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Everything posted by Kajtek

  1. Yep, I've read the blog before posting. She does have some good points.
  2. The only no-go zone is our bed. The bullies have absolutely free reign of the house. OH works from home and they can come inside/go outside whenever they please.
  3. Sorry to say but I find the original post a little offensive. Eg... "My responsibility is not to make you happy..... My responsibility is to the BREED first." Ahhh but it is if you care about your breed! If I am happy, I'll keep you (the breeder) informed on the progress and health of our baby. I'll tell everyone what a fantastic breeder you are. In time, I may get one or two more dogs from you. I will promote the breed at every opportunity. Etc, etc etc
  4. Vet. She may need a bit of help with trigger point massage or chiro.
  5. We will be thinking of you and Katy-Bear on the 1st of March. It sounds like you have organised the very best care for her. I am sure all will be well.
  6. I am not sure I think if they are using host stem cells there is quite a bit of laboratory work to extract stem cells from fat.
  7. We had donor stem cells. Donor stem cells come from young dogs, I was a bit more confident about concentration of stem cells in her treatment and there was no need for harvesting cells from her fat. IMHO it was a better option for Kluska.
  8. Interesting outcome abgail. Kluska has her summer itches and the IV does not seem to have helped. Maybe all available stem cells went into the joints ?
  9. Many thanks for your guidance Clyde and Frodo's mum. I will order a bag for the kids. They get only about 3/4 cup a day for lunch (rest is barf) but I am a bit bored with the good old HS. I would love them to experience new yummy food. (I am a bit careful as last time I gave Honbun pancreatitis with Orijen(?) bickies)
  10. Is it better than Holistic Select? BTW, I tried Canidae = complete disaster (skin issues, elephant poos, etc)
  11. I just don't get the idea of an outside dog Keeping a dog stuck by him/herself in the backyard most of the time is pretty cruel. What is he/she supposed to do? Watch the clouds or something?
  12. One of my bullies has a corkscrew tail. It's not tight so we don't get too many problems. I clean it every morning with Curash fragrance free wipes and at the first sign of irritation/redness apply Neotopic H.
  13. Inevitablue would be best to answer your question about IV. In the meantime.... IV is an intravenous dose of stem cells rather than intra-articular (injection into the joints). I decided to repeat the stem cell treatment with IV because: - I believed that another treatment would give us better results (pretty determined :laugh: ) - I have not found anything better than donor stem cells - The IV treatment is easy on the dog(drip and no anasthetic) - There have been good results with dogs that have had the intra-articular treatment and then a follow up with the intravenous (advice from our vet)
  14. Yes. They all seem to be happy for Zac! Wonderful pic
  15. It's not waving. It's a payment for services rendered :p
  16. It was a good experience for us. However, it took a quite an effort to keep my girl quiet and "entertained" :laugh: She felt better soon after the op and wanted to do things.
  17. Oh my Poor beautiful Baby Bear and poor you! On the upside: - It is fixable - If done correctly, the fix will last a lifetime - You, my dear newfsie, will grow immensly as as a person. During Katy Bear's-recovery you will find the new depths of patience, hone your skills of invention and bond even closer to Katy. Good luck. It's a journey
  18. Many Happy Returns to Sir Charles Wentworth
  19. Yes, I would adopt him. The happy face shows his personality
  20. Thank you. I understand what you are talking about. Fantastic pics
  21. Carlo11, you know that you have done magic for Pearl. Without you, she would die without knowing love and care. You did well, very well! Me thinks a scout point in heaven for you. Kelscats, thank you for the pics. Donation done on 15th as promised.
  22. The doglets here love turkey necks I order them from www.petdeli.com.au.
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