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Still searching for a remedy for coprophagia practices by Sophie. Was shopping for a bitter spray when the pet supply owner suggest Innova EVO as an alternative food which should help stop this behaviour. I have read the ingredients and it does sound impressive. 42% protein and no grains. Brought it home and offered some to Sophie and she gobbled it up in a couple of minutes. Fantastic!! Anyone else use this product? It is made in U.S.A. Moggy.
Tansy that is the whole problem. It is not about picking her up all the time. Usually a dog will come to you and you can pat it. She comes to us just close enough for her to touch our hand with her nose, or lick our hand. When we try to pat her she pulls away. When she is in her bed, our bed or on my husband's knee, we can pick her up, pat her and cuddle her. When I have been out and arrive home she runs up all excited to see me, but when I put my hand out to pat her she just "noses" it or licks it and then runs off. I can't get any closer to pat her. Moggy.
She stands on hind legs when we give her a treat. We can't get near her to put her harness on, that is the trouble. She just comes up and puts her nose on our hand when we reach out, but then if we try to get closer she runs away. She hasn't been hurt or anything like that. I don't like to just grab her because it will make her more disinclined to come to us. I have never known a dog to do this. Also she doesn't get many treats as she is inclined to be on the tubby side. But if I knew how to train her to stay by giving her treats I would try it. Moggy.
Sophie is 11 months old and we love her to bits, but there is one problem. When we call her she comes running up and just touches our hand with her nose or licks, but if we try to pat her or pick her up she runs away. She has always been like this and it makes things difficult if we need to pick her up. She loves her walk and when we get her lead out she goes mad, but will not be picked up to put it on. She jumps up on my husbands knee and loves a cuddle. She sleeps in her bed beside me when on the computer and I give her a pat and scratch her belly, much to her delight. She sleeps with us and there is no problem patting her then. She really enjoys it. Any ideas on how to remedy this problem. Thanks. Moggy.
Sophie is 10 1/2 months old and she wasn't fully toilet trained until about 2 months ago. I think some dogs take longer than others. We barracaded the carpeted area and kept bedroom doors closed. Also we have a doggy door so it is easy for her to go in and out. It is frustrating and you think it will never end, but it will. Clean soiled areas on carpet with vinegar, which seems to get rid of the smell. Try to keep her off the carpet. Sophie was hopeless at paper training so we just trained her to go outside from the beginning. We are lucky though as we are retirees, so can spend the time with her. Don't give up. She sounds like a smart dog and eventually the penny will drop. Good luck. Moggy.
I was giving Sophie beef bones but she kept bringing them inside on the carpet and that was a no-no. So bought her a whole marrowbone and she happily chews on it in the yard. Lasts her for weeks in this cool weather. Also her breeder said her friend drills a hole in the bone and ties it to the clothes line so she can't drag it inside. We have tried that and it works. Moggy
Can I Mix A Can Of Cat Food In My Dogs Food.
moggy replied to moggy's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks for all your replies. I was thinking of adding a tin of sardines to about 1 kilo of meat mixture. Would this be too high a ratio to feed daily? I have tried her with just a sardine on its own and she turns her nose up, but if it is mixed with meat she eats it. Moggy -
I have a Chihuahua and feed her on raw meat, egg, chopped chicken necks and RC. Would it be okay to mix a small can of fish cat food in with the meat? Or would it be more beneficial to just add a can of sardines? I mix up about 1 kilo of meat mix at a time and freeze it in meal size portions.
I never go down to just one meal a day - I always feed mine twice a day, from when they're 6 months old till the end of their lives. Frodo I would be happy if she ate 2 meals a day, but she won't eat her breakfast. It is dry food so I just leave it to mix with her evening meal. She has cut herself down to one meal a day.
Sophie, our Chihuahua, is 9 months old now and I was wondering if she is old enough for one feed a day. I have been putting about 1 dessertspoon of RC out for her in the morning. She is not too fussed about it and it sits there all day, but when I mix it with her fresh meat and chopped chicken neck, she gobbles the whole lot. Should I be giving her just the main 5pm meal now? She also has a big marrow bone which she chews on during the day. No meat left on it but she just loves gnawing it, and I know it is good for her teeth.
