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Everything posted by Kajtek

  1. We all choose the path we travel. Our path may not be what suits you Trisven13. Alas, this is our path and we are happy with the choices we've made.
  2. Hugs It hurts I know. Remember that she's given you the most magnificent experience ever - you were loved and you loved her right back (warts and all). Be proud that you were there for her. In time, the pain will become bitter-sweet rather than just bitter. (I promise. I've been there )
  3. Yep Only a few friends are lost. We now have a wonderful group of friends who accept our 'bizarreness'. How can one maintain a friendship when friends do not share or understand your passion and love? Not really sustainable as a friendship imho. You seriously would cut someone off because they are not a dog person? I find that really bizarre.
  4. A non-dog person cannot be our friend - no matter what the relationship was before we got the 3 Bullies Family accepts that if they want us to visit, they have to welcome the doglets (lucky the Bullies are very loved by all hehe)
  5. Malasep for us too Our vet recommends a spot bath every 3 days.
  6. I think it's a bit like connecting with another person..... takes quite a bit of effort from both parties. In my experience, it is a lucky draw then things just 'click' without any effort or time.
  7. Our dogs have always been on 3 meals x day. (That's what we choose to do and have found it very good for their well-being) The 2 girls (we've had them since puppyhood @ 8-10 weeks) are very relaxed about their meals. They seem to know that another meal is happening soon and sometimes choose to miss lunch. KY joined the family at 2yo. He is a complete glutton. He will eat everything that is available whenever it's available. I think he could easily make himself sick. He is also the first to 'notice' that brekkie/lunch/dinner are being served. So...... Does knowing that there is always food available matter/shape the dog? Does missing one day feed create a perception, in a dog's mind, that there may not be another feed for a while?
  8. My bullies had a bad reaction to Canidae... tried it for a month. We are back on HS.
  9. Fantastic pic. What a beautiful elderly(?) gentleman. You have done wonders and he is very, very lucky.
  10. Love, love, love your dogs. Frodo is such a character Great photography too
  11. This takes the Best Pic Ever award
  12. Thank you for these powerful words. (Hopefully it is a long time before I need to be courageous. I have saved your post for the future)
  13. No clock in the bedroom Unfortunately, he has no concept of Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday
  14. I agree with no concept of calendar ie days of the week but I am a bit confused when it comes to clocks. My boy sleeps in his bed in our bedroom and almost every day at 5.30 am he comes to my side of the bed and "tells" me to get up. We do morning walks so there is a reward for this behaviour. We no longer use an alarm clock as he is pretty reliable. I know it's a routine, etc. but how does he know it's time to get up? Any suggestions? Edit: Just noticed Quickasyoucan that you also have a doggy alarm-clock
  15. Do a test Wash your dog in Malasep and see how soft and lovely your hands are! With all the humidity and heat my bullies need extra Malasep baths (recommended by their vet). I've been bathing them at least once a week and haven't grown hairs on my hands, developed any bruising or bumps. It's great stuff. (Neotopic H is another good product. We use it on humans all the time and I am yet to find anything better )
  16. Thank you Souff. I've lit the candle and will keep it going. I hope others do the same. (Edited to remove silly emotional stuff)
  17. We've had a cruciate ligament fix surgery (our bully thinks she is a racing/jumping breed ) The advice was to keep my girl on joint guard (or something similar) for the rest of her days. Apparently it helps to prevent post op arthritis setting in.
  18. My bullies feast on them once a week. Thoroughly recommended.
  19. You might have, a tiny bit - we'll never get tired of that You make my old heart sing with joy.... Thank you I am another one waiting for pics, pretty please
  20. Thanks for the pics Looking at the last photo, I think I understand. Those eyes, oh those eyes He looks amazing
  21. I just wanted to say Thank You. He and the Karma will repay you for your kindness. Bless you for helping him.
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