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Everything posted by moggy

  1. We had a German Shepherd who used to do this. After a few tries to deter him we found the following the one that succeeded. Peg an old towel or scrap of material to the line. Wait until he starts jumping up trying to pull it off, then go out and chastise him severely. Take the rag off the line and tie it round his neck securely and leave it there for a couple of days, he will hate it and do everything trying to remove it. It worked a treat for us. He never touched anything on the clothes line again. Moggy
  2. My Chihuahuas will not venture into the rain to go to the toilet. I know this is a problem with some dog owners, so how do you solve the problem? They will flit out for a wee sometimes, but the poo ends up under the pergola or on the back door step. Any suggestions please. Moggy.
  3. Thanks to all of you for your input. Lucien's Mum I would like to see that article if you can find the link. My daughter in law has been feeding her Maltese on VIP rolls for 8 years now and he is very healthy and happy. Her vet seemed to think this is a good product. That is why I decided to try Sophie on it. She loves it and as far as the label and their site states there are no preservatives or artificial colours in it. It also has some visible veges in it. I do give her minced steak sometimes which she gobbles with glee too. Moggy
  4. The product states no preservatives. I am quite confused about the different products for feeding dogs. We had a dog years ago whose main diet was Goodos, he was a Chihuahua, and he lived to 15 1/2 years, never had a sick day in his life and had no vaccinations after the initial puppy shots. I am trying to find a suitable diet for my little Chi at the moment and don't really want to feed her on only dry food. I might not be right to feed her on VIP megabite, but I figure with the raw food supplementing this diet it can't be too bad. Moggy.
  5. I am feeding my 6 month old puppy on chicken necks for breakfast and at 5pm she has VIP megabite. She also gets meaty bones a couple of times a week. Her poo is normal and according to the ingredients it is a balance diet. Any one else use this? Moggy
  6. I have been using Frontline Plus on Sophie for 3 months now. All went well until I applied the last dose and she went crazy. Ran around the room rubbing on things obviously trying to get rid of it. Is this usual? I am worried about using it again. Is there any other flea treatment which is successful? She has never had a flea before and as she sleeps with us I don't want her to get them. Moggy
  7. Our dogs sleep with us and as we are all settling down for the night inevitably one will start digging before going to sleep. I don't know how long my sheets will last. lol. Moggy
  8. Thanks for relating your experiences. It makes us feel better. She is 6 months old now and is much better than when we first got her at 3months, but it is so frustrating when she goes a few days and then whammo disgraces herself. She is adorable though even if she does drive us round the bend.lol Moggy
  9. We got Sophie 3 months ago and toilet training is really dragging out. She sleeps through the night and in the morning races outside to wee and poo. We praise her and everything is fine. Usually through the day she goes in and out the doggy door and does the right thing. BUT for no reason at all sometimes she just squats on the floor without warning and wees. Or we find a little poo deposit she has left on the floor. 90 percent of the time she is fine. Will she ever be 100% trained? Has anyone else has this problem and should toilet training take so long? Would appreciate other's experiences. Thanks, Moggy
  10. Sophie update Well she slept in her bed beside our bed last night. The only way we could keep her in was to keep the laundry basket over the top of her bed. I little soft whimpering then she settled down for the night. This morning she ate and drank as if nothing had happened. We are keeping the dogs apart, letting one out each half hour to have a wander round the yard and do what they have to do. All is well so far. Thanks for all your input. Moggy
  11. I forgot to mention, we have another dog and she keeps wanting to get out of the bed. They usually race round like mad things. We have taken her out a couple of times to see if she wants to go to the toilet and will take her out again before bedtime. Moggy
  12. Sophie had her op this morning and I picked her up at 3pm. She is in her bed with a laundry basket over her as the vet said to keep her quiet until Sunday. She has had nothing to eat or drink since 7pm last night and I have offered her some water and a morsel of food, but she is not interested. It is 8pm now and I am a little concerned. I hope she does not become dehydrated. Any advice please. Moggy
  13. My pup is 6 months old and was eating her poo. I asked the vet and she said fresh pineapple, not tinned. I tried this but she still ate it. I cleaned it up everytime she went which seemed to break the cycle. The last few weeks she hasn't looked back after defecating. I was told pups usually grow out of this habit. I think this is the case with Sophie. Hopefully your pup will grow out of it too. Good luck. Moggy
  14. Sophie, our Chihuahua, is 6 months old now. How many times a day should she be fed now? I have been giving her a chicken neck for breaky and then at 5pm she has her main meal. I also put a little dry food in a bowl which she nibbles at during the day. Is this enough for her? She is very healthy but is probably a little chubby too. Would this be puppy fat? Moggy
  15. Sophie sleeps with us, sometimes under the covers sometimes on top of the covers. She has been doing this since we got her at about 12 weeks and has never soiled the bed. I see no problem with this as she is a Chihuahua and will always be small. I don't know how I would feel if we had a large dog though. Whatever works for you, but once they get into the routine of sleeping with you it would be hard to break the habit. Moggy.
  16. I can't see a problem. My dogs bury chicken necks and bones and dig them up a couple of days later and chew on them. If that doesn't harm them I don't think food left on a bench will. Moggy
  17. My son and his family have just taken their golden retriever pup for her second vaccination and check up with the vet. When asked what she was being fed and told dry food and "doggy stew" of meat, veges and rice or pasta, he advised this was not a good diet. He suggested a mixture of dry and canned food. We understood that canned food is not a good option. We are all confused now. I feed my Chi on doggy stew and dried food as well as a chicken neck for breakfast. Is there a good canned food?? Suggestions please. Moggy
  18. Got our doggy patio door from Petstock. Website is: www.piginmud.com.au Moggy.
  19. Thanks all for your advice. We keep her off the carpeted areas except when we are there then we watch her like a hawk. We take her out last thing at night and first thing in the morning and she knows to go, no problem, and we praise her. She has access to a doggy door which she goes in and out during the day to toilet. It is just this occassional mistake when she will suddenly squat without any prior indication. We relate it to a child being toilet trained and waits till the last minute when it is too late. Moggy
  20. Sophie is 5 months old and we have had her for 7 weeks. She sleeps with us at night and has never had an accident in bed. She goes all night without having to go. She usually goes wees and poos outside BUT......about once a week she wees inside. It is driving us crazy. Just when we think we are getting somewhere she disgraces herself. Today she did TWO inside. We caught her with one and growled at her and she ran outside. We made her stay out for about 20 minutes and she looked so pathetic sitting at the door crying to come in. She is so gorgeous it is hard to be firm with her. Is this usual with toilet training? Will she finally get it right? Moggy.
  21. moggy

    Humping Puppy

    Sophie, our 5 month old female Chihuahua, has started humping on my husbands arm. She loves being cuddled but this is a new thing. Anyone else had this experience? She is to be desexed next month, will this help? Moggy
  22. Thanks for your replies. We live in Victoria so that rules out the cane toad, luckily. She has been fine today, probably just a one of so we will watch her. Moggy
  23. Last night Sophie, 5 months was retching and brought up some clear liquid. She hasn't done this before. What is wrong? Would appreciate any advice thanks. Moggy.
  24. We have a doggy door too which is always open. They are a great invention. Moggy
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