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Everything posted by percyk

  1. personally i dont like the 'crazy' bit of the title it implies lack of thought or some sorta disorder like hoarding 'crazy ABOUT dogs' YES! but not just 'crazy dog lady' people dont listen to crazy people anyway so we have to be careful not come across bent and narrow minded when it comes to seeing it from other people's perspective..i think wed do the canine world a service then i dont get why people have to label anyone anything really what about people who collect china or adorn themselves with bling or car enthusiasts ...wine buffs id rather be a buff than a crazy..someone who is discerning and educated about their favourite thing in the world
  2. toilet training is also an issue ...i know lots of stories where little dogs got dumped cos of the continual problems with peeing in the house
  3. see lots of staffies terriers and mals and mixes of these when i look at pounds dogs that are swf there too- grooming probs and barking..escaping maybe dont see shelties or collies too often and theyve got a bit of grooming obviously i see it as either little dogs with grooming difficulties or the more dog aggressive dogs on average dont seem to see any easy care breeds really terriers and the mixes seem easy care coatwise but can be hyper and nippy...need some exercise and can be barkers and escape artists generalisations for sure...but seems to be a trend at the moment
  4. see lots of staffies terriers and mals and mixes of these when i look at pounds dogs that are swf there too- grooming probs and barking..escaping maybe dont see shelties or collies too often and theyve got a bit of grooming obviously i see it as either little dogs with grooming difficulties or the more dog aggressive dogs on average dont seem to see any easy care breeds really terriers and the mixes seem easy care coatwise but can be hyper and nippy...need some exercise and can be barkers and escape artists generalisations for sure...but seems to be a trend at the moment
  5. glad to hear that sammy cos we love vizslas here and might consider one for retirement cos OH had ridgies when he was younger and he likes the look of the vizslas...kinda mellowed out ridgie froma distance lol
  6. definitely no food we have several and it took some time for one of them to stop being anxious but we just grinned and bore it months later he was fine they all are inside dogs for their own safety cos theyre little and they just hang out on the lounge i guess and sleep
  7. yeah it is beautiful we have laid back cats here too..i love when the cats take the initiative and start the play with the dogs
  8. could you trust a grey off lead when out and about ...nothing that i have heard from owners says that they should be let loose when not fenced the thing about barkers i reckon theyre pretty loyal dogs...the barkers ...the alert slightly protective or even really affectionate breeds i reckon tend to bark...some more than others and not necessarily be nuisance barkers ..i havent done a study of course but i reckon the loyal ones rally for the family dont know about vizslas...i know that people have said theyre velcro dogs but as gun dogs would they be hard to train? maybe depends on the luck of the individual pup/owner about loyal dogs....you know in my experience if you get too many loyal dogs that get very attached to you there can be trouble with the pack as the dogs age...as they try to get your attention ana affection...do a lot of research and dont listen to what an individual breeder might say..listen to the cumulative comments about possessiveness you dont want them fighting over you esp if you have a rotti about thats where an independent dog like one from the sighthound group might fit in..but theyre not really loyal although i have read comments about whippets being the most attached out of the group yet not overbearing with other dogs i cant think of a breed for you i love pointers but again gundogs are supposedly a bit hard to train which came as a surprise to me but i did have a goldie who was delightful and easy but not focussed cos he fussed with the social aspect of the training..loved everybody remember that short coats shed heaps...think of boxers...wow..the hair that comes off them! so maybe a bit of hair would actually be easier i love collie roughs cos of their devotion but i guess thats just too much work for the ring i guess go the vizsla...viszla...i think the second spelling looks better lol i d just go the veeeeessshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and nope that the pup turns out just right
  9. ive had dogs since i was a kid so theres nothing all that new i just never thought thered be dogs on the beds and lounges dad was so strict and i brought up my firstborn like that too but then with all the other kids and dogs coming along we grew more relaxed i think it started with one of them having a nightmare and asking to have one dog in the room and it progressed from there never thought id be renting holiday houses with dogs either we always camped with ours never were a hotel type family otherwise i think lifes always been the same
