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Clicking Mad

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Posts posted by Clicking Mad

  1. sweet pic Vickie :rofl:

    I took some of the dogs this arvo, just another little practise with the reindeer ears :love:

    Jamie wears them pretty well


    ... Texas not so :love:


    and Chester is probably thinking: "again with this"


    and this one doesn't count, took it last week for my UK relo's Christmas card down at the beach - the whole Christmas in Summer idea :cry:


    I'm thinking something with lights when I get a chance ...

  2. Last day today, last night I tried to photograph an almost full moon from my front lawn ...

    I'm quite happy with this one, it did need some cropping ... all just black background, and I did some stuff in lightroom

    again with my canon 400D using the 75-300mm @ 280mm ISO400 1/400 sec f/5.6


    it definitely looks cleaner viewed at full size, the medium size is disappointing on here :(

    I kept meaning to come in and say how much I love everyone's pics

    beautiful looking cat rocco, love the last pic

    tokkie: I can't believe you got a pic of a bee ;)

    chezzyr: the butterfly is so clear, love the background too ... what do you mean by "grab shot"?

    I like the reflections in the wheel, blue against pink, black and silver :rofl:

    anyway :(

  3. .... blue background (kindly provided by my blue Tarago)....

    :) I never woulda guessed that, handy!

    I sat in my front yard for a little while yesterday afternoon, tried to avoid the roses, I seriously have in excess of 100 photos of roses that I've taken and edited and uploaded to photobucket since the beginning of October both from my front and back yards! (if anyone has missed me mention my total absorption in photography of late :coffee: ) and I found a rock and a log of interest. To be honest I was actually out there looking for people, and no-one passed on foot, a couple of cars ... I supppose I live in a quiet street :angel:

    Anyway, this is a rock in my front garden bed used as decoration ...

    same camera but I went back to my 75mm-300mm for these

    eta: I think the composition is a little off in these 2, but I like this one because it looks like it could be in a fish tank or something? and I like the second one because it looks like it could be a rhino's eye? :coffee:


    @ 255mm ISO 100 f/5.6 1/125

    oh, and I like the inanimate objects at the moment, I like that I can use some heavy handed editing and it can still look okay, I do the same sort of editing on the dog pics and it mostly looks horrible :coffee:

    and this is an old twisted log that is also in my front garden bed and used as decoration ...


    @ 300mm ISO 100 f/5.6 1/50

    and I had to try the picket fence idea again:


    @ 75mm ISO 100 f/4.0 1/500


  4. I had a little practise today

    I hope the post-production doesn't ruin it :laugh:

    taken at f/5.0 and 55mm - eyes out of focus, nose in focus, and background well out of focus


    taken at f/9.0 and 41mm - much more even focus, but maybe I had my point of focus on his muzzle, between his eyes and his nose?


    taken at f/9.0 again but lens at 21mm - focus is clear in at least his right eye and nose


    another one at f/9.0 and lens at 25mm ...


    I think f/9.0 has become my new practise thing. I've gotta get out of the habit of always keeping the aperture as shallow as possible :laugh:

  5. Nice roses piper :rofl: I've been practising on the roses for the past month and a half. The red bush I have out the front is so red I can't seem to help myself :birthday:


    Canon400D lens f/3.5-5.6 18mm-55mm @ 55.0mm ISO 100 f/5.6 1/500

    Chopper is looking very handsome out the front of your place ruth, I like the first in the grass pic too :o

    I was going for a through-the-picket-fence type idea:


    @ 47.0mm ISO 400 f/5.6 1/25

    another and with a little lightroom editing:


    @ 55.0mm ISO 400 f/5.6 1/15

    Love your communication pics rocco

  6. photoshop terms are totally foreign to me

    I had Corel Paintshop prox and I know they carry a lot of the same features as photoshop so I'm not sure of what people say they do with their photos is the same thing I think I was trying to do with paintshop prox.

