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Everything posted by Ittybitty_

  1. Having Poms, I am all too aware of hyperglycemia and alot of its affects. Poms can go from fine & bouncy one minute, to lethargic, ill looking & very uninterested in life within seconds. I always carry glucose in my tack box, as it doesnt take much for the Poms to go down hill. There is always glucose in their water at home, so they are constantly upping the sugar in their blood throughout the day.
  2. We had a cat coming from 2 streets away in to our kennel runs at night stirring the dogs up. The kennel dogs are debarked, & we have great neighbours who dont worry about any noise, But still, we were ending up with this flea ridden cat in our yard EVERY night. So we started trapping it, for 2 weeks, we were trapping it, and taking it to the RSPCA. The owners kept going and getting it as it was M/C. In the end, i went around to their place, and said next time we trap it, it will be taken to the vet and PTS. As it was, it was a nasty piece of work. And not even they could pat it without it latching on. Anyway, a week went by and we didnt trap the cat.. However we ended up trapping it again, and we took it back to the RSPCA and reported it as a nuisance cat, we also spoke with the council who told us to report it a nuisance/stray. The RSPCA wouldnt then release it to the owner.. mind you it was the 15th TIME!!!!! The cat was PTS & the owners were fined around $800 for wildlife disturbance. Might be worth chatting to the RSPCA about the cat. Never had a problem again
  3. The site I went to had GREAT prices on their flea & tick spot ons. Now I cant remember what it was?? Any Ideas??? Thanks in advance Roxie
  4. Yep, I second that I have got an 11 wk old Italian Greyhound, and like whippets, they want to be WITH you all the time. Im guessing the laundry is tiles??? They would really hold the cold in, and give a chill.. I tried my Italian in a crate when he arrived here at 8 weeks old, but he cried all night.. Even with blankets and the heater on, he was cold in the crate, so I put him IN my bed with the electric blanket on, and he sleeps right through to morning now :rolleyes: He just prefers to be with me.. and like the italian, your little whippet would make a GREAT ever lasting hot water bottle in your bed
  5. Yes!! This is where you start I PM'd you by the way Keeping him active during the day is the best place to start with getting him to sleep of a night time. I currently have a 12 week old Pom, who spends his day playing with my other Poms. He might sleep approx 2 hours during the day, but the rest is spent playing and getting into mischief. I take my Pom babies to my friends place (who is in partnership with all my dogs), as she also has 2 Pom babies, one is 12 weeks, the other 8 months, and they all play together. THey play for hours on end. You can keep your little guy active, even with a nice BIG bone, as it works a lot of muscles for a Pom baby to work on large bones, and it really does wear them out. Toys, I find cat toys work best for the Poms, teach him to retrieve.. At 10 weeks, you can start lead training and walk him around your yard on the lead. Anything that keeps him awake
  6. I had put my Poms on Eagle Pack to try after hearing everyone rave about it, and After a couple of weeks on it. Im going back to Royal Canin. Their coats have gone brittle and they just arent what they were on Royal Canin.
  7. Im so sorry Chrissy its always hard when they cross over.. RIP Little angel girl...
  8. Could be wandering Dew like the others said... Wandering Dew is nasty stuff..
  9. Rainbow Bridge... There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other. There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! And this one suddenly runs from the group! You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be seperated.
  10. I rang some franchises to get some prices. Before they would even GIVE me ANY prices, they asked me 101 questions, some being personal and unresonable to be asked. And then they just said 'sorry there are none in your area, so I cant help you'......
  11. I have never heard of Nutro dry food.. Do you guys have any links??? Cheers :D You are doing a great job!!!
  12. You guys are champions Keep it coming!! thanks for the sp. Tip lillysmum :D
  13. Hey guys, I have made this Poll for education perposes. As some of you know I am currently at business colledge, preparing to start my own business. Could you please answer these questions as accurately as possible?? If you have the time, could you state whether you have had problems with any particular food with your dogs?? Thanks so much :D Ashlea.
  14. Id love to know too if anyone has any instant results!?!?!?!? Anybody???
  15. Thanks for all your responses guys! This is all really helpful
  16. What about if the home business had free pick up and delivery??
  17. Hey Guys, Im after some feedback from everyone.. If you were looking for someone to groom your dogs ie. Clip, bath, groom, nails, ears etc. What would you prefer? A franchise? (Current survey says that most franchise buyers are trained through the franchise establisher) OR Someone who has over 11 years experience, in all of the above and more, who has also practiced in vet clinics, and as a groomer at the RSPCA? AND has groomed show dogs of their own and other breeds, therefore has experience in show clips aswell. ?? Would love some feedback :D Thanks everyone Roxie
  18. I feed my Poms on Advance mixed with Royal Canin and the GSDs are fed on Coprice Working Dog - Chicken & Rice Mixed with Royal Canin & Pedigree Performance. I tried Eagle Pack on the Poms and their skin developed a scabby/pimply rash. I put them back on Advance and it cleared up.
  19. Oh no, Im so sorry KitKat, Rest in Peace Harm....
  20. mhouston222001, They call themselves a registered, reputable breeder?!?!?!? No registered, reputable breeder in their right mind would let any puppy leave its mother before 8 weeks of age, let alone a toy breed. Most Pom breeders dont let their puppies leave until 12-14 weeks.. 10 weeks at the youngest. Well she is risking their life as it is.. That is why you get the dead vaccine instead of the live vaccine. It wont kill them.. Might make them slightly off colour for the day, but It is safe. If you go through with getting these '6 week old chi's' then I hope you are going to go home to them 4-5 times a day & make sure they get their daily nutritional requirements. Puppies at this age cant just be left with a bowl of food & be expected to make it last all day.. They can over eat which can kill them. They can not realise there is food there even if you show them before you leave them.. Such young babies can only take in so much at a time.. You cant just leave them with a bowl of water un supervised all day either.. Ashlea.
  21. I couldnt imagine a life without my dogs sleeping on my bed When I was little, I never slept through the night. I kept having nightmares or something mum & dad told me. Then I got my first German Shepherd of my very own, and she slept on my bed right from the start & I started sleeping through the night really peacefully. She was a longcoat and when her coat got really long she got too hot and slept on the floor which was ok.. Now, many years later, she has passed on, and I have 2 GSD's & 2 Poms sleeping on my bed with me It gets REALLY squishy at times, especially in winter when they all want to sleep close to me.. I love having them next to me.. They are always perfectly clean.. The only downside is waking up with hair in your mouth now & then But you get over it pretty quick.
  22. I have used it and wouldnt hesitate to recommend it or use it again.. I have a GSD with slight OCD well he DID have it.. He chased his tail really bad and stripped the hair off it. We put him on clomicalm, and he has NEVER been obsessive about his tail since. Now and then he will have a relapse and we just put him on it for a week or so.. But it is never as serious. Its great stuff
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