up palm branches (draged from the compost area), rags riped up, anything she can find chewed up. At the moment I can hear her outside destroying something, I am almost to afraid to look. I have my fingers crossed for both of us, that it will get better soon.
  5. Must admit, I have bitten off more than I can chew, I am ready to go nuts between her and a toddler. I have no idea what the people did to her before I got her but she is one hand out of control with destroying my home and things, but on the other, afraid of strangers and other dogs to the point that she wets herself. I honestly think she needed to go to a more experienced dog owner than me, but I am afraid it was me or she was being PTS. I keep telling myself she will grow out of it.......but it's getting worse as far as the destruction goes, but she is getting better in other ways.
  6. Thanks, I have had a quick look at articles, will read them in full tonight when kids are in bed........
  7. I am a stay at home mum, so I let her out at 5.00am out of her kennel, play with her and give her breakfeast then I am in and out of the house most of the day, always passing her patting her on the patio (bin on the other side of patio). I make her sit before I pat her. This morning after I wrote my post, she destroyed, my husbands runners (from on top of the shoe rack) plus chewed up my shoes. She also got a piece of wood from somewhere, and chewed it up to pieces at the door. I am keep shed shut when just me and kids home, but my husband is out in shed alot when he is home working on things, when he pops in and out of shed he leaves door open (I have no chance of getting him to shut them during the day when he is home). If I make her kong to hard for her, she just goes and burries it and then moves onto the next item.... I have also found on the patio this morning, a light bulb (looks like car or trailor one) with wire attached, hoping she hasn't damaged OH boat trailer. My OH has had enough and wants her to be kept in her kennel, unless one of us are going to be outside with her to stop the damage, and that was before he finds out what she has done today.
  8. My six month old puppy is making my home look like a rubbish tip. Anything that she finds she rips to pieces and runs around the yard leaving bits everywhere especially dumping junk on my patio. Our yard is looking like a underground mine field, with holes everywhere. She has just chewed up another pair of shoes, we put them up high, but she jumps and gets them. My door mates get either ripped up and spread over my patio or thrown around the yard. It has been a long time since I have had a puppy but I don't remember my last one being this bad. If we leave the shed door open, she goes in and graps anything she can move, drag it around yard, chew it up and go back for something else. She is an escape artist, 6ft enclosure, with chicken mesh on bottom half but still manages to break out when not wanting to stay in bed (enclosure only used when not home, or during night) She even digs holes in the concrete in her kennel. She rips washing off the line. I have given her toys,kongs,bones, play ball with her, has about an acrea on which she can run but the destruction is getting worse instead of better. She has chewed the arms of our patio chairs. When I am hanging washing, she steals the pegs and chews them up. Sorry can't tell you what breed she is as she is a rescue pup, we have had her for about 2 1/2 months. Think she is a ridgebach cross she has hugh feet, but they keep getting bigger. I have desexed her. Edited section: I have noted that it seems that I have not done enough to entain her, so please help me work out some things to do with her, plus some items to buy in the way of toys for playing with her. I am going to go to town tomorrow on a mission to get things for my puppy to keep her happier, plus to puppy proof my home (outside)..........all idea's welcome. Yes she is having an early Christmas "i'm makin a list and checking it twice"
  9. I will start to freeze all meat before i eat it or feed it to puppy. Don't butchers have to test for bugs and things in meat.
  10. When you say double strength,no their is nothing written on the label but I can assure you it is a lot stronger than the stuff you buy in the supermarket.It has a very acidic smell and quite a bit of sediment in the bottom Thanks, when going to town next will call into stockfeed place and get some.
  11. Please ensure that he is restrained, for both your safety and his.
  12. I have a friend who buys it for her horses from the stockfeed and it is double strength, do you just buy normal strength? or is their a special dog one.
  13. In what way chloebear, what sort of reaction did your dog have? Before getting the proheart needle, we never had a problem taking her to the vet and getting needles, when she was given the proheart needle she became very worked up and aggressive, breathing rapid and frothing at the mouth. Every trip to the vet after that she had to be muzzled, was listed as a danagerous dog and took a couple of staff to hold her down to give her the needles. I even got OH to try taking her and same problem. He couldn't beleive the change in our dog.
  14. Just paid $260 but that was for a female puppy to be desexed, don't know if that is any indication
  15. I used the pro heart injection with my previous dog, found it wasn't great. With my current dog I am using intercept for both heartworming and general worms and then just the advatix
  16. I have always had both dogs and cats together, even when growing up. But in saying that I have never had a dog with a high prey drive which also helps alot. We recently got another puppy and when introducing the puppy and cat we also stay within imediate reach of the puppy. Our cat is aloud to come inside but the dog isn't. They actually spend alot of time playing together, but then my cat also plays with our birds and they play with her (I think we have a crazy house)
  17. Try feeding him in different areas, on the grass, concrete, maybe a small area so that he feels safe......my rescue puppy when I got her, didn't know what grass was, scared to walk on it. She had to be feed on concrete surface, afraid to walk on grass, then progressed to walking on grass, but would not walk on grass with dew, know she is fine and will eat anything, anywhere.
  18. I must admit newnewf, I enjoy reading your threads because I am finding them helpful to me to. I got Holly thinking that if you give a dog a loving home that is all that matters everything else just fulls into place. I too have provided Holly with very confusing leadership, I was treating her like a child and not like a puppy in the words of my vet "you have two children, treat them like children and treat your puppy like a dog" at the time I thought she was just being nasty, now I realise the difference.
  19. chloebear


    I am only fairly new to doggy training, but my guess is that perhaps because he has been unwill, he feel able to test the boundries more and push the limits as to what he can get away with. With my puppy Holly (6mth), we got her as a rescue, so I felt sorry for her and let her get away with small things and slowlery she started to dominate me, since taking control back and demonstrating more leadership to her she has stopped jumping, and pawing me. I ignored the bad behaviourer and only gave her attention for good behaviour if she did something that I wanted. I used the nothing in life is for free principle, thanks to some good recommendation from other people on DOL>
  20. I will start buying the homebrand oil ones, much cheaper
  21. Just read the tread on Sardines in tomatoe sauce, I have been buying Sardines in spring water (often more expensive) worried about dog getting to much oil, does it matter can I buy the cheaper ones in oil. Prior to getting my new puppy a couple of months ago I had never heard of feeding sardines but she loves them.
  22. I feed dry biscuits. Once or twice a week a couple of sardines, plus she also gets left over fruit and veg from the kids (toddler and 5 yr old so their is always scrapes) I do but ACV on her dinner to try and save my grass.
  23. Please let us know how things go, once you have seen a behavourist. I must admit a behavourist can be amazing when you are having problems with your puppy. I sort help over Holly and the change has been great. She was desexed last week, so I felt sorry for her and went a little soft for a week and yes she has taken advantage, so we are back to our stricter training inline with the behavourist advice. Hope t
  24. This happened with my puppy, I freaked out took her back to vet, worried about cancer etc. It was reaction to vacciantion. Lucky I have a nice vet, she didn't charge me.
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