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Clicking Mad

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Posts posted by Clicking Mad

  1. poocow - love your dog pics

    rocco - totally jealous of your day with Ash - I particularly like the Innocent one from that series ... interesting cloud formation in Zenith shot ... funny rocco losing kilos :rofl: ... grass ain't green down here

    this shot is just to show the quality of my backyard

    Jamie kicking up the dry grass and dirt mixed with some really ugly weeds :(


    kja - juxtapostion is cool

    terranik - love the "Alone" pic, really nice, and your dog pics are fun ... gloomy and sunrise are really nice too

    ruthless - I love the "devil whore" :rofl: ... cool "W" I love the droplets on the Window, it's wet and spells W, too clever :rolleyes: snuggles is really nice and pretty darn adorable ... Chopper's is looking really good, even with his flayling face :rofl:

    eza - nice dogs, and your weather pic is interesting, I like it :)

    darien - I like your Waves shot

    lea - I really like the colour and lighting in your Leaves pic!

    clover - nice bark shot, nice light in his? eye

    animalmad - I love that "Neglected" shot, she really looks like a street dog!

    bindi-boo - I haven't really selected any particular pic to comment on 'cause I am really enjoying them all atm, love the pp and creativity ... and I'm really sorry to hear about your great aunt :( though she looks like she's coping ok with it all :)

    j - great Eric Clapton shot!! ... I also like the "very safe" series :D

    Okay, I'm up to "K" ... I struggled with ideas

    "K" is for kip


    "L" is for long exposure


    I think I was gonna keep M for moustache, but here's another one anyway ...

    "M" is for morning on the beach



  2. I seem to only have time to pick up my camera on the weekends :laugh:

    I hear ya poocow ... my weekends aren't necessarily Sat/Sun though ... work has me totally and utterly exhausted, I have a new dog, and a new handler and their dog to induct into the field which is mind-melting stuff, plus the normal work-load with less staff - my creativity is totally sapped by the time I get home :rofl:

    I'm just trying to catch up here :rofl:

  3. j - wow that gate is really curious :birthday: ... love the sparkler! is that just 1 sparkler or many? and how did you take it, slow exposure?

    staffordlove - love that T for tall shot

    gila - incognito :cheer: ... I was considering going to the dictionary for "I" inspirations too :cheer:

    clover - fantastic trippy pic, is that a zoom-out during exposure-type shot? I've tried that a couple of times but they weren't that good :rofl:

    iltby - obscure is fantastic :thumbsup: ... I like the Megalong Valley pics too - gotta love a dally :scold: ... ooo I love "dangerous" I love the darkness of it :eek:

    animalmad - love your dog :)

    rocco - don't get me started on mobile phones ... your sister (I presume) looks quite appropriately sad in that shot, while lunch gets ignored :thumbsup:

    lea - I like your "g" for great view :laugh: ... ooo lea, you got a fish-eye lens? :laugh:

    diesel - cool dude dog :laugh:

    bindi-boo - love your telephone booth :rofl: ... and the "star of the silverscreen" well done on how the whites of the eyes stand out!

    okay I'm up to "I" and I have nothing, so this is what will have to do

    "I" for "in the way" - Chester keeps standing between Jamie and I when I go to take off-the-cuff type shots of her ... he'll just meander over and stand in the way or whatever :mad

    this isn't the best in this series (I hope to come up with another "I" idea before the months end) but I reckon you'll get the idea ;)


    and J is for jump



  4. terranik - terrific terrifying teeth :rofl: ... and I really like the one on the steps in the dark too :thumbsup:

    iltby - I love the travellers pic, really nice light! and good for you to help 'em out :D

    ruthless - aw look at Chopper, I wouldn't've gotten much drool out of Chester with a biscuit but that bubble is surprisingly common when I make 'em wait longer than a minute or 2 for dinner, not sure how he does it :rofl: ... and we had the same "E" idea too ... yours made me laugh out loud Trixie is so cute with her flying nun ears :) ... does she just offer that pose, or did you make some funny noise to get that look?

