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Posts posted by Tapferhund

  1. :) Thank you to those open minded people who see and understand what I was trying to say. I was not trying to be offensive...just trying to point out the similarities.


  2. Is this getting any sort of media attention in Victoria? The 'breed standard' I mean.

    Also I see that vets can sign off to say what breed a dog is. Are vets going to be willing to do this for people? Will they be put off by the thought of legal action down the track?

    I have a mixed breed mutt and if I lived in Victoria, I would be getting a DNA test done at the vets. I know that they are questionable but would the government really challenge it for a dog where the owners obviously take their responsibilities seriously?

    I did one for my dog and it came backs as one quarter mastiff but she could quite easily be mistaken for a number of breeds. Vet said she was a 'heinz' variety.

    What about the council rangers? Have they expressed their views on this? Some won't want to take peoples family pets away from them.

    Very sad day for Victoria.

    Don't you believe it ! Too many of them love the power over other peoples lives and will now be worse bullies than they were before. They will take great pleasure in throwing their weight around and taking peoples beloved pets for destruction.

  3. Just heard on the radio that people in the Hills area, Sydney are being warned of a white Staffy X called Emma. It wasn't clear what for but she attacked someones Pug in their back yard and the details were sketchy saying she approached a person aggressively or something along those lines.

    * From: AAP

    * September 02, 2011 7:27AM

    POLICE have warned that a dangerous dog named Emma is on the loose and marauding Sydney's northwest.

    The dog escaped from its home in Windemere Avenue, Bauklham Hills, this morning and mauled a pug in a neighbouring backyard.

    The all-white animal, thought to be a Staffordshire terrier cross, then fled.

    "Police have warned residents in Baulkham Hills to be aware that a dog recently involved in an attack on a neighbouring animal has escaped and is believed to (be) roaming around the area," police said.

    Police urged locals to be wary of Emma, to not approach her and to ring triple zero if she's sighted.

    The pug was taken to a vet for treatment.

    I love the marauding bit :mad ...bloody ridiculous and typical media sensationalism.

  4. PF - this is the same person who says they want to own a human aggressive dog. For protecting his/her yard. Got a few applauses too?

    No doubt. There is a place in this world IMO for dogs prepared to do harm to humans who simply trespass. IMO Australia is not one of those places and a dog with the temperament of the Fila needs to be carefully placed in the right homes anywhere.

    A correctly temperamented Fila will do more than just guard.. so when little Timmy comes uninvited over the fence looking for his tennis ball, he won't be leaving in one piece. I'd say he wont' be leaving anyway but in a coffin. Anyone who could casually say that they wish to own such a dog in an urban setting in this country needs their head read.

    Place that argument in a place like Johannesburg and its a whole new ball game.

    What ever "poodle fan".

    I live in one of the roughest neighborhoods in Australia, we had over 5 murders in this suburb last year and many, many other bashings, sexual assaults and attacks. Just cause you live in posh poodle ville doesn't give you a right to judge. I've only been here a year and I have already had my place broken into and my possession stolen, including my former dog (which was a labradore).

    You can really go stuff your opinions. Little Timmy isn't going to be coming over my 3 metre high fence, I don't have any kids as neighbors and all the neighbors are long term.

    Its none of your bloody business why I want a specific dog or not, and I have every right to have a guard dog that is capable of taking down an intruder for my protection (well I should have that right, if Australia wasn't such a gutless cotton wool nanny state). I have a right to protect myself whatever you may think. You may like dogs that are "like little poodles" but I like real dogs with assertive temperaments that are capable of protecting me. BTW You would make a great leader for this nanny state, seeing as you like to judge other peoples business.

    I am a responsible owner, entirely capable of managing my dog and restricting my dog to my property. You are a clown who likes to think people are too irresponsible to handle things and everything should be banned.

    Oh and "poodlefan", there are many non-banned breeds which are quite capable of mauling to death little Timmy, I have met great danes and other dogs that would maul little Timmy if he jumped the back fence, its not the breed, its how the dog is trained and socialized, its hypocritical and deluded reasoning that thinks some breeds are "bad". There is no such thing as an evil or bad breed of dog.

    Screw the government banning everything (especially dogs), because of the extremely small minority of dog attacks by irresponsible dog owners (you know instead of actually holding those owners heavily responsible). Ban cars, ban back yard pools, ban swimming, ban sports, lets all wrap the whole of society in cotton wool and take away all of our liberties, otherwise poodlefan might have nightmares about the bad things that could happen. OH WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

    What a discusting post. You are obviously a very angry, nasty person. Glad I dont live near you! I think you are full of it as well.

