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Posts posted by Tapferhund

  1. PitBulls have a very bad reputation in society. Just imagine trying to sell your house and telling the prospective buyers that your next door neighbour has one or two Pitbulls. They are one of the most feared type of dog in modern society. Now a pitbull type has slaughtered a small child, someone's baby. What good is a having a dog that has to be confined for fear of it attacking an animal or human ? My opinion is this type of dog has no place in society. Do the dogs suffer because they have bad owners that don't know what to do ? Yes. Do we need these dogs ? No.

    Certain humans have no place In society either, shall we exterminate them too!

    Hehe.......if only we could !!! :D

    I have to admit R&B , when it comes to my own dogs ,pitties do worry me. We have a fair few PBs ,staffies and crosses thereof around our area...,many of which are loose at the front of their properties.......so these days because of it I rarely take the pleasure to walk my dogs . Instead I drive them to local parks to exercise them. I also believe that once pitties are off the scene.....the next bull breed to take their place in trouble will be the American Bulldog. I am seeing more and more of this breed and none seem to have a very nice disposition.

  2. "just seems people here, jump automatically to the dogs and the breeds defense, without acknowledging, their may be a problem"

    Perhaps we jump to the dogs and or breeds defense because we know this attack, like others, will effect each and every one of us and our dogs....in further legislation AGAINST dogs in general, various breeds and dog ownership. The consequences of this dreadful attack could be huge.....bigger than we realize in this ever growing anti dog society of ours. It worries me when I hear Govts are going to step in to see to the banning of dangerous BREEDS and not just one breed ....that being Pit Bull Terriers. With a fair few breeds on an already Govt list.....it could mean the end to all bull breeds including Staffies, Rotties, Dobes, GSD's, Cattle Dogs, Akita's just to name a few.

    I know what happened to those people was terrible and beyond belief and the owner of the dog needs jailing for life for what he has done to them and to his dog......but we all need to still take a stand for all dogs regardless of breed......becaus if we don't we will lose many breeds and the privilege of having them .

  3. The whole thing is terrible and such a shame - I can tell you that I would never leave behind my pack.

    Same here ! I would rather die than abandon my canine family.

    I can't understand how anyone could leave their pets behind and those who have are going to have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

    The whole situation is very sad. ;)

  4. Hi, today there was a huge fight between my 2 bitches. Karma a 5yr old entire golden retriver, and Chilli 6yr old desexed kelpie cross. Karma is the alpha bitch, but a relaxed easy going alpha. Chilli can be narky and will deliberatly try to challenge Karma as alpha by growling at her, standing over her etc. Karma will generally ignore her but will step in bodily if Chilli gets narky with any of the other dogs to prevent any fights, by standing between Chillia nd which ever dogs he was growling at.

    They have had a few minor tiffs, always when Karma is due to c0me into season and is short on patience. Every single time Chilli has started it by snapping at Karma ir whatever. Its jsut been noise til now tho, I bellow at them and they stop.

    Karma is about to come into season and so is moody. Today I watched Chilli go over to her jump up on her hind legs and stand over Karma, then bite her on the back. Karma reacted, they had a huge fight. I could not get them apart. I had a hose a metal bucket, it was truly terrifying I thought Karma was going to kill Chilli. After about 15 mins - 15 LONG minutes, Karma relaxed her grip on Chill for a second due to exhaustion and I was able to tear them apart. I then talked calmly and firmly to both dogs until I knew they were listening - while i kept them both at arms length from each other. Karma backed off and went over to the pool so I grabbed Chilli and threw her over the fence.

    Both dogs are now indoors and crated. Chilli is covered in grazes and missing skin, bleeding but not profusly. Cant see any puncture woulds thank god. Karma has a nick on her nose and ear and a few grazes.

    These two dogs have been raised together and until now apart from a few minor tiffs they have been the best of mates. Im devastated they have had a fight. I am worried they will never be ale to be together again.

    Karma is not an aggressive dog, she is gentle and protective of all my other dogs. When she is not coming into season she tolerates Chilli's narkiness and doesnt react beyond a growl. However today she did not back down when Chilli challenged her.

    Do you think that they can be trusted in the future? Or is it pretty much set now that they will always fight if left together? Whilst neither dog is seriously injured the intent appeared deadly. This was no game. Im pretty certain they were trying to maim each other.


