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Clicking Mad

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Posts posted by Clicking Mad

  1. Very cool DutchDog :D

    I've been trying out the jump over the other dog trick with two of mine.

    I have Texas standing ...

    and Jamie jumping over him

    the hard part is keeping Texas still ... he has never quite learnt the stay very well ;) might be better from a down

    Thanks for the idea :D


  2. Hi Vehs,

    Dropping their arse on the ground sounds familiar. I even accidently clicked it :thumbsup: once or twice.

    As long as you are clicking when in the bow position, I think D will catch on. The click is technically supposed to end the behaviour ... just thinking aloud here ... when you click could you quickly back up or move away so D has to follow you to get his treat off you, rather than him falling into the down and then you giving the treat ... could break the habit of going into a down after the bow? Understand yes?

    And yep, try and take your arm/hand out of the picture as soon as you can.

    re: hand signalling. What I do is bow at my dog ... it was easy because I had to lean over a little to scratch his belly when first teaching it, so it just became part of the picture for him. Don't have any other ideas for hand signals, sorry, hope someone else comes up with a nice idea :hug:


  3. I actually saw this being done at the trick competition I entered. It was either a kelpie or cattle dog, can't remember exactly a short haired working breed, maybe mixed ??? But it looked like a dog that should be working on sheep, and he didn't just jump over, he hopped on and went into a down sideways over her back.

    It was pretty cool, got her into the final.

    I was thinking of teaching this to Jamie girl a few years back, after seeing that dog from "Bark Off" do it in the auditions, that dog was actually being taught to use his owners' back as a spring board so it could fly higher to catch a frisbee. Instead somehow my attempts turned into the "jump through my arms" trick :laugh:

    I'll give it a go though sometime this year.

    I have a few in the works as well.

    Like that "skipping rope" trick that I haven't even started on yet :laugh:

    Thanks Jules


  4. With quite a bit of practise, they have straightened their line out naturally ...

    Here's a whole bunch of photos ... the difference with these is that you should be able to see each of the dogs' heads come around my leg in anticipation of the next weave, which has straightened the line. These are all walking weaves, and it looks a lot cleaner than when I started ... also I'm not bending over as much, or giving those obvious hand signals :rolleyes:










    That last one, not sure if I'm not almost falling over, he is a big boy hehehe

    others to follow ...

  5. Awesome pics vpzn :rolleyes:

    I got some more ... that I thought I may as well add ..

    I have introduced a bow with Tex and I facing the same way so we can both take a bow ... thinking end of a doggy dancing routine here ...


    and I've been extending the time out a little too ...



  6. Texas is learning this trick ... I tied an orange rope to the cupboard door handle ... and encouraged him to tug.

    Unfortunately in these photos it is hard to see the rope - too similar to the cupboard in colour - trust me it's there :D

    Tex taking the rope in his mouth ...


    tug ...


    door's open ... sometimes he keeps tugging, I thought the whole cupboard was going to tip, click/treat (just so he drops it hehehe) ...

    in this one you can just see the rope in his mouth because of the black stove as background ...


    and I have to admit he's a little confused with the command ... was tugging and pawing (to close the door) at the same time - BTW: I asked for a "close-the-door" in this photo ...


    I've just started encouraging Chester to tug the rope too, he does pretty well. Jamie refuses to go anywhere near the rope, even when it is away from the cupboard, and even when I attached a ball :rolleyes:


  7. I realise it's been forever.

    I have been slowly hacking away at this with my guys.

    Texas and Jamie, I kinda gave up with the nose close door, it was easier to reward for a paw close door - go with their strengths.

    Chester does a good nose close door, very impressed with him.

    Here are some pics from the other day:





    others to follow ...

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