    rocco - wow! I love those whiskers in the first Calvin, just fantastic!!! ... Roc is handsome. That photographic room seems to be getting a good work-out :(

    Just to take away any confusion about Jamie ... "G" is for girl ... this shot is a little blurry 'cause she wouldn't stay on her back like this, the only way I could get this shot was with her "roll-over" trick ;)


    and "H" is for hoodie ... Chester's which is a little big for Jamie and she doesn't really like having her ears squashed or something ... it was cold enough for it though


    couldn't decide between the backgrounds? ...

    ... but I'm tempted to add this shot as my "M" as in moustache ... I've never noticed that before :eek:



  5. pointeeblab - oo another pretty cat :laugh:

    same Catteh. :laugh: I've only got one.

    Love Chester blowing bubbles.. that's a crack up!

    was meaning the 2 cat pics today before yours :laugh:

    thanks :rasberry:

    Av mode is suggested for those who have been too scared to venture outside the realm of P mode or Auto mode. It is to teach the functions of the camera little by little.

    If you are already shooting in manual mode and feel you have a decent grasp in Av mode, there is no reason for you to keep shooting in Av. :vomit:

    understood :whiteflag:

    just figured I'd give Av a go since I hadn't used it - I kinda went from auto to manual in one move/day :banghead: ... and I've heard manual users still use Av on occassion????

  6. oh, and I've been using Av but I'm not liking it :laugh: ... I'm so used to manual, Av sorta feels like going backwards :banghead:

    Same here CM, i just found myself switching back to manual without even realising :laugh:.

    :whiteflag: glad I'm not the only one ... hahaha that's what I kept having to stop myself from doing too :rasberry:

    I love your mum's not-so-new but shiny little dog - please remind me of her (?) name again :vomit:

    pointeeblab - oo another pretty cat :laugh:

  7. lea - lovely eucalypt :eek:

    rocco - I love Calvin Cat :laugh: ... nice pp work too

    staffordlove - that's a great interesting apple pic :p

    kja - beautiful cat!

    For "D" I was going to try for some drool but Jamie just doesn't

    I suppose I could have "D" for dinner time ... would ya look at this look? :rolleyes: ... she has a bowl of dinner sitting infront of her ...


    ... but this spot on the ground (between her foot and the bowl) is all that she had to offer in the way of drool


    meanwhile Chester was doing this ...


    anyway so I had a back-up plan for "D" - deck dog?


    and "E" Jamie's radar ears that don't always fit in shot


    and "F" for funny ... she is quite good at the laughing poses



  8. thanks for the comments guys :)

    staffordlove - "littleman" :laugh:

    dieseldog - love the lick!!!!

    ulf - playtime ouchies :(

    gila - brilliant "C" camera shy shot :)

    animalmad - lovely furry fluffy bunny :)

    magicmine - that's a beautiful "B" beach shot ... I think someone said "serene"

    bindi-boo - particularly liking those pigeon shots :)

    j - I like your "carny" (The Simpson's episode tonight was the one with the carny Cooder's) shots, the x-ray has me stumped so what was it?

    "B" is for ball obsessed





    What is Carny? Carnival?

    Xray is my foot. They thought I'd broken it, but turned out to be a severe torn ligament, made worse by a spur on the inside front of my ankle (not visible in that xray, but very obvious in front on one). Also showed that I have the beginning of an osteoma (sp?)

    Love the throw it shot.

    Yeh, carny is carnival - I couldn't (still can't) remember the other word and had just finished watching the simpsons so ... thanks for the x-ray explanation, still not sure I can see anything wrong ...

    iltby - :( great pat ... and nice shot of Chelsea :)

    rocco - that is an awesome "F" foot fascination shot!!! love it!