    Agreed, NicB.

    You sound like the type of person these breeds really don't need.

    On a forum people can say they have 3 meter fences and are the the pinnicle of responsible dog ownership but sometimes the main assertions belie the subtext.


    Living in such a dangerous area I don't blame you for what you want in a dog. Truth be known and if people were honest like you...they too would hope their dog/s would protect them and their property if the case ever arose. I know I would !!! You have every right to your opinion as everyone else does. Its just a pity some on here have forgotten this and expect everyone to parrot them in their sanctimonious pious beliefs. So take no notice of them.

  5. Voted No, Ban Rotties :eek: over my dead body!!!!!.

    I would say most of the Retards that voted yes, wouldn't know what a Rottie looked like :mad:mad and only believe what they read in the bloody Media. :mad:mad:mad

    How could anyone think of banning a breed that is so gentle,loving,loyal and Intelligent wonderful family pet the Rottweiler is.

    What Pollies should remember is that the many people who love and own this wonderful registered breed also vote, something pollies seem to forget.

    Your signature is so TRUE ! I love it !

  6. Voted no and will do again(and again) I feel literally sick at the moment with this media driven anti-dog campaign, Rotties and Bull breeds are only the tip of the ice berg I fear. As I was listening to the radio on my way to work on Monday morning some lunatic rang in to stir up hatred towards Greyhounds :( apparently they are muzzled in public as the will rip your jugular out if given half a chance :mad:mad

    :( You're kidding ! Its hard to believe there are still people that are stupid and ignorant in this day and age. Greys are one of the most gentlest breeds of dogs and are a breed I recommend to people who have never had a dog and are looking for a gentle easy going big breed of dog. Like most Greys, mine loves the couch..its her favourite place and her favourite position on it is laying on her back with all four legs pointed towards the ceiling. How anyone can say anything against this breed is beyond me.

  7. To be honest I suspect the lower media coverage is because she was bitten on the ankle and had some 'scratches' - she wasn't killed like the story last week so it is (quite legitimately) a smaller story.

    I suspect if it were not for last week's fatality, this attack wouldn't have made the news at all.

    After last week, any dog attack will be news for a while because readers are sensitive about the issue.

    Was it really an áttack', the lady was 77 and able to fend of two GSD with 1 bite and scratches. It might just be more media hysteria.

    I think you are right Chevorne.

    Yes I thought that too and more so as there has been no further mention of it. Also, TWO German Shepherds attacking ankles????? and only leaving some scratches and one bite???...I don't think so !

  8. To be honest I suspect the lower media coverage is because she was bitten on the ankle and had some 'scratches' - she wasn't killed like the story last week so it is (quite legitimately) a smaller story.

    I suspect if it were not for last week's fatality, this attack wouldn't have made the news at all.

    After last week, any dog attack will be news for a while because readers are sensitive about the issue.

    Was it really an áttack', the lady was 77 and able to fend of two GSD with 1 bite and scratches. It might just be more media hysteria.

    You're not serious? What would you call an attack? Granny in hospital? Dead? I'd suggest that she was very lucky to get inside - maybe she saw them coming over the fence.

    A women was bitten by stray dogs that got over her fence to get to her - and here are dog owners saying it's just "more media hysteria". This kind of crap gives dog owners a bad name. This kind of attitude makes my blood boil (I can't tell you the number of times people have said to me - and I'm talking people who belong to breed clubs, show their dogs etc - "My dog could sort yours out", "if my dog attacked yours you'd know it because your dog would be dead" etc etc).

    :laugh: Y-e-a-hhh ....right Megan. :rolleyes: ... :scold: I don't believe that for one minute. Not saying that it wasn't said to you by some moron, like the moron with a pitbull that said words similar to that to a friend of mine while she was walking her Shepherd....but I doubt very much it was said a 'number of times' to you BY various show people from breed clubs. And I am speaking as a breed clubs/show/obedience person 35 years in the dog world.


  9. I suggest you look at the history of your beloved breed and you will see that a huge percentage of the fatal and serious attacks in the 60s-70s in the states were by GSD's. Want to know why? Because the media huped them up as 'killers' so all the arseholes went and got one. There was ONE fatality from a pit bull in that time.

    Different breeds throughout history have been targeted by the media and shitty owners.

    You seem to understand this and were bleating about the horror of dogs being seized by the stormtroopers so to be honest I'm not sure what your argument is or whether you think breed bans are good or not. Or maybe you just want the AmBull banned but nothing else?

    Well from one 'bleating' dog owner to another "bleating" dog owner ;) .....no point in "bleating" on and on about it here is there MelsieWelzie.

