i think its an excellent idea ! sometimes i feel reluctant to ask about sophie but now you can update us thru this thread and we can help , cry, laugh, with you , i know about osteo sacrcoma as you know ,i wish there had of been a forum then for me to share my thoughts and how i was feeling instead of feeling alone and scared of losing my precious girl , the people i worked with at the time kept saying" its only a dog get over it "and when the time came for me to let go of her i needed time off work and they told me to get a life , i told them to get stu@$%d , at least people here understand the pain your going thru , it doesnt matter the whos who of rottweilers or who we like or dislike in our world (of rotts) the pain is the same ! for all of us .
and if sophie is cruz s sister that makes her in a( human sense ) my baby bertha s aunty ! small world .