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Everything posted by Tapferhund

  1. I feel so sad when i see people 'get rid of' (including pts) a dog that has beaten up another dog, regardless of the circumstances. SO glad the OP considered all things with a clear head. I agree KKDD, but the "breed" of dogs, their traits and their history in what they were bred for also needs to be taken in to account. People buy certain breeds because they like 'the look' of the breed and very few learn everything about the breed, what it was bred for, what its traits are or its capabilities in certain situations. That's why, not that many years ago, dozens of Akita's ended up dumped in pounds. They are a powerful breed not known for their good disposition with other dogs and in some cases people.
  2. Siks3, I'm sorry about your fathers little Foxie and you are right about two male dogs..especially if they have not grown together...........but as soon as I saw Akita.....it didn't surprize me. Now before everyone pounces on me.......I have known dozens of Akita's in the past through friends having them as well as being at Akita shows when the breed was very popular.......and I have not met ONE I would trust. They are a big powerful breed with very few having good temperament with other dogs and sometimes with people. I think it is very sad you have to give the Foxie away....especially as he is an old dog and has had the trauma of loosing his owner (your father).......and now he is about to lose you too in being re housed with someone else. Sad situation all round. :rolleyes:
  3. If there is a push within the industry its about time ! They need to be regulated as the behaviourist industry has become a big "money to be made" industry and imo most behaviourists out there are the ones to blame for people believing dogs are complicated beings..when in fact they're not complicated at all.
  4. You can't expect all peoples of the world to think and feel as we do. They have completely different beliefs , values and no morals....especially when it concerns animals.
  5. I watch the show every week with horrified fascination . I couldn't get over the idiot actually putting his fingers into the mouth of that Chi who was CLEARLY going to bite him........and then he looked stunned because he got bitten. ...and as for him showing his 'soft side' over that darling little Joey.......Ohhh paleeez......it was obvious it was ALL show for the camera. If he really had any thought for the joey ..he would have handed it over to one of many professional EXPERIENCED wildlife rescue people who deal with and save the lives of young joeys all the time. Chris was just hamming it up for the camera at that poor little kangaroos expense.
  6. I don't regard dog owners who don't obey the law as "my own". People who don't do the right thing as dog owners cost the rest of us dearly. If you think wanting to see them being held responsible for breaking the laws that the rest of us obey is "petty" then colour me petty with sparkles. I'm petty enough to get the complete shits with people who think that laws don't apply to them and their dogs and who don't give a rats arse who they inconvenience when they breach them. Talk to a person in a wheel chair about what its like to end up with dog shit all over their hands from the wheels and then come tell me that folk not doing as they should is no big deal. What's so petty about wanting to see people penalised for failing to obey the law? Leash laws and no dog parks are the direct result of irresponsible dog owners. So is BSL. Rubbish. If consent is required and they don't comply you go get yourself a warrant and compel the test. If he takes a dump in a public park then you sure don't need a warrant to collect a sample. You have no idea what you're talking about. My doG PF, get a life! The way you're carrying on over a bit of dog poop tells me there's not a lot important going on in your life. Either that or the streets where you live are ALWAYS knee deep in dog shit with heaps of wheelchair bound folk pushing through it. If an odd lump of dog poop not picked up by the offending dogs owner is the worst thing in your life....then you've got a pretty good life! Sheez
  7. I don't think that's because of the poop but more like an excuse used by those who don't like dogs in general to have dogs OUT of public parks and beaches. I am in full agreement that people should pick up after their dogs but it annoys when I see dog people being so petty in turning on their own in wanting people fined for not doing as they should ........especially when they themselves add to the thousands of tons of human effluent that is pumped out into the oceans each week. In regard to the DNA testing for offending pooping dogs.......amazing isn't it :p when a suspected rapist or murderer has rights that says he is allowed to refuse being DNA tested ...but an owner of an offending pooping dog has no such rights. Crazy world we live in hey !
  8. I thought she acted like an idiot. She's a vet. She needs to be able to treat all types of animals, not just dogs or cats. Most episodes, it appears that the vet nurses do a lot, she's very reluctant to touch stuff. I also agree that she acts like a princess. A lot of times she seems repulsed to have to touch or deal with certain scenarios. Surely as a vet you can't be scared of getting your hands dirty. To me she sometimes even comes across as not even liking animals sometimes, its as if she's lived a very privelidged life, mummy and daddy had the money for her to study what she wanted, but the hands on reality of vet work seems to overwhelm her. Actually, I tend to agree with you 'Got nuthin' , she DOES come across like that ! A few friends and family also watch the show and none can stand either of them. They watch the show with horrified fascination as to what she will carry on about next. (LOL)
  9. We have upstairs down stairs and down stairs is very cool.....so the dogs are inside in the cool. If needed I put the fan on for them too.