    How awful for you and no they could never be trusted if left together. Once bitches have fought they generally hate each other for life.

  5. The topic started by Snook about her mum's little dog got me thinking about Vet receptionists. Some are great and some are downright awful. It brings me back to the time when my mini schnauzer Benson, who was all of 6 months at the time had trouble passing urine. At first, whilst we were out walking he was squatting constantly, and I thought he had a lot to pass. After a wile, I realised that he couldn't go, so when I came home, I rang my vet. Couldn't get past the b****y receptionist who told me surgery hours for morning consults were over and I could come in late afternoon because they were pretty much booked out. I wanted to talk to the vet and she wouldn't put me through. So, I packed my boy in the car and off I went to the surgery. It turned out that he couldn't pass urine because of a stone blocking his urethra and had to have a catheter inserted. I blew my stack at the receptionist and so did the vet. Had I waited for the late afternoon who knows what may have eventuated. As it turned out, my pup had a porto systemic shunt.

    After that episode, I was given the vet's mobile and home number if I needed. Sometimes the vets themselves just don't how the receptionists deal with the patients.

    Well , there's a well known saying, " Whether you live or die starts and ends at reception."

    .......and that goes for our animals at Vets too !


  6. Most of my dogs don't worry too much while others do tend to worry a bit........but last night the worriers were scared sh%#@less ...literally.... and the ones who never take notice...were slightly worried last night.........and they had right to be !

    We , UNFORTUNATELY, live in a major tourist destination and over the past week tens of thousands of people have been pouring into the area.......with the greater majority being young guys (some hoons) along with their twitty girlfriends. Usually its mostly families holidaying but this year it seems not.

    Anyway.......all the holiday houses around here are FULL ...and last night , a fire ban night, several places were letting of all sorts of fireworks including flares. The worst coming from two doors from us . Whatever they had sounded like they were letting bombs off and the rockets were the biggest and loudest sounding ones they could get.

    People IMO are so selfish, so self absorbed, they have no thought for others around them...nor do they ever think of the terror they cause to dogs, cats, stock or wildlife. Last nights fireworks around us were so bad.......I am still thinking of dobbing the whole lot into the police. I believe there is a $500,000 fine for illegal fireworks...........and idiots like those of last night deserve to be hit with that type of fine IMO.

  7. A dog is not a child.

    You need to seek medical attention.

    Very cruel and heartless response Oakway. We KNOW our dogs are not human children but they are our 'family' none the less. Most on here view their dogs as their furKIDS and we ALL suffer the same grief in losing a beloved pet as we do a human relative. There is also NO TIME LIMIT on grief.

  8. Hi there,

    Well I am currently looking at the probable break up of my almost nine year relationship.

    This would all be well and good if we didn't own a house and dogs together. God knows what is going to happen regarding the house (i think we will probably continue to live together untill it is in a sellable condition) but assuming at some point we will live separately, I don't know what will happen with our dogs.

    We have two boxers, one male 20 months, one female 10 months. Logically you would think that we would have one each (and there wouldn't be any question of which one we each had) but the dogs are absolutely devoted to each other. The older one was by himself for almost a year and while he was ok, he is much much happier now he has his little buddy, particularly as both my OH and I work full time so the dogs are home alone the majority of the day. The younger has obviously never lived alone. I really think these dogs would suffer if separated, the times one of them has had to go to the vet and the other is left home alone, the one left behind will search the house repeatedly for the missing dog and just be so sad that they can't find them.

    After getting my second dog I said I wouldn't have a dog by itself again. I don't want to do that to my babies! BUT I don't know what other option we have. If I were to move out I would be moving to a townhouse with a small backyard (but would use thedouble garage as doggy play area too) which I think would be a stretch to put two active dogs in there, and they are very active with chasing each other around. I have no idea where my OH would live, And my OH really loves the dogs, but in particular the older male. I think he would be devastated to lose him, and i don't want to do that to him - I'm not out to hurt him for no reason. Legally the dogs are mine, I paid for them, they are registered in my name and microchip in my name - but that was just the way it happened at the time (as I was the one to organise EVERYTHING or nothing would ever get done)

    I also am concerned that while I can't question that my OH loves the dogs and most definitely wants them in his life, he also doesn't have much to do with their actual care. I buy and organise their food - he will feed them if I ask him to though - keep track of their healthcare, vaccinations, flea/worming treatments, as well as walk them. He will come with me if we take them to the beach on the weekend but aside from that, I would say he has probably walked them less than 10 times. I also buy all their toys etc., and on the occaision the younger dog was sick, he was reluctant for me to take her to the vet because of the cost. I ended up taking her and paying for it myself as I knew there was something wrong with her (which there was) I also paid for all their vaccinations and when each of them was sterilized. Their food is bought out of our joint account which we have for groceries etc, so that is shared. He does a lot more 'play' time with them, throwing the ball etc than I do.

