I have a 10 week old female Labrador named Rani. She is absolutely beautiful and we are doing really well on the training aspect so far. I just have two issues that I don't know what to do about...
Firstly, how do you teach a puppy not to chew on everything? She has plenty of her own chew toys, but much prefers my shoes, electrical cables, the kids stuffed animals or anything else she can get too (none of her toys resemble anything she is not supposed to have). How do I teach her what is acceptable to chew and what is not?
Secondly, she will come when I call her 9 times out of ten. But when, for example, she is supposed to be on her bed (she is being trained to sit on her bed while we are eating at the dinner table as I HATE dogs sniffing around while I'm trying to eat) she gets off her mat, wont come when I call her, so I chase her - which she thinks is a great game. Its the same if she gets out of her yard, into an area where she is not supposed to be, so I have to chase her to get her back. I know its giving in to her game by chasing her, but what else am I supposed to do?