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Everything posted by baramewe

  1. Thanks everyone use guys are funny fortunately it was a friend of a friends she said that she might keep it for back up or put it on Ebay oh well sometimes things are meant to be because I came across a 400D that I am looking at on Saturday so I might need those lenses
  2. thank you Kja but guess what its fallen through she is putting it on Ebay or something like that oh well back to the drawing board
  3. kja I just saw all your photos too ;)
  4. Thanks everyone, I think I will get it I just want something a bit better than the kodak so I think the 300D should do that, I was out watching the lightning the other night and would love to be able to get photos of what I saw but that will be the next chapter MV I am not too sure what firmware means? I have also checked out ebay one of the first places I always check don't we all ;) but yeah I think two hundred sounds good going on the prices on there Chezzyr lovely photos
  5. Thank you she wants 200.00 hundred for it which I thought was quite good, at this stage I didnt really want to pay 1,000 for a new one maybe later on down the track I just wanted a better camera than my old basic Kodak
  6. Hello was wondering if anyone has a Canon 300D DSLR I have a friend of a friend that is selling one it is a few years old I have been looking at buying a new one but they are a bit above my price range and I thought that this would do for practicing???
  7. My husband bought photoshop CS3 home from work for me but I cant work our how to do signatures on it it is very hard I download a trial version from the net of paintshop pro 2 but could not work it out either oh well I will keep on trying. :rolleyes:
  8. Mine's pretty basic but I do mine in PS. What do you want to do? I am just trying to figure out how to do my own sigis and also put my photos in backgrounds, cartoon signatures etc
  9. Hello its me again how are people doing there signatures etc I had someone do mine but I would like to do it myself I now have CS3 now but is that what you use to do this I have tryed to work it out but are finding CS3 very hard.??????
  10. Thank you for that now I understand I think BY the way I love your quote under your profile photo we lost our Woody Boy 12 months ago on Monday and I still miss him terribly.
  11. thanks guys :rolleyes: it sounds like photoshop is the go I did a free trial of paintshop and did find a bit hard just got to figure out which photoshop there seem to be a few versions of it?? I would love to know how those clever people put in backgrounds in there lovely photos?? and what is CS3?
  12. Thanks Guys I will give all of them a try and see but I have been right through Vista and cant seem to do it. Also who has photo shop and who has paintshop I am thinking of buying one of them and was wondering which one is better?
  13. Hello I have a new laptop and it has Windows Vista and and there doesnt seem to be any downsizing on it I have even downsized photos on my other PC and sent them to this one and it wont work can anyone help me??
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