    I'm off to write my thoughts on the matter to the Premier himself. Not that he would take any notice of any dog owner,but its worth a try.


  10. One breed that needs to be added to the restricted breeds list is the American Bulldog......the next disaster waiting to happen.

    Are you serious? why? because they don't suit everyone or because you think the wrong type of owners will be attracted to them, just like staffies, rottis, dobe's,mastiffs, amstaffs (just look at how many puppies are available!)Akitas etc..

    Adding dogs to the restricted list is plain ignorance and as someone has mentioned not in line with other comments you have made?

    Yes I am serious!

    Look...I don't like the idea of lists of dog breeds to be banned anymore than anyone else here does and that includes the PB....but the fact is a great many (irresponsible) PB owners have brought what has happened on themselves and we ALL, regardless of what breed we own, are going to suffer for it. Like it or not MANY PB owners ARE the 'wrong type of owners' as you put it (yobbo's)....are attracted to this type of dog....and in that category of 'that type of dog' is the American Bulldog. I am seeing more and more AB's and NONE, so far, have good temperaments or dispositions. A friend of mine's GSD was attacked by two while my friend was walking her dog on the beach. Fortunately the two dogs took off before too much damage was done. The breed is large, powerful and IMO is a disaster waiting to happen...just like that of the PB..and look at the disaster :rolleyes: that breed has now got us ALL in to.

  11. My sister has had three rotties - every single one an absolute sweetheart and the first grew up with her young daughter. Courageous and loyal when needed but deep down just big gentle sooks - never unpredictable or aggressive.

    That there is even a poll on this makes me sick. By the way things look now dogs as a species will be banned from Australia within the next 20 years.. :mad

    I agree as it certainly looks that way ! :cry:

  12. is no different to what happened in Nazi Germany between 1930 and 1945 where Nazi's did the same in searching homes for people.

    Excuse me?

    It is nothing like what Hitler's regime did . Nothing.

    not wanting to equate people with dogs


    the mindset behind both actions is similar... it is the wish to externimate/eliminate all individiuals of a particular ethnicity ( or breed) citing examples of a tiny minority as the justification. it is a simple and emotional appeal to the selfishness and insular approach of divide and rule which is becoming ever more popular.It is easierto cast the blame for all dog attacks on the rampaging savage killer pitbulls and admit that all dogs have teeth and big dogs are more likely to inflict a serious wound than little dogs.

    some muslims are terrorists but all are most deciddely not but in the media all are painted with the same brush


    Thank goodness!!!!!! someone who 'gets it' !!!!! Thanks dogsbesotted.

    The victimization through 'dob in a dog owner' has already started. More than 150 phone calls have been made so far...neighbours dobbing in fellow neighbours .....another similarity to Nazi Germany where many non Jewish German citizens dobbed in fellow German citizens because they were Jewish.

    Even more similarities....

    The authorities say they will now seize ANY dog that resembles a PB and the owner has to produce papers to show otherwise.

    What in the hell has gone wrong with this country :mad

  13. FFS Poodlefan,are you EVER nice?? How dare you accuse me of being hysterical. I made the comparison because , like those innocent people in Nazi Germany waiting for that terrifying knock on the door...dog owners here are going to be stressed and to some point terrified in waiting for 'that knock on their door' which could result in the taking away of their loved one/s , the family dog/s.

    That's not just my opinion either btw.....so get over yourself.

    Just read a few other posts and it seems there are quite a few who not only take themselves VERY seriously but are pious and sanctimonious.

    Like I said....the comparison was made because these new laws are going to create stress and fear for many within the dog owning community.

    Am I ever nice? Hey, I didn't call you a fool. :shrug:

    Seems to me there's another poster taking themselves pretty damn seriously. ;)

    I said the comparison was hysterical Tapferhund, not you, but it appears that the difference was lost on you. Nothing subtle about your insults though.. as usual.

    Comparison of the rounding up and shipping of entire families (and on at least one occasion to an entire train of children) for days in cattle trucks to die in gas chambers to the loss of a family pet is offensive. You are seriously not helping anyone with these posts, least of all those likely to be affected. :(

    Write about the comparison in any letter to a politician and all you guarantee is that it will be immediately directed to the closest recycling bin.

    No, it appears the difference was lost on YOU.

    Now WHERE did I say in my posts "of the rounding up and shipping of entire families(and on at least one occasion to an entire train of children) for days in cattle trucks to die in gas chambers to the loss of a family pet" ?????????? NO WHERE did I say that or imply that...so don't you put words in to my mouth!

