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Everything posted by pnsdc

  1. pics please angelo its tradition after all mention a puppy and post a pic oh btw welcome to the boards regards phil
  2. could you perhaps train the puppy to a tray like a kitten?
  3. ok rox *puts on flame proof suit* have always used Pedigree Pal and seen no adverse effects. also use the pal tins which i have seen some adverse effects with the chicken loaves/casseroles bobbi's stool changes color to the color of the yellow holden sorry i can't define it (i think it looks like scour) additionally i add lamb bones, chicken peices (necks, wings, carcasses) for filler and as entertainment. this is because if the bone is too large bobbi wont eat it - she buries it about 8inches below ground level and i hate the large holes lol hope this helps regards phil
  4. just one more yogi the ability to make people relax sometimes i get over nervous and overawed by new stuff maybe this is like um keeping it real i guess Regards Phil PS sense of humor is also essential IMHO
  5. run free, chase rabbits etc etc find the sunshine feeling when the clouds come Regards Phil
  6. ok ill look for people in navy and white i havent made a of myself in a long time Regards Phil
  7. is someone bringing a DOL sign or should i?
  8. thanks for the links Sparty as to saying g'day where to start: there were so many groups and i sorta was looking for avatar dogs then there was a presentation and it all broke up for the second event i guess i shoulda just fronted a steward or something ;) i was looking for a ;) dogzonline cardboard sign Regards Phil
  9. congrats sparty glad to see a local doing so well could you point me towards a description of the rules and what judges are looking for so that I might better understand the conversation? Regards Phil
  10. It looked like a lot of puppies were having a hellofa lot of fun Regards Phil
  11. all our thoughts and support goes out to you in this terrible time try and find the sunshine of memories of better times Regards Phil
  12. thanks ISH Regards Phil, Shaz and overexcited knotheaded Bobbi
  13. more info on times and place am very interested in meeting you all and hopefully socializing our strange little ACD Bobbi Regards Phil, Shaz and Bobbi
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