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Everything posted by Ptolomy

  1. Any colour will do for me, but can I pretty please have not 2 the same ;) I will sit down and do a Xmas list soon and might get a couple of extras - if thats ok?
  2. Hey Rubystar thanks so much for bring the heat bags down to training last night. The large ones are a perfect size for heatbagging sore areas on the kids and they were so well made . Since my current ones are pretty grotty, and these are so much bigger and better than anything you can buy at any Pharmacy, can you please put me down for 2 and I will bring money to the trial on the weekend. If anybody is looking at a heat bag for their kids - these are perfect
  3. Kallistar when you get your last pass we want to hear about it here first in HUGE letters - and you will have bragging rights for the following month at least
  4. Poor boy Hopefully he will be as good as new in a couple of days
  5. Kallistar - I am mindful of not overscenting the dog when I give him the washcloth, but have to admit to not thinking a lot about how windy it is since the cloths are 50cm apart which is a lot further than the UD articles where i would be very careful not to overscent the article. Bedazzled and i both have the same issue with the kids checking the outside of the circle/pack before finally venturing into the middle to check the cloths there, so we have been flogging the middle wash cloth in the hope of improving this.
  6. I am having wash cloth problems at the moment too. But I have found a cure - yep lots of red wine for me. I suggest it might cure you seekback with decoy problem too
  7. Just back from showing and yep took 5 kids to the K9 grounds and trained all 5 (OK my halo is shinning). Unfortunately the forecast for this coming week is rain and thunderstorms - so thought I better take advantage of the sunny and 25 degrees today as I don't know when we will get out again. Scoota continues to improve as does his level of fitness and we are included lots of play time inbetween exercises UDX well think I will ask somebody to call a round shortly to see how it is going. Beans - well I have blown the dust of her as she hasn't seen a trial ring for a few weeks. Little witch works like a $1 000 000 at training Cider - sit STAYS are on the agenda - and she did a nice one today Her open work is getting more confident Strauss - he is such a nice boy and he does everything in his own time. I would like to replace his batteries with some new ones - just trying to work out how to remove the old ones His heelwork is coming along nicely but I feel that I have to explain everything to him in the tinest little bits - bless him. Lexi - came along for the ride - her DOR is BEAUTIFUL - wish I could use it on one of the others,
  8. TN does that mean you take cake to training this week - Well done mate - your kids are both doing so well
  9. Yikes RottiesNRags - are you OK? The car is replaceable you aren't!
  10. Nah - she's addicted - and he's got to go on and get his GRand LOL. Not sure I could afford it
  11. Staranais Ness is correct - at some points around article 3 or 4 the dog all of a sudden starts using its nose. Some dogs start snatching and grabbing - so we tend to add unopened cans of food to the pile so that the dog has to slow down and start to think, but you will know if this is the track you have to go down. Keep up the good work and don't stay at the same level too long.
  12. Rubystar it must be a PITA getting the crate out for Millie all the time too - so much easier leaving her sitting in the back, although not sure how you will go about covering her up. You will have to come down to a show and walk around the car park looking at the cars - it might give you some ideas. Chiko there are a couple of tollers that live in that area. Both are from the Eastern States, one is a full brother to my Cider (different litter), the other is from Victoria. Strauss now has 91 show points
  13. Rubystar can you not have a false floor and crates built into your current limo? Steve Thompson is the man to talk to.
  14. Welcome Tisha's mum - Tishy looks like Issac the Kelpie's sister RV some kids are accident prone - I think Toby is the dog equivalent. Sending hugs to you both and well done on your Chem results
  15. You get to go to the top of the class Chiko - can I ask which suburb you were in when you crossed paths? I went to work on MOnday and the guy that has replaced me sent me an email saying his dog was playing with a toller on the weekend. It seems once you start seeing them around - they seem to be everywhere. Hey there are not many entered in the show tomorrow - only 58 in Group 3 and 78 on Sunday.
  16. Scoota Update "POP""THUMP" - thats the champaign cork hitting the ceiling Latest lot of test result show most of his levels are 1/5 of what they started out to be. Still 5 of them not in the reference range - but we are getting closer. The specialist doesn't want to see us for a month :thumbsup: Hip pocket is very happy ;)
  17. Yep I use the dog scout method as well for teaching scent, but our scent exercise in UD is using woods, metal and leather articles. http://dogscouts.org/Dog_Activ-_Scent_Discrim.html#Scent_Articles Teaching the dog to take scent from a wash cloth and bring back the one that smells the same was a lot more difficult to teach as the dog had no idea what we were trying to do when we shoved a wash cloth in its face to smell.
  18. Gees people thought the world was coming to an end the night I passed, or that I had won lotto - I was one very happy camper..........and its all been downhill ever since I guess if you add Lara's 1 pass and Scoota's 1 pass - next pass will be my title ;)
  19. TSD I would be interested to see if training blinds does help with the blind retrieves. I would doubt it because you are only asking the dog to go out 12m - but if you can do some testing for us and let us know we would all appreciate it
  20. I have had emails so I know she is safely home ;) and Sam didn't manage to kidnap her Glad to hear you enjoy it
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