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mad dogz

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Everything posted by mad dogz

  1. Hi, Thanks for all your tips! Piegirl, I've got the pink Polarimine tablets which are 2mg, are there stronger ones that I can use on them? How often would you give Polarime to your dogs and what strength? Are there other antihistimes available? I will only use the cortisone in a flare up and manage their allergies with polaramine or similar. I will also try the fish oil & EPA in their meals too. We're only in this place for about 6 more months while house being built thank goodness! Cheers
  2. Hi, I bought some miso paste yesterday and didn't like the flavour so thought I would add some dissolved in water to their dinners??? The ingredients seemed harmless, fermented soy beans etc and they loved the little bit I gave to them yesterday. Has anyone else given their dogs miso paste soup??? Cheers
  3. Hi, Our 2 dogs have recently had some sort of allergy with irritated paws and mouth. After taking them to the vet they were prescribed cortisone tablets which worked wonderfully. We have stopped their course of tablets and the allergic reation has come back! I phoned the vet who said it was ok to use the cortisone every 2nd day to keep it under control and to also use polarimine tablets which they've had before. We are in temporary accomodation while house is being rebuilt so it seems like they're alergic to something outside and at least it's not a permanent move for them. Does anyone else have dogs who have had to take cortisone one and off for months at a time? Back at the other place they were fine. I gues I'm concerned about any damage it may do to them?? Cheers
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