    I know that I am the one who really takes care of them, because I like to, I haven't really given my OH a chance to - because I think that he won't do it as well as I do. I don't know what to do - any advice?

    I feel for you in your sad situation . All I can say is over the years I have had a few friends that have been in your situation and any pets were far better of with the wife. Nothing against men, but in most cases its the women who are far more responsible towards looking after the animals needs.......just as they are with children after a family break up.

    Perhaps you could talk to your OH and tell him you will take the dogs and that he can come and see them any time he wants. If you part as friends and not enemies he should be happy with this arrangement.

    Good luck with it all...I hope things work out for both of you and the dogs.

  9. Well I have a tendency to speak up on issues , especially on breed or club issues and as a result I get called a trouble maker for my pains :laugh: which I don't mind........but the best gossip ...or should I say 'innuendo's to mischief make' that I have come across about myself came from one or two persons from this very forum. As soon as these persons didn't like hearing the truths being said...they come out with, "We've heard all about you!" or "We know all about you!" But the thing is they never say 'what' :dunce: ..........:dummy: ...which would be good .......so I can add it to this topic. :dunce: and have a good laugh and give those who know me a good laugh.

  10. Jaxson has just recently learnt how to jump onto the couch, and resturday when OH left him inside he was extremly over excited for some reason and flew onto the couch, which i happene to be lying on at the time. as he jumped onto the couch he skidded acros my arm, leaving 3 deep scratches on my left upper arm. needless to say it hurt quiet a bit! who else has had dog related injuries?

    I've had buggered knees after going A over T over my dog while out jogging with her. She was running next to me one minute then in front of me the next and I went straight over the top of her and landed on my knees on the concrete :thumbsup: Haven't been able to run since and that was YEARS ago.) More recently (five years ago) a dislocated middle finger which is still slightly bent thanks to the crappy Doctor at the time who didn't know what he was doing. It happened while I was standing talking to a friend. I had two of my Shepherds with me and they were sitting quietly next to me while my friend and I were talking.....then this idiot (guy) walked his dog straight up behind them and his dog jumped on my two who shot around to the guys dog. I got a fright and pulled on the two leads which flicked up and wrapped around my fingers just at the time my two PULLED towards this guys dog. Next second I had a finger facing left......ewww it was horrible........so in panic I straightened it but the damage was done to the ligaments....and it stayed bent in normal position though. Sh*t it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced ! :D

    Other than that, the odd scratch or puppy bite marks.

  11. To further my curiosity...for those who have more then two dogs (especially large dogs) how do you manage? Food/bills/bedding/walking/etc?

    Up until 2 years ago I had 12 dogs , 6 large and 6 small.......but with old age catching up with some I am now down to 6 ...4 large and 2 small.

    FOOD- I mainly feed natural which I find is cheaper and much better for them.

    VET BILLS- some years very few bills , just vaccinations etc while other years I might have a few more bills....especially with the oldies getting older.

    BEDDING- :thumbsup: my bed for a couple.......but all of them have sack beds but the beds are covered in canvas rather than the sacks.......which I got fed up with having to change them all the time. In winter they have blankets on the beds .

    WALKING- Two to the park or beach for a run.....two out for a walk in the morning...two in the afternoon.

  12. Not everyone likes Caesar M, but he is what I would expect if I hired a behaviourist

    That's very interesting because that's exactly what I would NOT be expecting. Not because I don't like him (although I don't), but because he is almost the antithesis of a behaviourist in that he does not follow behaviourist principles, which are deeply rooted in the scientific method and only deal with the observable (expressly putting aside things like submission, for e.g)

    "Behaviourist" says to me that you are from the behaviourist school of thought, e.g Skinner, Pavlov, Watson, Rescorla. You certainly do get that from a veterinary behaviourist, along with the veterinary medical perspective.

