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  1. I feed both my dogs Advance dry food and I am really happy with it. If you were to feed with a mix of the dry and wet it would become quite expensive as the cans are around $3.30 each. It is quite alright to feed your dogs only a premium dry food like Advance and give them a meaty bone once a week, and cuts down on costs. If you want to give them a change just throw a few sardines in with their dry food every now and then, cheap and really good for them.
  2. Hey there, I finally hit the right button Anyway, I have my 2 Cairn Terriers insured with Pet Cover [petcover.com.au - 1300 731 324] I suggest you check out their website. They cover for up to $7000.00 in veteninary costs with a $100.00 excess per claim and the policy also covers for tick paralysis. I have made one claim with them and got paid no worries. My premiums are about $30.85/dog/month or you can pay annually. I would definitely recommend them. Good luck
  3. Thanks guys, we are planning to put clear perspex around the bottom of the pool fence [the fence in the dogs enclosure is set on the ground so we are OK there] We did do the dettol spray bottle last summer and that has made a difference to numbers this year, so we will keep up with that [there is no way that I would catch the disgusting things alive and put them in my freezer....YUCK!!!] Toads deserve to die a horrible death. We never let the furkids out at night without supervision and when we are out at night they are kept inside, I would much rather clean up the very occassional accident than loose one of my precious babies :D . Both our incidences have happened when we have had people around for BBQ's and the dogs have been wandering in and out as they please without direct supervision, very hard to avoid, but hopefully once the fence is done things should be safer. I know for an absolute certainty that the 'leave it' command would not work with my guys, the hunt and chase instinct is too strong, although I was hoping there was a miracle cure out there to actually stop them wanting the toads in the first place!!!
  4. Hi there, I have a couple of Cairn Terriers, rescue dogs that have come to me in Brisbane from Canberra, where there are no toads. The Cairns natural hunting instinct has seen us once having to rinse our boys mouth out ourselves and more recently a trip to the Animal Emergency Hospital and an overnight stay. The Vet at the clinic even said to us that Cairns are likely to always go after toads as it is their natural instinct. We are diligent and always check their enclosure before toileting at night but we cant watch them 24/7, especially if we want to survive summer with the doors open. Does anyone have any solutions or suggestions on how to avoid any future toad encounters?? :D Thanks
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