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Everything posted by moogie

  1. I'm no expert on dogs (as your vet is) but there are many different diseases IN HUMANS that can be detected by a change in eye colour - particularly a loss of colour in one or both eyes. i think your vet was being thorough!
  2. I have a bell on both sides of the door and my puppy is actuallly starting to ring it! both to be let out and back in again!
  3. I just cut my 11 week old pup"s meals back to twice daily from 3 times. She wasn't really eating lunch so I decided it would suit us both to eat twice daily...and I am happy to say she now eats her recommended intake, or close to it, on most days! (a bit of a releif as she eats quite little still)
  4. moogie


    What are the symptoms of parvo?
  5. So glad you asked this! I was going to ask the same question!
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