    I don't know where I would put CM, he is very slightly in the ethologist camp.

    ..and where would you put Scott and Fuller?

  13. Lol .... Maybe the OP needs to change the thread title to "Dol Fight".

    You wish ! :)

    It would be a dull old DOL if everyone conformed to the one thinking. Its almost that way now ! So there has to be someone left with a different point of view. It keeps life interesting !


  14. I'm very sorry for you, I hope your dog survives.

    Dogs do sometimes squabble, however if one of them is getting this seriously hurt, it's more than a squabble. If your foxie survives (or even if he doesn't) I'd suggest you consider getting a behaviourist in to help find out what's going on with your Akita. Your partner might also be happier with you keeping the Akita if they can see you're doing something to make the Akita less likely to hurt another dog again.


    I'm sorry about your fathers little Foxie and you are right about two male dogs..especially if they have not grown together...........but as soon as I saw Akita.....it didn't surprize me. Now before everyone pounces on me.......I have known dozens of Akita's in the past through friends having them as well as being at Akita shows when the breed was very popular.......and I have not met ONE I would trust. They are a big powerful breed with very few having good temperament with other dogs and sometimes with people.

    I think it is very sad you have to give the Foxie away....especially as he is an old dog and has had the trauma of loosing his owner (your father).......and now he is about to lose you too in being re housed with someone else.

    Sad situation all round. :)

    I disagree with your male dog perspective Tapferhund, the males growing up together from pups are more likely to fight in my experience than an older/younger combination. Akitas are not a whole lot different to working line GSD's, Rottys, Malinois, Dutch Shepherds and some Bull breeds that have genetic fighting drive, more than likely you are comparing more classical Akita's with watered down pet versions of the breeds I mentioned. Any breed with genetic fighting drive if pushed too hard with bullying or being shoved around unfairly will defend themselves and make a good job of it, lets not put Akita's in the traditional Pit Bull charade with more unsubstantiated comments of negativity based on breed.

    Well I disagree with your perspective 55C ! In my experience same litter males growing up together , same litter females growing up together are less likely to fight than bringing two older male or female dogs together and expect them to live happily together.......although I have this situation too.....with no problem.

    I have had up to five entire males run together...even when I have had bitches in season ...and all with no problem. It comes down to leadership by the owner imo. The only time I would separate was when no one was at home. Other than that they all lived happily together.

    The OP had an old small dog and a younger (I'm assuming) larger dog. So do you honestly believe an old dog would be annoying (bullying) the younger dog? Truth be known the poor old foxie didn't want to be bothered with the Akita continually annoying it .

    As for your comments that Akitas are not a whole lot different to the working breeds you have mentioned......along with these breeds having genetic 'fighting drive'.......

    .........what a load of codswallop !!!!!!!!!!! Akita's were bred to hunt bear as well as other large wild animals....whereas each and everyone of those working breeds were bred to herd!

    Quote from an Akita website. Perhaps if the OP had done some research on his chosen breed the poor foxie might have been spared from being mauled.

    The Akita Inu have a reputation for sometimes being aggressive towards smaller animals or other dogs, particularly those of the same sex.

    Read post No. 9 The OP states that the foxie started it.

    Read post No. 3 where OP says "Yea mate I heard the poor fella screaming I had to lift my akita off the ground and choke him to get him to let go."

    So how would the OP know the foxie started it when he didn't SEE it but only 'heard' it???

    What the hell does it matter? The dogs had a huge fight that resulted in the foxie nearly dying and requiring some extensive vet work.. the owner has paid the vet bills, restored the foxie to good health and found it a new home where it will be much safer. What more could you ask for!? What would have you done in this situation?

    Okay ..no need to get your knickers in a knot. I have obviously MISSED the post where it says the foxie has a new home. ?????

    Sheez you people are not only pious but extremely touchy ! :)

  15. Tapferhund, How do you know the OP didn't fully research their breed ? they seem to have had a very happy family pet that suited them until this little dog came along.

    You are making some very harsh judgements and assumptions here.


    Well that's yours and some of the others opinion but the OP quite obviously 'had a problem' when that 'little dog' came along.........so why leave the two dogs unsupervised when there was clearly a problem?

