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Everything posted by Tapferhund

  1. Anyone have copies as yet of "any" letters surfacing from the Rottie clubs National Council or the Dobe clubs re their thoughts on the matter to the ANKC??????????????????? I seriously hope they and others are not leaving it ALL UP TO the GSDCA to fight this (their) cause.?
  2. We don't know what the true circumstances were. Probably the little bugger deserved it. Nothing should happen to the dog......he did his job !
  3. Recognised by whom? (or who?) Also, I don't think that is the sole or only criteria otherwise the Mini Foxy and others I mentioned in an earlier post would be recognised by now if 'recognised' means by the ANKC. The Mini Foxie is recognised.....they're now called TT's. When most of the MF clubs were wanting ANKC recognition they were told 'not under the name of MF so change it'......which is what they did. They also had to keep their own registry ...and breeders had to breed 5?7? generations true to type before they could be reciognised. They did this and now the breed is recognised. Those, clubs and fanciers who chose to stay with the name MF ........are not recognised. It such a shame the whole lot didn't come on board under the name TT.......as there are some lovely MF bloodlines that are now lost to the gene pool of TT's. As to labradoodles...they're cross breeds made purely to make money. Now you and I both know that this is a point of contention amongst the TT breeders and the MF breeders. I don't plan on entering into the debate in that regard, however, they are recognised by both groups as separate breeds and they have separate registries accordingly. As for your other flippant statement, that's all it is. Flippant and factless. No Anne , not flippant or factless. The breed(not) was originally designed to try and produce a Guide dog for the blind that had a 'non allergic' coat for clients who were dog allergic..so they could have a Guide dog without worry of suffering allergies. At the time, the media got wind of the "labradoodle" litter and ran extensive coverage on it in papers and on TV ....causing huge interest to the point EVERYONE wanting one of those cute little fluffy puppies.......which resulted in greedy BYB's jumping on the labradoodle bandwagon because they saw an easy way to make big bucks...which many are still doing today. The few so called 'caring'(BS) breeders who breed these dogs today, are STILL making big bucks by charging outrageous prices for dogs which are nothing more than crossbreeds...be it from lab X poodle OR labradoodle X labradoodle.
  4. It's a start Erny and a good springboard now a GSDCA view has been published for them to recognise what they have just preached, firstly beginning with the recognition of Schutzhund as a breeding pre-requisite and the recognition of dogs work titled in Australia. Fiona News for you Fiona, its always been the view but up against stumbling blocks such as the ANKC , various Govt authorities, RSPCA , the anti dog lobby and the general public in general... not to mention many within our own not wanting to have much to do with it....regardless of breed. But the Schutzhund issue is for another topic as we can't lose sight of what needs to be done now re our pedigrees. You are right when you say 'it's a start'...but lets take ONE small step at a time. The next step and providing he and other ANKC people go, is to showcase as many Schutzhund dogs and owners/compeitors as possible to the ANKC Preident at the up and coming Schutzhund Trial in SA......but for now.....everyone needs to keep the pressure on all Kennel Controls re our pedigrees Schutzhund titles. I could say that is exactly true Tapferhund when the GSD clubs and GSDCA openly publish policies of an anti-Schutzhund nature and recognition of, but it is definitely a start in the right direction and the fact that the ANKC have taken up the invitation to attend the Schutzhund event in Sydney is a promising sign. Fiona I hope it all goes well Fiona ...I really do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Recognised by whom? (or who?) Also, I don't think that is the sole or only criteria otherwise the Mini Foxy and others I mentioned in an earlier post would be recognised by now if 'recognised' means by the ANKC. The Mini Foxie is recognised.....they're now called TT's. When most of the MF clubs were wanting ANKC recognition they were told 'not under the name of MF so change it'......which is what they did. They also had to keep their own registry ...and breeders had to breed 5?7? generations true to type before they could be reciognised. They did this and now the breed is recognised. Those, clubs and fanciers who chose to stay with the name MF ........are not recognised. It such a shame the whole lot didn't come on board under the name TT.......as there are some lovely MF bloodlines that are now lost to the gene pool of TT's. As to labradoodles...they're cross breeds made purely to make money.
  6. Thanks Tarmon, thought I read it was SA in a previous post ? GO SYDNEY
  7. It's a start Erny and a good springboard now a GSDCA view has been published for them to recognise what they have just preached, firstly beginning with the recognition of Schutzhund as a breeding pre-requisite and the recognition of dogs work titled in Australia. Fiona News for you Fiona, its always been the view but up against stumbling blocks such as the ANKC , various Govt authorities, RSPCA , the anti dog lobby and the general public in general... not to mention many within our own not wanting to have much to do with it....regardless of breed. But the Schutzhund issue is for another topic as we can't lose sight of what needs to be done now re our pedigrees. You are right when you say 'it's a start'...but lets take ONE small step at a time. The next step and providing he and other ANKC people go, is to showcase as many Schutzhund dogs and owners/compeitors as possible to the ANKC Preident at the up and coming Schutzhund Trial in SA......but for now.....everyone needs to keep the pressure on all Kennel Controls re our pedigrees Schutzhund titles.
  8. Yesmaam, When you get copies of letters from the Rottweiler , Dobe and any other Schutzhund Breeds clubs and National Councils.......could you post them as well? That's assuming those clubs feel strong enough on the subject to write letters on behalf of their breeds and members. Time will tell I guess.
