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Everything posted by percyk

  1. our froggy doggies ( the ones who hate the cold) sleep in jumpers one sleeps on a couch so hes in a coat and has a doonah on top..he never shifts til daybreak lol the others have long coats and are fine now the little ones sleep together in a crate so the ones who feel the cold are in heaven...the furrier ones tend to go to the outside edges of the crate but again seem to be fine...i put a woollen blanket inside on top of their regular foam mats and also cover the crate with a woollen blanket in summer id have to get them separate crates i think..the heavycoated dogs would feel a little suffocated i think lol id go for a heated pad if i were you...or get another warm doggy body as for sharing a bed...i doubt youd roll on the dog unless you sleep very heavily
  2. i never crate trained til my last dog was older all pups for the last ten years slept on my bed with a leash attached..they stirred...id bolt with them to the garden very easy training but cold in winter lol during the day they stayed in a pen or the laundry with paper the last dog was a bewdy...took forever to toilet train but ironically is the only dog to actually go to the door and ask to be let out he was crate trained after he was more reliable with his bladder which took close to 18months crate training can be achieved later..it doesnt have to be from puppyhood...i just trained our mob to be in a crate cos our living circumstances have changed and they have to be confined for now..theyre all between 4 and ten years old sometimes things can be done in increments so if you dont have success you can improvise and approximate til you get closer and closer to your goal ours were fine with crating cos theyre used to be being in tight places together...the car...the laundry etc so crating was only a bit of a jump for them the hardest thing is to ignore their cries...once they know it wont work they will give up
  3. nahh ive never had a breeder really interested in the pup once its home with me sad cos i found out one had an allergy and there were other minor issues from time to time i think that it is pretty hard to see your first few litters go but then having masses of puppies making messes isnt all that great either so some breeders might be quite relieved to have them in new homes especially as they grow bigger i do understand it...you have to be bit hardened and you do need to be wary of the stalker that might be....the new owner who tries to start up an unwanted relationship in what was originally just a business transaction for many people i get it
  4. my small dogs havent been in a crate ever but this past week i have crate trained them...took a night yep the old bitch took up wailing til about 1am but she had others in with her and they were warm and she is used to sleeping with her favourite partner our daughters dog so by the second night she was fine it depends a lot on the dog....but most id say like to have their buddy in at night with them if they get on well now into their second week...the dogs seem to like their crating experiences and we can leave them to go to the shops for a couple of hours and then they sleep all night from about 10 til 6 or so.. a couple like to go in and snooze during the day...i have put a blanket on top to create a den and they seem to like that security i put in their usual blankets and their thick sleeping mats so they only had to get used to the confines...theyre all small so getting out of the big metal crate was no issue really happy with the way things went..our new place has very few doors so we need to contain the dogs whilst we figure out a permanent sleeping area...in summer they can sleep in the enclosed patio but at the mo it is too cold so theyre inside in the crate try the dogs in one crate and see what happens..be sure to supervise
  5. thanks for posting it made me smile too
  6. i love all animals but some id choose not to have for various reasons cannot stand animal cruelty and cant watch anything which shows animals being hurt my heart cries more for animals i see them as pure souls i especially love giraffes horses dogs cats parrots and canaries lol
  7. we have only ever had puppies introduced to our famliy it all depends on a a few factors what your family is like...are the kids a handful > what the dog you end up getting is like personality wise- what sort of person you are...whether youre organised and committed to the raising of a pup cos the early months are crucial but we somehow have managed it is mostly my doing cos im a dog nut and love them more than anything on this planet besides the fam if however they just become a sideline then it may not work my kids were easy...disciplined and i was strict with hygiene and the way animals and kids were supervised...i also was careful in the pup we chose...one didnt work out...a standard poodle who was very dominant and ended up taking on my young son....we gave him back and the breeder was very understanding...we did get a behaviourist in to assess him though.... and it was upon her advice we gave the pup back and chose a goldie instead so yep mistakes can be made but if you get the right pup and the kids are good kids then the joy of having a dog grow up with them is a pretty fine one i wish the cavs were a little less prone to all the health issues...id love to have one again before i leave this planet...they sure are sweet and my vet said they seem never to take on kids the way some breeds do... a safe choice ....but again...be careful in the choosing and then in the raising of that individual puppy many a loaf has failed when the dough aint raised right
  8. aww thats horrible for you...can feel the embarrassment lol but really you did the right thing and apologised so you cant really do much more... from now on keep him on his lead yep a total bore and chore but thats the only way you can control him when hes out and about i had that happen to me a long time ago...back in the day when noone desexed males lol...and my dog was so happy to see me that he cocked his leg on my long flowing indian skirt and claimed me as his lol all of ours mark to some degree...and all are desexed...from an early age too...so desexing wont help really....all but one lift their leg to mark but generally squat to toilet
  9. ooh i was just listening to a conversation about someone looking to be a house-sitter i dont know them but my friend does...quite well so if youre interested pm me...i can chase it up for you
  10. dogs are great and im a nut as far as they go but at 18 you are at a precarious stage of your life even i had to leave a dog behind with dad as i got a job in nt and couldnt take an old dog with me..no vet in town if you dont have continuing support then youre gonaa have trouble things can change suddenly...job study relationship change in accommmodation be careful dont do it unless parents can help out willingly
