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My Chihuahuas love chicken necks. We cut them into pieces and they crunch the bones. They also have meat, veges and kibble. I am a bit frightened to give them wings as the bone might splinter in their little tummies, so stick with the necks.
No way could I let Sophie graze either, and I don't want Huey to be overweight so there will no grazing for him. About 25 years ago we had two Chis and they lived on Goodos. Their bowl would always contain Goodos and if it was empty, Pancho (Chi) would scratch in it to tell me. They were never overweight. And the other one, Ben, lived until 15 1/2. Not a bad record for a diet of Goodos. There was not as much emphasis on correct dog food way back then. Anyway, I am going to buy some digital scales so I can start Sophie's "weigh ins". Wish me luck.
Jenny Craig of the canine world lol Have you weighed Bonnie? Sophie is 4 kilo. Disgusting.
We should keep in contact Miss Helena and compare our doggy's weight loss. You can email me if you like.
I think I will add more veges, that is a good idea. Have tried her on fish but she doesn't like it.
Hi Miss Helena. When we got Sophie we saw her mother and grandparents and the breeder told me her grandmother is always on a diet because she is inclined to put on weight. I think it is genetic, but I don't want Sophie to become ill or develop bad joints because of her weight. Here are a couple of photos taken today.
I am now feeding her what the breeder suggested. A little Optimum Healthy Weight Management and mixture of chicken necks, mince and egg. Altogether she would have about 2/3 cup of this at around 5pm. I offer her a tiny bit of the dry food in the morning but she is not interested so have stopped it. We have cut out any extra treats and I have threatened my husband if he gives her a tidbit from the table. We have started this since Monday. When we got our little Huey on Sunday I was stunned at the difference in their weight so am really determined to get hers down.
How much do you feed your Chihuahua a day? I am at my wits end trying to reduce the weight of Sophie. She doesn't really eat much. About 2/3 cup of a mixture of dry and fresh. I have cut her down from about 1 cup. We got another Chi from a breeder last Sunday and she has been racing around and getting much more exercise than before so I am hoping she will lose weight. Any other suggestions?
Sophie is very overweight, 4 kilos. I have halved her food and she is getting lots of exercise since we got our second Chi on Sunday, but she usually has one Purina Chewy Stick per day. She loves them and if figure it is good for her teeth, all the chewing. Does anyone know if this is a "fatty" treat? There is no indication on the box as to how much fat etc. is in them. Advice please.
I have been thinking of Bucca today. Any one heard the latest? I do hope he has fully recovered.
Fantastic news Poms. I guess you will enjoy your...... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Anyone with an update on Bucca? How is the little fella.
What a great Christmas present. Bucca improving all the time. As I said before I feel it in my bones........BUCCA WILL GET BETTER!!!!! He is a gutsy little fellow.
Fantastic news Poms. This topic is the first thing I look at each morning when I go online. I am feeling more and more positive about the outcome. GOOOOO BUCCA!!!!!!!!!!
Great news Poms. Is he still passing urine? If he is drinking and passing urine you know his kidneys are working. I am confident he will pull through. I know how I would feel if Sophie was very ill. I am thinking of you and your gorgeous little Bucca.
I think any urine is a good sign. I am SOOOO happy he has improved. He sure is a little fighter. If he continues to wee I would say he is "over the hump".
Anyone know how Bucca is going? Hope all is good news.
Keep fighting little guy! Don't give up! We are all thinking of you.
Could you please tell me about this settrlvr? I would appreciate any advice in case this op she has had doesn't work. You can email me if you like. [email protected] Thanks.
I hope he hangs in there. Lots of positive thoughts and hugs for your little man. I still have everything crossed.
Thanks for the suggestion t-time. I have never heard of them. Where could I buy them? I will give them a try if her surgery doesn't work.
Well, Sophie had her little op this morning and was a bit groggy but is getting back to normal now. Wow, do vets know how to charge. $298 which included consultation on Tuesday, anaesthetic today ($179) and catheterise and flush her tear ducts and Amacin ointment. He is very pessemistic about it working long term though. Could come back in 6 or 12 months. If it does we will just cope with it. At least we have tried to rectify the problem.
I have everything crossed for the little man. Hang in there little fellow.
Do chicken necks count as bones? Sophie has beef mince, chicken necks and raw egg mixture. She really crunches those necks.
I am thinking positive thoughts for your little pom. Hope all will be okay.