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Everything posted by MelbDobeLover

  1. Thanks for the help guys ;)
  2. Hey everyone I need a little help here with my 11 week old Dobermann pup. I've had him for a week now and hes doing really well at home. Toilet training is going well and accidents are becoming rarer, he has learned to sit and is currently learning to drop. He plays and loves to meet and greet my friends. However one problem is that he freaks out whenever I put him in the car. When he's in the car he starts to breathe really fast, he starts to slobber, twice he's vomited in the car, and as my car is a two seater, he will take the first opportunity to move from his seat into my lap. Obviously however cute this may be in my eyes I can't let this keep continuing when hes going to be big! Yesterday I put his towel down and took some treats into the car with me which he normally loves eating. Once I got in the car he just sat at the door (he's on a leash and sometimes he freaks out so bad I have to actually carry him to the car door) and wouldnt hop up, so I carried him up myself and sat him down on his seat. He was doing alright for the first 5 minutes but then he started to slobber and sat on my lap. I drive manual as well so its not so easy driving with a nervous pup on you! Once he got out for a rest stop he was perfectly fine. He didn't once try to eat any of his treats. I was reassuring him constantly telling him how good he was doing, and I was trying to look like I was having as much fun as possible in case my enthusiasm rubbed off on him as well. Have any of you experienced something similar? How do I get my little fella to like going in the car? Thanks
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