    I'm a terrible experimenter of photo editing programs, I try something with no help from anywhere, go: that was too hard, and move on to experimenting with something else. I often over contrast, over saturate, over brighten/darken and over sharpen with just the basics, I have minor understanding of the histogram and tone curve, and don't think I'm doing it right. Removing backgrounds, unless it is just to "clone"/"stamp" another part of the same photo, I can't do - have in the past tried but wasn't very happy with the results. I never learnt about layers and masks enough to use them effectively, either.

    The other thing is that I seem to spend a lot of time editing photos, I enjoy doing it for the most part, but sometimes I wish it was quicker and better.

    Is it worth spending money on a good photo-editing program?

    And should I go with photoshop?

    I'm currently trialling lightroom (thanks to ripley's thread) and I feel it lacks the extra bits and pieces, I like it for the basics, light colour etc., but if I wanted to really get rid of that background, I'd need to use and learn how to use photoshop or something similar, is that right?

  7. Krislin..

    Notice how the first has a smaller DOF than the second yet both were shot at f/3.5.

    DOF is not just related to aperture (aka fstop), it's also related to focus distance.

    All other things being equal, same focal length, same aperture, the closer the subject is, the smaller the DOF.

    aha! that is something I didn't know as such, very useful bit of information, thanks

    I keep taking these head shots of my dogs with their eyes in focus and their noses out of focus (when looking at me), I don't like them. I always seem to just choose the shallowest aperture and zoom in as close as I can get, because I'm just thinking I do not want that background to be in focus, right?

    So what I would have to do is open up the aperture a bit, what up to 6.5 or 7.1 ???? ... that way my background of fence-line and dirty long green/yellow weeds and grass etc. keeps out of focus while my dogs' noses as well as their eyes are sharp, is that correct?

    As it stands, if I choose to step back a pace or so, I'm not filling the frame big enough with the dog, there is too much cropping room, and the lens doesn't zoom that far, but if I did that I would need to get back down to the shallowest depth of field possible, which as we have discussed here is at 55mm to f5.6? Would that have the same effect of ensuring my dogs eyes as well as their noses stay in focus with the background out of focus?

    I'm not sure I fully understand any of what I just wrote ... help :eek:

    oh, and that 50mm 1.8 sounds like something I should get my hands on :rofl:

  8. I took another bunch today they may or may not be better, but this is the best flying Jamie and frisbee attempts from yesterday. She gets up high but she isn't exactly elegant :rofl:


    Lens @ 49mm ISO 100 f/5.6 1/500

    sorry I know, old theme, but I'm just really trying to get better at these 'cause most of the time they turn out no good. Oh didn't use a tripod and didn't even look through the view finder, did make sure the lighting was acceptable (not sure I got it right) but it's hard to throw a frisbee and manage a camera. Once I got my mother to throw the frisbee for us, it ended up on the garage roof within 2 or 3 throws :rofl:


    oo and I think it looks like an eye because the fern tree fronds just cross into the edges of the whites of the eye, resembling eye lashes ... I'm liking it more and more :)

    edited: to swap photos to a different edit :)

  9. I love your plastic bag pic rocco

    I attached a plastic bag as a filter and pointed at the sun :)


    ISO 100 18mm f.22 1/8

    sandwich maker, I like the sweating


    ISO 100 33mm f.20 1.6



    ISO 100 55mm f.5.6 1


    ISO 100 39mm f.9.0 2

    I tried for a shot of the progression from whole fresh fruit and vegies through the juicer and then the end result that I feed my dogs, but it didn't turn out.

    I was gonna do the coffee maker pic - still might give it a go tomorrow morning

    and Jamie isn't co-operating with the frisbee hahaha ... at least that's my excuse :)

  10. .... this canon comp is an understatement :laugh:

    You're good, I haven't got to it yet.

    not so good when I fail to pay my bills on time because I spent the afternoon after work trying for new ribbon pics yesterday

    oh and I meant to mention earlier that I'm going to go "flying disc" mad with Jamie for this challenge, I've been trying to get a good frisbee pic with her for ages, just another excuse to try again :rofl:

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