  9. Clicking - LOL I wouldn't bother with Av if you are already shooting manual! It can come in handy, I'm told, but I'm so used to M that I don't bother with Av at all :laugh: You're also not the only one not spending hours on PP, don't worry! I admire those who are and one day I hope to learn how to do all that, too.

    I love the "throwitthrowit..."!! And the catch series is awesome!! One thing I'd add...go Vertical, Girl!

    I just changed it to vertical, though I think you mean and I should be taking the shot in vertical ... next time :laugh:

    Yeh, I think I'm going to go back to manual - Av seems to overexpose a lot for me? plus, I like my dark shots :laugh:

    thanks bindi- boo - glad you can see her intensity, it's hard to know whether that comes across as well as I see it, since I know what she's like and the fact that I'm holding onto a ball ... iykwim?

  10. bindi-boo - I'm loving your textures! :laugh:

    ruthless - love your "B" and "G" :) ... and Angel is gorgeous - love those shots! ... nice chopper chop shots as well :laugh:

    j - I like your "carny" (The Simpson's episode tonight was the one with the carny Cooder's) shots, the x-ray has me stumped so what was it?

    rocco - so funny seeing Ralph up so high, he looks a little like he is dressed in boxes which makes him pretty tall and long-legged :wave: ... and rocco "D" deep in thought is really well done too!

    kja - love your "F" shots, really nice work :) ... that "H" shot is so clear and sharp!!! brilliant

    lea - lovely "dangerous dawg"

    iltby - your "B" blue eye shot makes me smile :)

    I feel quite inferior with my shots so far, and last month too, I think I need Chester to make me look good :D

    I'm a bit lost on PP - my skill level is just not up to scratch, and I get really tired on the extra fine details (edges etc) :mad

    "B" is for ball obsessed






    and just to show that there is a ball ... there's this pic



    "C" is for catch


    oh, and I've been using Av but I'm not liking it :( ... I'm so used to manual, Av sorta feels like going backwards :laugh:

    edited to vertical

  11. I'm loving everyone's pics so far ;)

    "A" is for amber (the colour of Jamie's eyes)


    I used the amber elephant I got in Lithuania to compare colours, I must admit I'm not really liking this shot, but wanted to get it/post it - I would like to re-do it with my amber necklace (but can't find it) and with a better setting/lighting.

    And March I'm going to try and concentrate on Jamie girl :rofl:


  12. Okay, I'm just going through some of the pics I've taken over the month ...

    "something you leave behind" - Texas drops the frisbee, this trip to the beach meant it got lost in the waves and I totally forgot to look for it on the way back (not the best pic, but I like the mid-air frisbee :cool: )


    I'm pretty sure I have already done "look-up" but figured I may as well add this one :D


    "home" - Texas in his kennel


    "secret" - I'm not sure who this was talking to my friend on her wedding day, but she was whispering right up in her face shhh


    another "water" (or 2)


    and another "water" ... and I have more water shots - I think I like water :rofl:


    "drama" - Chester gets excited by my mother's visit :)


    "food" - for elephants


    "old" - elephant


    I'm missing mobile, night lights, key, stamp, car, shapes and shadow :rofl: ... that's more than I thought :rofl:


  13. bindi-boo - what is that, that the bird left behind? how cute that DJ shadows bow wow


    It is bird poop. :rofl: (macro)

    oo that is so big and icky :rofl:

    I have a shot of dog-doo as my back-up "what you leave behind" shot not sure I can stomach doing any pp with it :love: ... hope I come up with a better idea :eek:

    I had the 1000D ;) Mum wanted mine so I had no choice but to get the 40D :eek: :p

    ah yes of course, I did know that :) lucky you :thumbsup:

  14. totally brilliant and inspirational :thumbsup:

    I was just checking out your blog this morning after I'd finished uploading some of my recent Melb Zoo pics onto flickr and well to be honest I thought mine were good :rofl: :rofl:

    Your post-production is very skilled and you really know how to put a lot of thought and feeling into your shots :love:


    Thanks :( To be honest I like the PP almost as much as taking the photos...hehe....when I take the shot sometimes I know what I want to do it later and that's just as exciting.

