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Everything posted by Kajtek

  1. Got the 3 books. Wonderful Thank you yer kind people
  2. Maybe I can help I parent 3, all registered with ABS Inc. (For the record: I don't breed. I am not ABS Inc member. I admire the ethics of the breeder of my dogs) Poodlefan is correct re Australian Bulldogs. They are developing breed and not registered with ANKC. Australian Bulldog Society is an Incorporated organisation. It has breed standards, code of ethics, constitution, keeps register of dogs and has a rescue group :D . They do enforce their code of conduct - I have seen it in action when I was active in their rescue group. Why? ABS Inc is working towards ANKC registration. It takes a lot of effort and means that the organisation's behaviour must be acceptable to ANKC.
  3. I love your stories. You really should consider writing a book. What a smart little boy!
  4. SC I would have had 3 heart attacks, 2 fainting fits, 1 scream fit and then would have jumped into the cold water (boots & all) You DO need a drink! The joys of puppyhood
  5. Oh SC - joy, joy, joy. Dylan is where Dylan belongs. He brings your "mature pups" youth and exuberance. I think it's a fair payment for the best of homes
  6. Is it possible to have 3 heart dogs at the same time? I think it is .... hehe. I am living this dream.
  7. I so love your posts, pics & videos SC As SnF said you have an incredible book in you ms spotty I'd love to read it one day Dylan cannot be a foster failure because he wasn't a "foster"
  8. Raffikki, the bouncy bone (my previous post) will last ;) The toy has survived all sorts of abuse by a chomping machine bully and 2 chomping assistants.
  9. I love reading it too ;) Thank you Vickie. (I am such a doofus on dog agility/trials that I am too scared to post)
  10. HonBun was a chomping machine She is a big gal now...toys are still not safe. This is the best pacifier I've found http://www.ozpetshop.com.au/product_info.p...roducts_id/1830 I think large size would be best for Dylan. Their tug-a-jug is fantastic - it may be unsuitable with 3 "parties" interested in a toy.
  11. So very, very sad. A few happy days mean more than a lifetime of misery - so thank you for giving this Magnificent Being a chance to be happy and loved.
  12. Fantastic effort Dally-Team & wow at that blanket over Mr Tango ;)
  13. Which of the nina ottosson toys would be best for round-faced bully breeds? They passed the treat-in-a-box test (IQ seems ok ) but I am concerned they may not be able to "fit" the nose into squares of the Brick.
  14. You needed a challenge You have too much time You got sucked in by a very handsome guy
  15. Dylan is a fab name Sounds like your team has accepted the little guy and he is feeling very much at home. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Pics pretty please
  16. Not sure if that is the problem, but my guys are definitely alergic to Wandering Dew. Get some Neotopic cream from the vet or bath in Malasep.
  17. So simple If I have one, they do too. If I don't, they don't either.
  18. I am very careful offering dog-advice to Spottychick She took an abused, older dog with health and behaviour issues and turned him into a well mannered gent. It took her only a few months to achieve all that! I'll stick to name suggestions BTW, you are welcome to use Humbug if you wish....
  19. Love happended Spottychick Go Tango! Magnificent Tango does it again - What a star
  20. He is stunning. So well done Spottychick Not sure about Bandit. Scenario: You go outside and call Baaandit, Baandit "come" in soft/friendly voice. He doesn't. So you call BANDIT! COME! Mmmm... could be fun if you are game I would not call him anything starting with P or T. Dogs seem to get a bit confused when they have similar names. Eg: HonBun knows she is Honey, HonBun, SweetBun, Bun or Oi. KI's original name was Humbug. I looooove the name and would've kept it if I could. The guys just got a bit confused with H.... names.
  21. Spots, spots, spots everywhere ;) How is the Divine Tango coping with the new baby boy?
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