Sophie Won't Come To Be Picked Up.
moggy replied to moggy's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Thanks for your replies. She is 9 months old and no we don't have children and she doesn't hurt anywhere. As you all have said it is just a normal thing. When she does allow herself to be picked up, mostly by my husband, she sits on his knee for ages and loves being cuddled. We will just have to respect her choice not to be picked up unless she wants to be. Moggy. -
Sophie, longcoat Chihuahua, is the perfect little dog EXCEPT when we try to pick her up for a cuddle. She will come over so we can pat her under her chin but as soon as we try to pick her up, she runs away. BUT if she wants to be picked up she will just stand there, but not often. Also if we sit on the couch she runs over and jumps up and comes to us. When it is bedtime she jumps on the bed and comes over for a cuddle, she sleeps with us at night no worries. How can we get her to come over and let us pick her up? It is her only flaw. Thanks in advance.
Sophie woke up in the early hours this morning and vomitted a small amount of clear frothy liquid onto our doona cover. She hadn't eaten or drank anything since the night before. She only did it the once and is her usual self today. Does anyone know what causes this? Moggy.
Thank you so much Lucknow. I will pass the information on to them. Moggy
My son and family have a Chihuahua. Last night the poor little thing was going out to the toilet every 20 minutes and was passing blood more than faeces. My daughter in law had the day off work and took him to the vet. The vet said it is quite common in Chihuahuas and is due to diet. A bland diet was suggested with lots of rice and less meat. He seems ok this afternoon after having a penicillin shot and cortisone shot. We were worried and suspected cancer, as he had the same problem when they lived in Queensland and the vet up there said the same thing. That was a couple of years ago. Today the vet said there is no such thing as bowel cancer in dogs, so we breathed a sigh of relief. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Moggy
My Chihuahua, 8 months old now, was eating her poo. I asked the vet about it and she said there is no cure although FRESH pineapple in the food could help, but you would have to put a lot of it in. We only have the one dog so it was easy to clean up after her. But she still used to sneak it if she could. We got a container of white pepper and everytime she pooed we would sprinkle it liberally with the pepper. When she did the next poo we would sprinkle it with the pepper and clean up the earlier one. She hasn't eaten it for a couple of months now. I hope we have cured her. I think it is worth a try.
Well for the last 2 nights we have taken her out at 8pm, 9pm and 10.30 pm just to make sure and she has gone each time. Fine so far. Also she sleeps with us and never has to get up at night so she is holding on ok. I am sure she will be 100% trained soon. Haven't had a poo inside for a month too. Keeping our fingers crossed. Thanks for your replies.
Sophie is nearly 8 months old now and gorgeous, but we still have a problem with toilet training. We have a doggy door which she has been using successfully during the day, and we always praise her when we see her doing her business outside. She will go for two weeks without doing it inside. Problem is occasionally in the evening, around 9.30 pm she will start to do a wee on the carpet, she is reprimanded and runs outside to finish. We found a wee on the floor in the kitchen the other night. She goes to bed when we do, around 10.45 pm, when I go out with her for her last toilet, and gets up around 8.30am and goes outside no problem. Could she be afraid of the dark? It only happens about once a fortnight. Moggy
Thank you all for the valuable information. It is a real eye opener for me. I will be giving her a worm tablet which guards against hydatic worm. Moggy
I have read recommendations in lots of posts about offal being a necessity in a dogs diet. But wait.....I bought some Exelpet all-wormer for Sophie and in the directions it states "Dogs should not be fed, or allowed to feed on, raw offal from any species." Opinions please. Moggy.
Thanks for all your advice. I am now going to give her a little dry food in the morning, and half a cup of combined roll and fresh meat for her dinner. I just don't want her to be hungry, but realise she would eat 24/7 if she could. And Honeychild, yes she is a darling. Thanks. Moggy
Hi Poodlefan, I give her 1 chicken neck in the morning and then about 3/4 cup VIP dog roll mixed equal parts with fresh chopped beef.
Thanks for your reply Pers. I don't know if she still has "puppy fat" but will watch her. We have already cut down on the size of her meals and TRY not to give her treats. It is very hard when she looks at you with those gorgeous dark eyes. lol.
Here is Sophie, she is 7 months and is a longcoat.
Sophie, my Chihuahua, is 7 months old now and was desexed 4 weeks ago. Before her op she weighed in at 2.6 kilo. Now she weighs 3 kilos. I know this is not obese but would like to know how much I should be feeding her. At the moment she has 1 chicken neck in the morning, and at 5pm she has about 3/4 cup mixture of VIP dog roll and chopped fresh beef. I know there are some who would advise against the VIP roll but it has no preservatives and she is getting the fresh meat with it. She has egg mixed with her dinner once a week. She would eat all day if I let her. Would appreciate any advice please. Moggy