    Its also very easy for people to 'rehome' as the easiest solution and I am not against that solution as most of you think I am........but just remember this foxie is an OLD dog and unless another family member of the Op is willing to take the dog .......there are not many people out there who ARE willing to take an old dog. :)

  16. I'm very sorry for you, I hope your dog survives.

    Dogs do sometimes squabble, however if one of them is getting this seriously hurt, it's more than a squabble. If your foxie survives (or even if he doesn't) I'd suggest you consider getting a behaviourist in to help find out what's going on with your Akita. Your partner might also be happier with you keeping the Akita if they can see you're doing something to make the Akita less likely to hurt another dog again.


    I'm sorry about your fathers little Foxie and you are right about two male dogs..especially if they have not grown together...........but as soon as I saw Akita.....it didn't surprize me. Now before everyone pounces on me.......I have known dozens of Akita's in the past through friends having them as well as being at Akita shows when the breed was very popular.......and I have not met ONE I would trust. They are a big powerful breed with very few having good temperament with other dogs and sometimes with people.

    I think it is very sad you have to give the Foxie away....especially as he is an old dog and has had the trauma of loosing his owner (your father).......and now he is about to lose you too in being re housed with someone else.

    Sad situation all round. :)

    I disagree with your male dog perspective Tapferhund, the males growing up together from pups are more likely to fight in my experience than an older/younger combination. Akitas are not a whole lot different to working line GSD's, Rottys, Malinois, Dutch Shepherds and some Bull breeds that have genetic fighting drive, more than likely you are comparing more classical Akita's with watered down pet versions of the breeds I mentioned. Any breed with genetic fighting drive if pushed too hard with bullying or being shoved around unfairly will defend themselves and make a good job of it, lets not put Akita's in the traditional Pit Bull charade with more unsubstantiated comments of negativity based on breed.

    Well I disagree with your perspective 55C ! In my experience same litter males growing up together , same litter females growing up together are less likely to fight than bringing two older male or female dogs together and expect them to live happily together.......although I have this situation too.....with no problem.

    I have had up to five entire males run together...even when I have had bitches in season ...and all with no problem. It comes down to leadership by the owner imo. The only time I would separate was when no one was at home. Other than that they all lived happily together.

    The OP had an old small dog and a younger (I'm assuming) larger dog. So do you honestly believe an old dog would be annoying (bullying) the younger dog? Truth be known the poor old foxie didn't want to be bothered with the Akita continually annoying it .

    As for your comments that Akitas are not a whole lot different to the working breeds you have mentioned......along with these breeds having genetic 'fighting drive'.......

    .........what a load of codswallop !!!!!!!!!!! Akita's were bred to hunt bear as well as other large wild animals....whereas each and everyone of those working breeds were bred to herd!

    Quote from an Akita website. Perhaps if the OP had done some research on his chosen breed the poor foxie might have been spared from being mauled.

    The Akita Inu have a reputation for sometimes being aggressive towards smaller animals or other dogs, particularly those of the same sex.

    Read post No. 9 The OP states that the foxie started it.

    Read post No. 3 where OP says "Yea mate I heard the poor fella screaming I had to lift my akita off the ground and choke him to get him to let go."

    So how would the OP know the foxie started it when he didn't SEE it but only 'heard' it???

  17. I'm very sorry for you, I hope your dog survives.

    Dogs do sometimes squabble, however if one of them is getting this seriously hurt, it's more than a squabble. If your foxie survives (or even if he doesn't) I'd suggest you consider getting a behaviourist in to help find out what's going on with your Akita. Your partner might also be happier with you keeping the Akita if they can see you're doing something to make the Akita less likely to hurt another dog again.


    I'm sorry about your fathers little Foxie and you are right about two male dogs..especially if they have not grown together...........but as soon as I saw Akita.....it didn't surprize me. Now before everyone pounces on me.......I have known dozens of Akita's in the past through friends having them as well as being at Akita shows when the breed was very popular.......and I have not met ONE I would trust. They are a big powerful breed with very few having good temperament with other dogs and sometimes with people.

    I think it is very sad you have to give the Foxie away....especially as he is an old dog and has had the trauma of loosing his owner (your father).......and now he is about to lose you too in being re housed with someone else.