    The comparison was to stress the similarities between the two....of stress, fear, terror caused to people by raids on homes of innocent people waiting for 'that knock on the door' by Nazi stormtroopers and the soon to be stress , fear, terror caused to people through raids on the homes of innocent people by council rangers(stormtroopers) searching out for destruction much loved family members.......their pets.

  14. An amnesty allowing pit bull and restricted dog owners to notify authorities of their pets will end on September 30.

    I don't recall the Nazis offering an anmesty.

    Hysterical comparisons to the holocaust won't help anyone.

    Register your dogs people. Now.

    If you're a responsible APBT owner then there's a safe haven for you. It's called the ACT folks and its not a bad place to live.

    FFS Poodlefan,are you EVER nice?? How dare you accuse me of being hysterical. I made the comparison because , like those innocent people in Nazi Germany waiting for that terrifying knock on the door...dog owners here are going to be stressed and to some point terrified in waiting for 'that knock on their door' which could result in the taking away of their loved one/s , the family dog/s.

    That's not just my opinion either btw.....so get over yourself.

    Just read a few other posts and it seems there are quite a few who not only take themselves VERY seriously but are pious and sanctimonious.

    Like I said....the comparison was made because these new laws are going to create stress and fear for many within the dog owning community.

  15. Hey GSD folks,

    Firstly I am absolutely smitten with this breed. :o

    I've been waiting for it to come along here in breeds 101... I was hoping to troll through and learn a bunch... But no one has said anything yet!.. I'm keen to hear your stories!

    Eliminating Faults

    "Long outercoat (long, soft, not flat lying top coat with undercoat, feathers on ears and legs, bushy trousers and bushy tail with plume underneath (Langstockhaar).

    Long coat (long, soft top coat without undercoat, most parted in middle of back, feathers on ears, legs and tail (Langhaar)"

    Really? I had no idea. I love the look of long hair on GSD's and have seen a few pics here and there...

    Do they just pop up here and there and go to pet homes?

    Or do some breed them purposefully?

    I'm sorry if this sounds a ridiculous question... bear with me, I'm new :D

    Okami, I might be a bit behind as this may have already been written in someones post (I haven't read all seven/eight pages as yet) but longcoats are now accepted and can be shown and breed surveyed as of 2012 here in Australia. (The longcoat has been accepted in Europe since 2011)

    So isn't that GREAT news !!! I can't wait and am trying to teach my boy how to 'show' so as to get him ready for next year.


  16. I have just heard the news (3aw) that the Vic State Govt is going to rush through legislation to not only ban "listed breedS" but to also give all council rangers the authority to go into peoples property's and cease any unregistered dogs of breedS on that list and to destroy those dogs. :eek: (All pit bulls are to be destroyed.)

    I have never heard anything like it in what is going on in this State, let alone country and IMO this is not only disgusting, very UN Australian but is no different to what happened in Nazi Germany between 1930 and 1945 where Nazi's did the same in searching homes for people.


    doG help us all !

  17. I must admit that I would like to get my hands on an aggressive dog for guard dog purposes. I live in a very rough, high crime area, and I would like to get a very protective, territorial dog for my own protection.

    I don't believe in the banning of any breed, I believe in responsible dog ownership and accountability of the owners for their dogs. Fatal dog attacks are still a very rare, freak occurrence.

    I mean if somebody chains up a dog in their back yard, and frequently belts it, and never socializes it with people (especially children), and in general is an aggressive "bogan" type of owner, no breed banning legislation is going to protect the public. In the freak event that a vicious attack occurs, it makes sense to hold the owner strongly legally accountable.

    But as I said, I am actually interested in a dog with the potential to attack people, for my own sense of security and protection, which I think is my right. I have a very secure backyard and already own a dog, and my dog has never escaped before (and never will), but my current dog, is not the right sort of dog to use as a guard dog.

    As for "pit bulls" and any other sort of dog, I am 100% against banning ANY breed. I am also against compulsory desexing of dogs, because I prefer the temperament of a non-desexed animal.

    I think that owning a dog that suits you is one of the best things about life- a very important part of life for many people. I am tired of this ban this, ban that nanny state the country has become. It is a tragedy that a child has been killed, and the bloody owner should be sent to prison. And yes if an aggressive dog is found wandering unrestrained around the streets, then the bloody owner should face serious consequences. But what can you do, when people are so stupid that they can't secure their own poorly raised, aggressive dogs? And for the record I've been attacked by a pitbull before and only just escaped injury, I blame for the owners, not the dog. In that case, the owners were irresponsible bogan junkies. When I told them their dog had attacked me they threatened to smash me and told me to "f" off. I kicked their dog with such force in the head (more than once) that it flipped over backwards, but immediately (without an instant of hesitation) got back up and attempted to attack me again. I was nearly hit by a car backing off into the main road to escape.