  11. when we take the kids...we take the dogs for a beach holiday but when we travel o/s the dogs are obviously left with some of our older kids to look after when OH and i go away for a weekend by ourselves we also never take the dogs...again the kids take charge
  12. it is a hard truth but some dogs just hate being boarded we had a cocker girl who never seemed to mind but our current tribe all hate it we take them on hols but one day we decided we needed a theme park day so we boarded them for the day only the littlest was traumatised..wouldnt come out to us and we felt like true heels but what to do....no holidays ever? impossible so...if you feel beyond dreadful then dont go the dogs will be looked after ...they will eat ...they may lose a bit of weight if pining but in the end all will be well i was really cross that a very well known establishment put our dog in with another...he had a fight with it and also both his coats were ruined he was so skinny after the three weeks of boarding it broke my heart but life is like that some will never leave their dogs anywhere and spend their lives a home we are not like that most of the time we have enough family to look after our pets but on occasion there will be a time when we have to just let go awful but thats life sometimes all in all...hope for the best and give lots of instructions..call and check how things are going and keep reiterating your expectations...sometimes there are a lot of staff and things get mixed up
  13. i have seen behaviour like this at a fellow dog owners house lots of dogs and one dominant one who has started to snap at the next in the hierarchy if hes told off...like shooed out of the kitchen for instance or chastised for going near the garbage...hell roll his deputy this is a dangerous situation...please seek advice and keep the dog away from your child...i think the child has no status and is being treated like a litter mate...an inferior one
  14. i do sympathise truly i do but you gotta understand that people come first in this world and if theyre dog-fearing people then they really need careful handling so i wouldnt encourage anyone to lose their cool and swear best thing i reckon is put the dog on the leash ...and if you cant convince them quickly that the dog is ok then just go dont add to the misconception that big dogs are evil further by sinking to the abuse..youll only support their fears and distrust
  15. wow thats expensive ...i was interested too but i think the 300 plus price tag is a bit rich... will have to wait i think and really see if the dogs need it we have a laundry with a sliding door and thats where i thought the natural access would be... what a shame
  16. hey that is so cute id be taking him to a nice patisserie
  17. I REALLY sympathise ive had that problem...with an old cocker girl who developed anxiety after i went back to work after maternity leave and letting her inside more in the end with the howling and all the vet suggested sedatives but then she said that maybe we should just let her inside we did and there was never ever a problem.... later...she became an outside dog for a while...for a few years...and to the day she died she slept outside because she became incontinent and unreliable so dogs can adjust but she was a very laid back obdient dog for the most...not wilful stubborn like some dogs can be what i think is your problem is the inconsistency and we all know that is the greatest motivator...like the poker machine addict who keeps putting in the tokens cos he just might score so what to do? i think if you really cant have the dog inside it is kinder to just train it to be outside permanently or have a routine that only in the evenings it comes in after say dinner or something and then out...create a routine we have a dog here..stubborn as anything but he responds very well to routine try to put him in his daytime area when it is the weekend and hell go nuts ...he knows its the weekend and wont be tricked...on a weekday he trots in happily and plonks himself on the bed there and thats it our other dogs are more used to being mucked around and will respond to a command to go to an area during the day...no complaints or sideway glances...they are the people pleasers of the dog tribe and have no issues... now im facing another problem and that is that OH has sever allergies all of a sudden ...so severe that the other day he actually mentioned building the dogs a complex outside this would be awful...they are all used to being inside with us when we are home so all the retraining will have to be done...eeeeeeek but again...youd just have to sit there with a book or laptop and every time they whine...you reinforce the command to lie down or whatever...and reward the positive it could take months...for it to be automatic but as i told you...with the cocker at least...routines can be changed good luck...awful problem
  18. definitely wait...gsds ,....theres a lot of dog there and youre going to be entering the teen period this can be an interesting lol time when suddenly they dont wanna do a thing you tell em not all dogs go through this our little ones tended not to but big dogs ive had can be quite wilful for a period so its best if you hang in there for a few months to a year and then decide see what your dog is truly like...and avoid any situation where he becomes fear aggressive with other dogs
  19. definitely wait...gsds ,....theres a lot of dog there and youre going to be entering the teen period this can be an interesting lol time when suddenly they dont wanna do a thing you tell em not all dogs go through this our little ones tended not to but big dogs ive had can be quite wilful for a period so its best if you hang in there for a few months to a year and then decide see what your dog is truly like...and avoid any situation where he becomes fear aggressive with other dogs
  20. my dachsie was protective but i guess thats not good leadership on the humans part...isnt that right? we have one dog here who constantly looks around if there is someone following us on a walk...cute but a nuisance lol i doubt hed bite,,,but you never know
  21. such a hard time for you beautiful pics of Rinse really sorry that you have to go through this hang on to that love and those memories and know that you did the best for her i had a heart dog....long ago.... the pain is gone and now the memories just make me smile im so glad he and i found each other....and had some time together that is indeed a gift
  22. i hope youre getting through ok ok is all you can really hope for in this new raw period of grieving many of us have lost heartdogs and it is inevitable that all of us will again ...and again our love for animals is amazing is it not? what a beautiful wonderful connection we have with our beloved pets go easy
  23. nothing to add except to say good luck and good on you!
  24. great to see an animal lover come through an enormous ordeal terrifying and heartbreaking what youve been through....you will inspire many im sure keep at it and who knows what great things are around the corner for you now!
  25. well done thats great training!
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