    Sad situation all round. :laugh:

    I disagree with your male dog perspective Tapferhund, the males growing up together from pups are more likely to fight in my experience than an older/younger combination. Akitas are not a whole lot different to working line GSD's, Rottys, Malinois, Dutch Shepherds and some Bull breeds that have genetic fighting drive, more than likely you are comparing more classical Akita's with watered down pet versions of the breeds I mentioned. Any breed with genetic fighting drive if pushed too hard with bullying or being shoved around unfairly will defend themselves and make a good job of it, lets not put Akita's in the traditional Pit Bull charade with more unsubstantiated comments of negativity based on breed.

    Well I disagree with your perspective 55C ! In my experience same litter males growing up together , same litter females growing up together are less likely to fight than bringing two older male or female dogs together and expect them to live happily together.......although I have this situation too.....with no problem.

    I have had up to five entire males run together...even when I have had bitches in season ...and all with no problem. It comes down to leadership by the owner imo. The only time I would separate was when no one was at home. Other than that they all lived happily together.

    The OP had an old small dog and a younger (I'm assuming) larger dog. So do you honestly believe an old dog would be annoying (bullying) the younger dog? Truth be known the poor old foxie didn't want to be bothered with the Akita continually annoying it .

    As for your comments that Akitas are not a whole lot different to the working breeds you have mentioned......along with these breeds having genetic 'fighting drive'.......

    .........what a load of codswallop !!!!!!!!!!! Akita's were bred to hunt bear as well as other large wild animals....whereas each and everyone of those working breeds were bred to herd!

    Quote from an Akita website. Perhaps if the OP had done some research on his chosen breed the poor foxie might have been spared from being mauled.

    The Akita Inu have a reputation for sometimes being aggressive towards smaller animals or other dogs, particularly those of the same sex.

  18. I'm sure you mean well, Tapferhund, but you aren't helping the OP or her dogs and there is much more to this than how the Foxie will feel about being rehomed. As someone who has devoted most of his adult life to understanding animal emotion and behaviour, and currently completing a degree focused on it, I would think ignorance on my part would not be the obvious conclusion.

    Alas, the OP will probably feel worse given that Tapferhund has said that he/she has never met an Akita that he/she would trust and that the re-homed Foxie is likely to be sad and suffer :o

    A very sad situation all 'round and the worst nightmare for any of us who have more than one dog in a house. siks3: my thoughts are with you and your doggies. Please take care of yourself.

    Ohh paleeez :laugh:

    Yes you both are right, I do CARE far more for the dogs than I do for the OP feelings or IMO lack of !!! :o

  19. I just wanted to encourage anyone who has a dog with any training issues.. and tell them that there is hope!!

    5 days, a few training sessions with K9Pro, 35 hours of driving + one flat tyre later, and without exageration, I have a totally new dog. And I have a new confidence and new attitude towards my dog. I never thought this would happen, I didn't think things would be able to improve even 1/4 as much as they have!

    K9Pro's way of training was very different to any other trainer we've been to and it worked :rolleyes: and it was challenging and a lot of hard work, but not as much as I thought it would be to get to the level we were able to get to! Steve was so patient and where in the past other trainers had blamed me and told me I was doing everything wrong and basically wanted me to change my whole personality so my dog would listen to me, Steve showed me how I can get proper leadership and a much better relationship with my dog without having to change my whole personality. And my dog is so much happier!!!

    We can now do things that I never thought were possible, I have a plan in place so I can do maintanance training and email support when I need it, and I'm able to actually ENJOY my dog again :laugh::laugh: :D There's an understanding and bond between my dog and me that wasn't there before, and even just typing this I'm getting teary because I never thought this would happen. We got so much more out of the training than I ever thought possible.

    So I just wanted to encourage people, if they have a training issue with their dog (or even if they just need some extra help to perfect something or whatever) then there is hope and I would definitely recommend asking K9Pro if they can help.

    :) Steve you're amazing!

    :D Excellent stuff BD !!! I'm so happy for you! I believe Steve is one of the best !!!!

  20. ....and now he is about to lose you too in being re housed with someone else.

    Probably sadder for siks3 than the dog, they seem to handle the change without getting too sentimental about it.

    Dogs DO go through grief Aidan...something you are obviously unaware of. Some dogs do take being re homed in their stride...while others suffer ! This dog is also OLD which wouldn't help. :rolleyes:

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