  9. ...and what a very powerful letter it is !!! Regardless of breed, we ALL should take the time and write to the GSDCA's President thanking him for standing up for what's right for us and our dogs. ;) This problem with the ANKC and titles is not over yet....until their October meeting...so I hope everyone doesn't now become too complacent . We all need to keep at and on the heels of our Kennel Controls about this. So keep writing and get onto your breed clubs (Rottie, Dobe, Mal etc) to write. I have written once and will do again and again until this fiasco is resolved .
  10. A new car could work......or perhaps an all expenses paid holiday ...and even a house would be good Seriously though........nice sashes and trophies always work as does something that can be used at future trials such as folding chairs for example. I once won a very sturdy directors chair which I still use today and another time I won a flask along with a matching insulated mug. All these things are useful .....not like the several plates we have also won over the years .....they're all packed away and are never used or seen.
  11. Fabulous news from Alison isn't it !!!! This is Schutzhunds chance to showcase the sport, the dogs and how lovely schutzhund people are and can be. But I have to say...after the aggression and rudeness directed at the ANKC by some on here....it worries me a little that you might allow it to show on that weekend.
  12. Now that makes it more confusing as this is what I saw from the ANKC Pres to the FCI Pres. "...the problems in observing FCI statutes as an associate member resolve mainly around the requirements to recognise the FCI breed standards and conduct of CACIB shows." and "......Australia's desire to be active in the region albeit not as an associate member of the FCI." Sooo ...now I have no idea????? I guess we will have to wait for Starinais's answer from the ANKC.
  13. of course ... the ANKC doesnt want to lose its primary source of income now does it Probably not and who can blame them..after all they are the recognised dog body for the country and throughout the world. People also didn't want to be totally deregistered and then find themselves with nothing...out on their bums with the other group..who backed away quicker than you can say knife. They stirred up a lot of trouble ......then disappeared into the night.
  14. one purebred registry but nothing is stopping someone opening another. mmm I don't think so. There was serious talk of that happening some years ago..and all hell broke loose (from memory) with threats of deregistering dogs, peds and everything else that goes with it....if those who were pushing for it ....tried. I am happy enough with the controlling bodies we have.....I just wish they would come into the 21st Century and were a bit more open minded about certain issues and sports. Also, I don't remember reading an actual figure of only '10' breeders...I thought the comments made by the poster were 'there are not many' ?? ..but I could have missed a few posts.
  15. Yes Janba, that's what I have done....coming from Victoria I directed my letter to DogsVic .
  16. YEP!!!! Don't know what date the deadline is........but from memory it is very soon. It is up on another forum so I will check it out later. Might even get in contact with DogsVic to check.
  17. Yesmaam, the voice of reason and I agree with you. We're all here for a common cause and we ALL need to focus on that.
  18. Would be nice if you weren't so unpleasant towards me though. Again , 'pot kettle' Erny on pretty much everything you have said. I just can't understand why someone, who professes to be a member (?) of DogsVic, the source of everything you have wanted to know in regard to this topic, won't contact them?????? Obviously you have your reasons ...reasons only known to you. Maybe I am just different to you in that if I want to know something I go straight to the source where I KNOW I will get the answers I want.
  19. I know what your up to Erny, you are so predictable . If i get kicked off then your little scheming ways have worked so give yourself a big pat on the back......but don't forget to drop the knives first...we couldn't have an injury now could we. I help those who are genuine...not those , such as yourself, who have hidden agendas.
  20. In other words you have no intention. Its far easier for youto try and find out info on a forum. I'm done with this topic......too many would be's if they could be's who are only interested in stirring trouble, feigning innocence and don't want to learn anything. I write it like it is. Unlike some I don't try and BS people with a smile on my face while placing daggers in their back. With me what you see is what you get Erny and you can't handle that or that I don't hang off every word you say like your little band of followers. The fact is you never had an interest in this topic....you came in to stir the pot because GSD folk including me where on it posting......and you want us off permanently. Whatever happens happens on that score...........it won't bother me a bit. End of discussion.
  21. Its not me that has to get over myself or off myself Erny. (pot-kettle) You know very well that what is written can come across as offensive when it isn't if faced by the person in conversation. I am just shocked that you try to come across as knowing everything when in actual fact you don't. If you are a member of an organization you at least try to learn and know about the organization that you are a member of. as for your time.......do you take a luncheon break? use a few minutes of your free time to visit the VCA offices. The grounds are lovely and there is a hot water machine for coffee with seats there too right next to the offices.......so you could eat your lunch , enjoy the view AND have time to visit the offices for the info you require.
  22. Look I am not trying to sound offensive or be offensive here but ....REALLY.......are you for real? I thought you were a member of Dogs Vic Erny? Well if you are you should know WHO is who and what is what in regard to the organization and the ANKC. Obviously it is not that important to you or you would know...../ hence why all your continuous questions in relation to these matters . Hugh is NOT Hugh Wirthless but High Gent.....the President of the ANKC. Either Google the ANKC's address that you want or ring DogsVic and ask for the addresses you want. Either that........or drive up to the offices which are less than two minutes drive from that boarding kennel you work for...and ask them. Really ! Ignorance is no excuse!
  23. 1: Regardless of being neutered or entire Ive found most bitches go a bit vague or hypersensitive between 6 and 12 months. Its like my confident puppy has dissapeared - everything I taught them has been erased from memory. Not easily explained with being neutered or not. I am only guessing as to why. Tapua, The reason is ..its a bad age for all dogs, they go through a 'fear' period around this age as well as a "selective deafness" stage (lol) and some are affected worse than others. Also it tends to hit the boys worse than it does the girls. All you can do is work the dog through it by not making a fuss when out and about or training. But wait...there's more...... :D they go through another 'stage' around 18mths of age.
  24. This is incorrect. A man of FEW words. Well Aiden........enlighten us all !
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