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Posts posted by baifra

  1. There are also books for children about losing a much loved pet.

    We recently lost both of our dogs within a month of each other and I had no idea how to tell my 4 year old son.

    Both my girls had to be PTS so I sat my son down and told him that Rusty and Jessie were very sick and needed to live up in the stars with his grandparents. I gave him time to say goodbye and then took him around to my parents place.

    I chose not to have him there when they were PTS. My son then chose a star for them and every night points the star out and says hello ( very hard to hear and brings me to tears most days but also gives me comfort)

    They're were both cremated and he often cuddles their boxes and talks to them.

    I also bought the book, 'Jaspers day' about a little boy who loses his dog. My son loves it. I myself cannot read it as its too painful for me but my OH reads it to my son whenever he asks for it.

    I openly cry for my dogs and don't hide my emotions from my son. I miss them and he seems to understand this.

    Take care Teebs at this very sad time.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss.

    It has been so obvious how much you loved your little man over the years through your stories of Atlas's adventures.

    He was such a character and will be hugely missed here on DOL.

    Rest easy beautiful man. You did your family proud and will always be in their hearts.

    Take care Teebs. Atlas will be right there with you.

  3. Any reason why you can't get a dog door?

    Mine all use the doggie door and go and sun themselves on a nice day but in winter, wet or just cold weather, they are inside.

    Right now, we have the reverse cycle aircon timed to come on in the afternoon, just for their comfort!!

    I would also recommend a doggie door. Mine spend the day inside and use the doggie door when they feel the need to toilet or munch on some grass. They have some low value toys lying around inside and anything I don't want chewed is put away. The bin is out of reach, as is any food.

    a proper dog door would be good, but im guessing having one cut into the glass will be expensive? shes a german shepherd too so we would need a biggish door, and i worry about someone getting in the house, although i guess they would be pretty stupid with a german shepherd present, i wouldnt want to take my chances against her.

    Google 'pig in mud' dog doors. They have a panel that locks into existing sliding doors and are very secure. You can order them through Bunnings. We have one and they are excellent.

  4. Just want to address what Padraic said about seeing some in rescue sign with their own name.

    Some of the rescue threads are under usernames that several people use as they are part of a team. I sign my real name under posts that I have put up so the rest of the team knows exactly who updated the thread and where to direct questions etc.

    So it's definitely not to exclude anybody at all. That would be the last kind of impression we would want to make.

  5. Well just 4 weeks after we said Goodbye to our beautiful girl Rusty we had to let our Little Jessie girl go.

    Tough to the end Jessie our 14 year old Stafford couldn't wait any longer to be with her best friend. She went to the bridge quietly in my arms at home after eating her favourite cheese and chicken meal.

    Thank you so much to Juice for seeing something in Jessie while she sat at the pound all those years ago. You took her into your home and for that I will always thank you :) She was the most divine little soul.

    Thank you Raelene for believing in us and allowing Jessie to join our family. She was so loved and cherished and I know she held a special place in your heart. Thank you for your support and guidance over the last five and half years.


    I'm lost without you little one. You were my shadow. By my side through all the hard times and good.

    I understand you had to go but it also broke my heart into pieces.

    Please know how proud of you I am. How loved and adored you were and how much of a hole you have left behind.

    I miss your little grey face and silly lopsided head!!

    Play hard with Rusty and Sammy. They will look after you as always.

    Goodbye my little Jessie Mac. I love you baby girl. xxxxx






  6. Last Saturday I had to let my stunning Rusty go.

    It broke my heart but I knew it was the right thing to do. She lost her very short fight with Liver cancer.


    Goodbye my sweet loving snuggle bug girl. You were brave to the end and showed the dignity you always had.

    The house is not the same without you and I can't bare to sweep the area you loved to lie near the front door (God forbid you missed something!!) I'm just not ready to see the red hairballs go. It would mean all this is real and that you're never coming home.

    My heart is shattered and yesterday when your ashes came home where you belong I cried a river of tears.

    Let your tenacity shine through at the bridge baby girl where I'm sure your lying right now, pork chew munching and resting beside your best mate Sammy.

    Ruddy Redhead.... I love you and know you will be with me always. Be brave for me now. I can't do it myself just yet. xxxxxxx




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