  10. She annoys me too, the way she was acting like a teenage girl at the lizard last night...man, if your that scared of it get someone else to treat it! I would have asked for someone else to treat it if it were mine. She comes across as a dumb, ditzy blonde. No way she'd be treating any of my pets. Actually, I heard from a friend that she is quite a good Vet and that 'he' is the ditzy blonde. (lol) I have to agree with others, she does annoy me a bit too, especially when she keeps on talking to the camera while her patient is on the table WAITING to be treated. She comes across as being a bit full of herself.
  11. Yes I thought that too. The other thing that worries me are all the dog hating nutters out there who might get ideas from watching that episode. So glad the pup pulled through though.......poor little tyke was so ill I didn't think he would survive.
  12. Extremely heartbreaking I hope "that" employee loses his/her job and gets sued by Targets owner.
  13. When i looked at the link Dee al had for the council there was a JRT in there under information it stated the dog was Microchipped. My question is - Do all Councils Pounds / Rescue's contact people when a dog is microchipped ( or even Registered and weraring a tag )or do they simply wait until an owner actually comes looking for the dog. Or would it be the poor little JRT's Microchip details are not current or the owners have ignored him/her. They contact using the details on the chip. If these are out of date, or not recorded (ie the chip could have been implanted and the details not entered onto the register), then the dog remains for the set time and is then euth'd or sold. That's why I have always said micro-chipping is useless! People move...and then rarely give a thought to changing their details with the micro chip Co they are registered with. Personally I think it would be better if the chip number was recorded to a persons TFN or drivers licence . That way, it wouldn't matter where they moved to.....they can be traced !
  14. :D poor little mite. Coloured stone collar........ she has obviously been very much loved as why would they bother in getting her such a collar. I wonder if there is anyway in finding her owner ;) ? She may not even come from that area...she could have come from anywhere or been dumped by some cruel person who took her from her home. Dee-al, what will happen to her when the pounds eight days are up? Will OH's mum take her?
  15. German Shepherds are another breed predisposed to haemangiosarcoma. It's so terrible !
  16. Moselle, I am so very very sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel as I have lost my darling dogs , including my heart dog to the same insidious cancer . Its not much comfort but all I can say is you did the right thing by your darling Sophie as there is nothing they can do for this type of cancer. Again, please accept my deepest sympathies on your loss.
  17. Puggerup, sorry, just read you post above (page 7) . GREAT NEWS about it not being the dogs!! I didn't think it would be actually !
  18. Been saying that for 2 years now. My kids don't want him to go either, but what about the allergies? Is it wrong to keep him when my sons face and lips get red and sore and I have constant coughing fits? My husband won't leave me over it or anything if I keep him, but he does have a point when he says that keeping him isn't the healthiest thing for us. I think I'll check out a dog naturopath and see if I can give him anything. Have you and the kids actually been tested for allergies specifically to dogs? The reason I ask is because a Dr once told me it is rare to have allergies to dogs. Cats yes but not dogs so much. This is a BAD time of year for all things that cause allergies.....like grasses, pollens , mites and dust mites etc.....and with the dogs shedding at the same time of the year...it might only seem its the dog/s. Before even thinking of parting with your beloved Ollie.........why don't you ask your Doctor to do a series of tests on you and the kids to see what exactly they are allergic too. There are also medications or programs that can help with this sort of thing. If I were you I would be looking at all avenues before rehoming your dog/s. Even if you have to change the dogs routine......for example , leaving him outside to sleep during the summer months. ?
  19. I agree, they should be named and shamed and with a photo of the three of them. Lets hope there are some animal lovers in the prison system and Harley gets more than he bargained for during his four month stay !
  20. I think it just becomes automatic to give verbal praise every time.
  21. I agree LeeLaa! Also, these dogs were often seen out roaming according to the news .....and prior to that day never had bitten anyone (?)...so why suddenly did one of them bite?? There must have been a reason.
  22. Tarmons, dog people are fighting a losing battle...................on ALL fronts.
  23. Star, someone with grammar and spelling that bad is that bad in EVERY sentence.......and not just in some sentences. Go back and re read the OP's posts and you will see what I mean. Chewy, The reason being?? Who knows??? . Ask the OP.
  24. Look you can have a go at me as much as you like.....I just can't believe how gullible you all are. I have a fair few friends from other countries , friends who can't write English so well...and NONE of them sound like the OP does in their written words. Kashing, what you have written is so uneven in content. Some sentences are PERFECT English with the right words in the right places........while other sentences are not. Wake up people........you're being had !
  25. Geeees Louise, leave them alone! Numbers mean shit to people not in the know, and English obviously isn't a first language. Why would someone troll about this? What is with all the troll paranoia of late? Take some some Trolliam, and chill. Firstly , the names not Louise and secondly, take a look at the original post where the poster says ," I am going to purchase a puppy from these parents." If the OP IS going to purchase a puppy from that litter, then she/he has obviously been speaking to the breeder........the breeder who would have told them everything they wanted to know about the parents, their survey status, title and hip/elbow stats etc.
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