    Excellent post and I agree with everything said...but bl**dy hell :eek: in regard to the last couple of sentences...I think its time you moved !

  18. Yep, had a look at the video, but had to turn it off about half way through, couldn't cope with the loud music.

    I admit they are awesome dogs and I totally agree that when dog attacks happen owners are more often than not more at fault than the dogs but unfortunately these dogs appeal to a certain type of owner. I don't know what the answer is, and I get that banning a particular breed probably isn't the answer either, but my point was that it feels a little hypocritical to say that we shouldn't have designer dogs because there are so many nice pure breeds to chose from and then fight like mad to hold on to one breed that rightly or wrongly is seen as being dangerous when once again we have so many other nice breeds to chose from. I used the term 'pit bull type' rather than just 'pit bull' because it seems to me that whenever these serious attacks occur they are usually mixed breed dogs, but if we can believe what we hear one of the mixes is nearly always pit bull.

    Maybe if we no longer had pit bulls these sort of owners would just turn to another breed, like someone mentioned, but there must be something about the breed that other breeds don't have for people who like to fight dogs to chose them over other breeds in the first place. I dunno, just thinking aloud really. :noidea:

    They will turn to American Bulldogs...another disaster waiting to happen. :(

  19. People have been making appeals to emotion for years, it is not effective. The way I see it, it is countering "their" emotive crap with "our" emotive crap. "They" comprise 90% of the population, who's going to win ?

    Logical, holistic arguments are what will stand the test of time.

    I used to have a great quote in my signature, taken from a New Scientist editorial.

    "Using bad science can never be justified, even in the pursuit of noble causes. It only give ammunition to those seeking to undermine your case".

    Followed shortly thereafter by -

    "When anti-smoking groups want to make their point they should stick to the solid facts, there are plenty of them".

    Of course in this case he is talking about anti smoking groups making up furphie's, cherry picking facts, etc in an effort to further their cause, when it is completely unnecessary and in fact only undermines them. Similarly in our case, withholding or denying facts (for example, the capabilities of game bred, conditioned APBT's) is setting oneself up to be undermined and ending up looking like a jack arse, which does not help our cause.

    Well, I read an article not that long ago where it said it only takes 10% of the population to sway the other 90% .

  20. Matthew, why can't you understand what people are telling you about fighting dogs? I'll explain again. PBs were bred to fight dogs, dog aggression and human aggression are two different things. The dogs bred for dog fighting were also bred to be good with people, because they didn't want the dogs biting them, just other dogs. The human aggression seen in some PBs is not because they were originally fighting dogs, it's because they are raised by morons who don't socialise their dogs properly. ANY bred can do the same if they are not raised correctly, there are many breeds and crosses that bite humans IF THEY ARE RAISED BY MORONS.

    So whenever we see a pitbull (or any fighting dog for that matter) in the news that has maimed or killed someone, it's the owner's fault, not the dogs' fault? That's absolute rubbish, and you know it!

    Actually its not rubbish, it is not the dogs fault....whatever the circumstances were that triggered the dog to behave the way it did..the dog was only acting like a dog. It is 100% the fault of the owner for not, amongst other things, making sure the dog was contained safely on his/her property . JMO.

  21. PitBulls have a very bad reputation in society. Just imagine trying to sell your house and telling the prospective buyers that your next door neighbour has one or two Pitbulls. They are one of the most feared type of dog in modern society. Now a pitbull type has slaughtered a small child, someone's baby. What good is a having a dog that has to be confined for fear of it attacking an animal or human ? My opinion is this type of dog has no place in society. Do the dogs suffer because they have bad owners that don't know what to do ? Yes. Do we need these dogs ? No.

    Certain humans have no place In society either, shall we exterminate them too!

    Hehe.......if only we could !!! :D

    I have to admit R&B , when it comes to my own dogs ,pitties do worry me. We have a fair few PBs ,staffies and crosses thereof around our area...,many of which are loose at the front of their properties.......so these days because of it I rarely take the pleasure to walk my dogs . Instead I drive them to local parks to exercise them. I also believe that once pitties are off the scene.....the next bull breed to take their place in trouble will be the American Bulldog. I am seeing more and more of this breed and none seem to have a very nice disposition.

    To me this is an issue that keeps getting brushed over.

    Among many other things I think raising fines for dogs not being secured on a persons property/ wandering and having better enforcment of this would help reduce dog attacks on people, pets and the risk they pose to motorists.

    Totally agree Corrie! :)

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