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Everything posted by Ptolomy

  1. Its all wrong RV now is not the time for an allergy breakout. Happy for you to use this one and the fact that you are off to the vet tonight as a reason for not coming training LOL Rubystar - Ruby can do sit stays with Soggy all night. We would also like to try something new with her and stays, so might enlist your help if you don't mind. Stordimento thanks for posting photos of your kids - and welcome
  2. Xena98 - what do you use for your scent exercise. I have a few face washer sets which are thick and fat and now I have a few duster sets from Bunnings which are smaller and easier to fit into a container. I tend to use these for training and the face washers for trialling.
  3. HMm thinking about changing my seekback article and decoy from metal to wood as I now feel the metal has been tarnished when he became sick and refused to pick it up. Have had a play with the wood and metal is easier for them to see. Perhaps I will use wood for the next trial and see what happens. I also did some blind retrieves today - stoopid exercise Its OK if they can see it, but it does his and my head in when he can't.
  4. Yep you master one exercise and something else goes pearshaped. I agree with you Bedazzled - I actually loved training all the exercises its just the trialling bit that is frustrating. At least we are failing with high scores
  5. HUge congrat DSO (can I borrow your sit stay please ;) ). UD training is a lot of fun and frustration Soggy was in her 2nd open trial yesterday - only lost 5 for the ring work - but dropped in the sit stay not long after I left her
  6. HI there - OK you can't just barge in and say Hi - we need to know more.......
  7. LOL Emery I had trouble getting them to sit where I wanted yesterday - You know how it is you need to move one of them a smidge forward, and the other one moves or they both move and Lara is selectively deaf. It made me smile though, Lara was standing to the side of us while we were taking Scoota photos and I asked Moo to drop and as quick as a wink Lara hit the ground Thanks CC for giving us a taste of the phtotos I am looking forward to seeing some more - but only when you get a chance to do them. Emery, Chance already doesn't look like a baby - look at those legs
  8. Gees you kept that quiet Emery - so tell us more about your little puppy, when did he arrive and YES come on CC we need photos
  9. Argh you should have said something - now I know who you are and you did a great job ;) That was only her second attempt at open - she is still such a baby and yes I was tickled pink with her.
  10. I have to be honest and say that I avoid asian supermarkets for any of my dog food. Thanks CC for taking photos of the kids today - I am hoping that you have found Miss Universe amongst them Lara came to the trial today - she never stopped smiling and she really enjoyed her outing and now she is fast asleep = bless her I am not sure if this has ever been said in any of the threads before - but sit stay is a STOOPID exercise. Out of sight sit stays is even more STOOPIDER
  11. Woo Hoo well done CC - more money to spend, less time to go on holidays
  12. We had flooding, same room, different entrance point, same result
  13. Rubystar - what time is your appointment on Friday? Poo-Fong I think you summed Steve up pretty well ;) as I said with the dogs he is terrific.
  14. Warning....Steve may be the best in his field but I think his bedside manner sucks!!!!! Just be prepared Rubystar - he is good with the dogs though - so I guess that is all that matters in this case.
  15. Rubystar - Applecross is where I get the kids hips done. Let us know how you get on and I would think Ruby will need sedation and lots of it ;) to keep her still enough to take the x-rays. The kids usually walk out of the place not long after the x-rays have been done. CC good Luck with your interview. Ness - any news yet?
  16. Tollersowened - it may not be too late for auditing and you will get just as much out of auditing as you would taking a dog.
  17. Just having some fun with you RV and well done on your test results. Good luck for the upcoming ones and when you are a mad scientist earning a squillion - remember who your friends are
  18. and sit stays and finding heel position and tidying things up and...... the list goes on
  19. Gees I missed an entire page of update ST your babies are beautiful - I gather they survived their visit to Deb on Saturday - and yes we would like weekly photo updates - even if you do have to do it from work. Emery - have you recovered?? Rubystar - hows Ruby now?
  20. We have rain YEEEEEE HARRRRRRR Anybody trialling this weekend??
  21. OK RV what was your excuse this week???? Scrubbing the bathroom tile grout? Weeding between the slabs or sorting the pegs into colours on the line :rofl:
  22. Sometimes I look for a quick fix - usually when something goes pearshaped and I have a trial that weekend knowing full well that further down the track it will come back and bite me on the bum :eek:. Hence my current sit stay issue I have gone back to square 1 and I am determined that this little red girl will have the bestest sit stays out of all my kids and if not I will take up agility
  23. OH Murve - go on rub it in Well done - any tips on how you taught the sit stay??
  24. Yep will enter 2 dogs and it will depend on what the specialist says about Scoota whether he makes the trip or if Soggy gets a gurnsey. Entries close at the start of June and a lot can happen in 3 weeks. Think I would rather my problem than yours Ness. Hence if anybody finds Soggy's sit stay can you please send it back!
  25. LOL Seita about flogging it between now and the Nationals - I think there are a few of us who are in the same boat. AT least you know which dog you will be competing with - I wont know for another 4-5 weeks
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