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Everything posted by percyk

  1. ooh im sorry u have had that news my cleaner has two cavs with that disease from the same breeder when her first dog came down with it the breeder sent her another pup ( the cleaning lady kept the original pup as well) the mother had supposedly been put down after being diagnosed with the disease the second cav also had it the first one is now beginning to suffer and its hard hearing the updates i do so hope that this disease can be one day controlled ....this is such a popular breed... and i hear that many lines are affected i love cavs...had one long time ago.. best of luck with ur furry loved one...keep us posted
  2. dont know that dogs can count maybe other dogs would recognise something different in his gait and some might be wary but i dont think hes gonna be bullied just for being a three legger i know some dogs bark at people on crutches or who have a limp or wear a hat or whatever so im not discounting anything but i doubt ur dog would have an image problem most do really well
  3. dont worry they dont starve dont cater too much for them if they skip a meal or even a day they will get hungry and eat if hes lethargic or seems sick then of course its something else but the quicker u establish that this is all u get the sooner he will get on with whats on the menu i know its a pain and worrisome but sometimes dogs on their own dont believe that food wont drop out of the skyand they just wait til something better comes along dogs that live in a mulitpet household quickly get the message...if ur not gonna have it...i will!! good luck
  4. i leash train pups at home well before they set foot outside most take to it well some wrestle with it for a while but lots of praise and games and treats do the treats use the leash training as part of a feeding schedule ...a hungry pup will usually follow on a lead if u have his food bowl in ur hand...lead him round to various locations in ur "pup" area and feed every so often ..do this for five minutes and then let him eat the rest in peace hunger is the best motivator! how much fun is it to have a new puppy hey!
  5. watch for diarrhoea ..often a sign that worms have taken hold again pick up poos as quickly as u can and dont allow her to run randomly round leash free parks for a while til u get the worming under control
  6. yep ignore the timidity do not reinforce it by fussing over her or stroking her i think walking is the key here a no nonsense approach but take it slowly walking round the house on a lead or have her tethered to u round the waist to establish u as leader once she believes in u then she will follow introduce her to all sorts of situations and talk in a calm neutral voice...dont tense up with ur body ...make her face her fears with u as the calm mentor at her side,, dont accept her fears and challenge her gently to overcome them dont give her any attention when she is jumping...she needs to be trained to sit and wait....be kind and loving but dont indulge her phobias if she is scared of something then introduce it in micro steps...be on the alert...what scares her..noises? objects? feed her around these things..whether it be a broom or vacuum cleaner...'positive things happen around the things she fears'...thats the message u want her to take on board if she is scared of the vet etc then visit often without actually having anything done..reward her profusely for being brave but dont stroke her....dogs are not like kids that need their hand held for an injection .. but a reward ...food or a massage is great take her out ...to shopping malls in the car everywhere but for short times and try to make sure that she has a fear free experience...tiny steps u have done a wonderful thing..dont give up
  7. what about this drive a couple of houses up the streets and walk her back home if the dog wont do that...drive just past one house so she can see ur house and get her to walk back id not give up use food use praise... practise at home just around the lounge room ...have her on a leash and u might sit on the couch then move to another chair and so on ...do it a couple of times a day ...and gently coax her..with food or toys..make a game of it she just has to desensitise to that feeling of being led...does she like other dogs? can u borrow another dog..sometimes they walk better in a pack good luck
  8. twice a day my vet recommends// i like to train the pups with part of their meal so i know how much theyre eating i used to leave kibble out for the day but the vet just told me not to...so they dont graze and become overweight
  9. percyk

    Puppy Spots

    i recently researched the same issue seems like vets can buy some product ( makes sense) ..from memory it was a co in perth so ask ur vet apparently biozet washing powder breaks down the urine urine has a few parts to it and the hardest bit to break down is the one that dogs can smell and we cant so using disinfectants doesnt work it seems ive been using biozet ..i wish i could ask the dogs how its working lol!
  10. its awful when u do have to leave pets my choice would be to leave it with the breeder but of course thats rarely possible ive had a young dog in a kennel it was fine but then again he had two of other dogs with him he didnt go backward in training ( we were gone ten days) but i dont think his socialisation was worked on either... just incidental i guess bad things can happen either way ..rellies can get annoyed and discipline harshly...that can happen in a kennel too considering both options id probably go with a good boarding facility and make sure u make it clear that u are a concerned dog owner...kinda sets it in ur head that ur expecting the best care..not just dropping off a dog for a couple of weeks mind u im not suggesting that ur anything but nice and polite to them its a big issue with trust but im pretty confident that for the most things go well in kennels good luck!
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