  10. ive never had any of those breeds but certainly the kelpies stand out at dog training gosh that eye contact is inspiring if you have the time to be engaged with them cos theyre pretty full on then get a beautiful kelpie i saw one that had a blue-ish cast once...gosh it was a stunning dog but of course temperament wins over markings and colour sighthounds...yes they have been known to do agility but you really dont see them...youd have to put lots more effort into them and probably will never reach the standard of the kelpie the terriers would be ok...size wise theyre fine..can be stubborn though and have poor recall kelpie...really i think is your choice unless your go for something more exotic like the kooli theyre a good breed for agility and come in nice colours
  11. what a lovely surprise pity school is going back lol id not want to go back if i had a new puppy lol
  12. arm yourself with low expectations lol ive seen what dogs can do lol in dog friendly places so no carpet no mats forget good furniture no knickknacks good mattress protectors...make that the big thick kind that nursing homes use lol be prepared for torn flyscreens and chewed outdoor mats you get one dog pee and the scent will be there for a long long time and some dogs will start to pee over the top of that even though the area looks clean...that includes any area that is tiled and grouted...so learn about the best way to totally get rid of the secret scents insist on seeing vaccinations..i worry about parvo infected dogs infecting the yards grass provide something to clean up dog mess ...and perhaps a list of instructions if you do have carpet do not assume that people will not allow their dogs on bed and furniture just cos youve insisted on that rule ive heard some really rotten stories from dog friendly rental owners...and i know a couple who no longer allow dogs not our doing but we lost out anyway good luck i hope it works out for you and you make some good money id not skimp on things like fixtures...better to get good quality in the first place..than have to repair and replace...we have been to lots of dodgy places and it is really stressful when things break
  13. apart from seeing them at shows i have never seen a borzoi how would the average person know what your dog was? i love sighthounds and id love a borzoi but part of the deal would surely be handling people who are curious ....and some people...lots of people think they know and cos they think they know then they dont ask think of some situations that you probably do the same thing...thered be plenty of those for all of us in fields where we know nothing yet assume we might i have had countless episodes with people mistaking my breeds that i have owned i dont find it annoying... it might be inconvenient sometimes to explain cos youre rushing off but i dont even correct them sometimes i dont think we should get any heat up just cos people dont know save it for when theyre actually doing something really quite wrong borzoi dont really look like any breed til they have their coats ...and if people arent really versed in the dog breeds itd be easy to think whippet which is a more common sighthound kept as a pet be proud of your dog and be patient
  14. the way i found out about fighting dog organisations was through a kid...just chatting wont mention any race religion or creed but you can usually get a feel for kids that might know something..the little guy i was talking to was 10 and none too bright kids talk cos they usually dont know any better... i wasnt fishing...the info was offered to me cos the kid had a dog that was fighting that friday night at a park he said this was years id be sussing out kids in the neighbourhood..the right kind of neighbourhoods obviously if you cant do it..get some male friends in on the act
  15. yuk some areas seem to have this type of mentality the only thing id have done differently was not swear i think that just adds to the situation
  16. yeah i agree let them play i spoke to a behaviourist once when we were getting a smaller breed of dog to mix with our existing pack she said to just watch the behaviour of the little one and if they gave back as good as they got then it should be fine...a balanced situation where both are having fun as for the lead....i dont always think leads are the way to go some dogs change totally on the lead and it can cause trouble when the leashed dog feels trapped i have seen this many a time theres a place for leashes ...of course...i just think it is best to watch and be close to grab but not necessarily restrict a dogs movement in the that first stage of greeting..unless youre on a street of course... we dont frequent dog parks but we go past some sometimes on our different walk routes and often sit and observe....some dogs on leads can get a bit antsy with even pups mucking around with them
  17. i dont believe there is anything nicer in the world than bringing home a new puppy ( human babies come close lol lol) good luck and enjoy the puppy snuggles
