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Everything posted by baifra

  1. Signed from NSW. Good Luck and Good on you for giving animals a voice!! Just put a link up on my facebook page.
  2. That picture is just adorable. The bond between them is obvious. Beautiful story. So happy they have been reunited.
  3. Good night sweet Kuga I'm so sorry for your loss. He was such a handsome man. He did you proud. Rest Easy Kuga.
  4. When I lived in the NT I had BAIFRA. You'd see people looking at them...frowning...then trying hard to work out what it meant They were from memory around $50 once off. That was about 8 years ago!! I miss them but got to keep them(at home) when I moved interstate. I had to sign a Stat Dec saying they had sentimental value.
  5. Don't the bomb detection unit or similar organisations look for this dog's type of behaviour for their programme? He might be perfect. Sounds like he needs a job so it might be worth giving them a call to come out and assess him.
  6. Ring your local vet for advice. Sounds like you did the right thing but just to be sure and peace of mind it wouldn't hurt to call the vet. I'm sure Phi will be just fine.
  7. Rest easy Texas What an absolutely stunning dog Texas was. Just gorgeous. I am so sorry for your loss. Texas will always be in your heart. He will always take care of you through the tough times.
  8. I have my heart set on a rescue bull terrier :D I have an ACD and Stafford. Two breeds I hope to always have.
  9. How awful for you it's terrifying when this happens. Healing vibes coming your way. Take care
  10. Great photo's!! Mack is just divine. He looks so happy. I think he knows he is finally home where he never has to be scared ever again! He also looks like he has slipped into his new pack well. What a gorgeous man.
  11. Gorgeous boy!!! The sad pleading look has left his eyes already!! Never to be sad again. Enjoy the time you have with him Cathya because I sure know he will!! He came to you for a reason and now he is safe, warm, loved and cherished the way he should be.
  12. You don't need to be brave. I know I certainly wasn't when I lost my girl. I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing the oldies is absolutely devastating. It sounds like Snowy had a wonderful life after going to live with you, she will always be thankful for you giving her that time and love. Rest easy Snowy. You did your family proud.
  13. Oh look at those pleading eyes What a heartbreaker!! So wonderful to see this old man will find a loving home. He deserves all the love in the world.
  14. Beautiful photo. The bond between children and dogs is amazing. Something that is not always easy to capture. Lovely.
  15. + 8 years for us. I love the oldies. I will always go for the older dogs. I love their grey bits and their quirks. My only concern now that we have a young son is the shortened time he will get to spend with these dogs he adores. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. We will also have to take into consideration how the dog will respond to a very lively boy. The quality of life a senior dog gets is of most importance and I will never compromise that for my own selfish reasons.
  16. Which is exactly what his Superior should make undeniably clear to him when he gets out of hospital. We expect, and deserve, competent Law Enforcement not Keystone Cops Good grief!!! You really are a strange one! If this is the way you feel, don't retire down this way :rolleyes: Please.
  17. Sounds like he was a little rough and I would have been upset too. Hope your boy is recovering well. Poor bub. edited as post wasn't relevant
  18. The 'higher powers' need to finally realise that pets are an important part of people's lives. People WILL die because they refused to leave their pets behind and evacuate. I can't ever imagine leaving my dogs behind to evacuate but do not judge those who do. a mile in their shoes and all!!
  19. Rest easy Wally ;) I too remember reading Wally's story and was so happy that he found such a loving home to spend the rest of his days. Take care Indigirl. Such a loving farewell to a gorgeous oldie. My thoughts are with you.
  20. I agree. Beautiful story. I love reading stories like this
  21. The pain never quite leaves does it? I lost my Sammy nearly 3 years ago and I still occasionally shed a tear when I think about her. Still miss her like crazy too. But now I can talk about her and laugh at some of the whacky things she used to do. I hope you can do that when you think of Buddy too. Take care and know that Buddy is up there looking after you.
  22. I have the utmost respect for vets and vet nurses. They always see people at their most vulnerable which must be very hard to face everyday. They show compassion and respect and treat our animals the same way. It's a job I certainly couldn't do.
  23. baifra


    Rest easy Lucky Horus I'm so sorry for your loss. Lucky sounded like a wonderful and much loved family member. Thinking of you at this very sad time.
  24. I just watched it too. What a lovely story What stunning, amazing and proud ambassador's they are for such a misunderstood breed. Michael Vick and his cohorts can burn in hell :D
  25. I have heaps of them around my house. They are so beautiful. Massive webs too.
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