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Posts posted by baifra

  1. :laugh: Dogsforall and Baifra for sharing your experiences with me.

    I guess I will just have to get used to the idea of having it removed :thumbsup: I wish they had never had that dissagreement :D then they would both still be in 100% health.

    Yes it is distressing when your dog has to have an operation that wasn't anticipated. Our girl had the tooth removed as the result of a fight also. However she is a staffy and even when she is smiling her big staffy grin it is unnoticable.

  2. My dogs had a dissagreement eailer today :thumbsup: and 2 are booked in to come to work (i am a vet nurse) with me tomorrow........................

    Matilda chipped her canine tooth so it will more that likely be removed as the pulp is showing but I was wondering if anyone has had a cap/crown put on their dogs tooth?

    We have never been asked to do this for the whole 14mths I have been nursing so there are some questions I would like answered if at all possible.

    1.How long will a cap stay on for?(i mean will they last with a dog chewing bones etc)


    3.do you regret not getting it capped?(those who opted to remove the tooth)

    4.do you wish you had just got the tooth removed in the first place?(those who chose to get a cap done)

    :laugh: in advance


    One of our girls had a canine tooth removed. Hers was broken right up to the gum line. It was removed without problem. She had a pretty heavy general anasthetic for the op as apparently the canine tooth has a very large root. (I saw the root and it was twice as big as the removed tooth!)

    We had to keep a close eye on it for a couple of weeks post op as a gaping hole is left behind (sometimes the vet may attempt to graft over the hole, as did my vet but it didnt take and the skin just fell away). Now she is absolutely fine. The hole eventually covers over and she eats whatever she likes including raw bones and rawhides. I would never have bothered with a cap, i really dont think it would effect your dogs quality of life at all. Cheers. I hope that helps. Good luck!

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