  18. that is awful for you when we had big dogs the in thing to do was to train them at home no walks til they had rudimentary manners on lead i dont know if thats current anymore but wed practise in the yard or down a hall with our goldie who grew up to be a big boy but then again it took us only til his 3rd vacc to get him to walk quite well and then the distractions had to be fine tuned in training classes one trainer with a boxer said to loop the lead round a tree if they pulled....or a pole so theyd stop dead lately they seem to use a lot of food ...tiny morsel for every step literally taken at the heel but if your dog isnt food orientated of course you might need to use a squeaker or something that its interested in good luck perservere or pay for a personal trainer to help i know someone who rescued a two yearold big dog which used to pull his arm out of the socket but a few training sessions improved the situation greatly
  19. glad the mystery was solved hope the cat gets to grow up we love cats here and have two of them - they dont encounter any cat-hating dogs luckily for us
  20. great idea it is harder in the hot weather but it is so good to get them out i think making yourself accountable is wonderful i look at the walk as important exercise for me and the family so thats one way of getting us to do it but at other times i focus on the joy the dogs get out of sniffing and just having a run in a different place good luck with your pledge ...get that heart pumping and think of every step doing you and the doggies good
  21. we kennelled ours for a day just so we could do a family thing whilst away and dogs werent permitted it was a nice place with nice people but the dogs were upset...one wouldnt come out of the enclosure and another wouldnt come to us just after one da we felt so bad what can i say it reaLLY depends on your dog how it will take it...and even though i could lie and say it will be just fine...you dont know how they suffer or whether they just go to sleep or are distracted...they cant talk and i doubt the kennels will admit the truth if it isnt palatable do what you have to do sometimes there are no choices but no matter how nicely the kennels treat your dog...your dog can be still upset... we wont kennel our dogs unless there is just no other way... theyre all fine by the way as far as we can tell...makes you feel so yuk that they dont take it out on you lol
  22. no it's not the done thing i think it is very rude of people to bring dogs uninvited and even if it is ok...id still not take them unless it was insisted
  23. oh that is such a shame but yeah youre lucky you were there just a note though,....im not sure that you put ice into the water i know you definitely dont put ice on burns cos it damages the tissue i think it is cold running water that you need to apply for about half an hour but someone may correct me i think even the frozen peas might be too much...dont you have to wrap them? again im not totally sure but we do have to have our first aid up to date at work so thats what i seem to remember anyway main thing your newfie is on the mend hopefully and not in pain
  24. we have several dogs and most of them do the excited wags and wiggles but one will jump on the couch and wait for cuddles or flattens himself down on the floor cos hes been taught not to jump or he gets no attention-it almost kills him to do this but i think it was my oldest son who wouldnt touch him whilst in good work pants and jacket so the dog would sit on the lounge where my son could pat him once he was calm we didnt plan it that way but it works
  25. the first dog we had with sep anxiety was a cocker didnt start that way but once i was on maternity leave i guess she got used to me being home and her coming with me in the car or whatever to pick up the older kids so once i went back to work the neighbours told me she was howling the vet suggested pills but then said i could just let her come inside we did that and there was no more howling she simply went to sleep under the table and was as good as gold ( wed check on her by sneaking back and peering in the windows to see what she was doing...certainly no noise and no damage) we have a dog here who is anxious...he sticks close to us wherever we go..and follows me from room to room he also cried when left even though he had the company of other dogs it took a few months for him to stop he just learned the routine and now can tell the difference between weekends and holidays and the usual workday routines he makes no fuss whatsover when we leave for work and school we did no training with him...since he was inside we figured the neighbours couldnt hear him crying anyway and there have been no complaints we took the easy route and had our dogs inside...but theres also my fear of having the little ones stolen( something that happened to my colleague ) and im sure some people simply wont have their dogs inside it works for us beautifully and they are happy as far as we can tell to have the run of the family room and rumpus we do not ever walk our dogs before work either...but they still seem to sleep right through til the time of our return...just as they are doing right now! good luck i dont know what gives the dog the predisposition to be anxious..i guess some breeds that are more independent like sighthounds can be left easily and some breeds that are companions or workers need human company
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