    Where are your piccies? I am obsessed with seeing other photos from melb zoo, hehe.

    it really shows how you enjoy the PP!

    I upload all my pics as "private" to begin, with the zoo pics I decided to leave them only visible to friends and family ... I just changed my contact status with you to "friend" on flickr so you can see them there now ;)

  15. terranik - oh no all these 40D's! ;) ... Nice catch with the best friends shot!

    kja - thanks ... I have been having fun taking Texas pics - he's really getting into it too!

    I love your dog shots :rofl: Love how Tilly is best friends but Dora's not so sure ... nice cat pic too

    montall - haha I like the end of possum highway - he/she certainly does look cheeky

    iltby - thanks it has been fun playing silly buggers with Texas - I wish I could get the pics to show more of that side of him, he's really loving the attention :love:

    what did you have before the 40D - I must have read this thread before replying in your one 'cause I thought you always had a 40D :thumbsup:

    I like your dog pics too!

    rocco - thanks! ... I really like your shadows and secrets - interesting and eerie

    j - that's a cool "drama" shot ... "ice blocking" down a hill who woulda thoughta that? :rofl:

    tatelina - I saw that "shadow" pic of quoll's as being the shadow on the ground of a bottle in the sun? Very clever and cool!

    bindi-boo - what is that, that the bird left behind? how cute that DJ shadows bow wow


  16. totally brilliant and inspirational :rolleyes:

    I was just checking out your blog this morning after I'd finished uploading some of my recent Melb Zoo pics onto flickr and well to be honest I thought mine were good :):laugh:

    Your post-production is very skilled and you really know how to put a lot of thought and feeling into your shots :rofl:


  17. Thanks a lot CM :rofl: I love your music shot, anything macro is a thumbs up from me :rofl: I actually had another idea for music but couldn't think how to do it. I think the matches idea was good in theory but resulted in a lot of frustration :eek: Am happy with the pic of Misty though, he's very photogenic :rofl: Definitely post some more water shots, the more the better! Love your look up shot too, Texas is a spunk.

    thanks, I hadn't thought of it as a macro shot :rofl:

    this was my other idea for "music" - you'll need to use a little imagination, he's hitting the drum pedal with his paw - it was a great fun shoot :D


    "drummer boy"


    CM, love the music one, is he singing. :rofl:

    yeh sorta, I took a very loose interpretation of "music" for it, as it's more a bark and I'm not sure even I can say that is "music to my ears" :rofl: ... a real stretch :rofl:

    montall - I like your interpretation of keys and child :noidea:

    quoll - your pink shot is really nice!

    poocow - totally love those shots of Sydney (I so miss Sydney) and the quality from your iphone is fantastic imho

    luckypup - cute pups :rofl:

    I really need to find some time to a) process the ones I have and was going to use for January or b) get out and shoot some stuff! LOL

    :rofl: I can sympathise, I have been so muddled and disorganised for February :rofl:

    Brilliant shots, I totally love your "home" series, beautiful! I've become a big fan of snow - at least in pictures, really not a fan of being cold myself :rofl:

    Terranik - I really like your recent contributions :rofl: I just noticed "drama" on the list yesterday, I like your scene, I have no idea how I'm going to proceed with that one (crikey, if I get there :laugh: )

    lea - great shapes, now that item I have missed :laugh: I'm enjoying your exploration!

    I'm totally satisfied with this "portrait" shot of Texas :rofl:


    adolescent "child"?



  18. huga - I totally agree with what rocco said! :confused:

    lea - nice "stamp" shot! I really like the composition

    iltby - I had the same idea for "music"


    (but have since taken a few other different ones, so you may see another "music" shot later)

    nice collection! ooo I like your matches idea ... and love the cat pic! and I love your new water pic! I could post a few more water pics too :rofl:

    montall - yeh, where's the traffic?

    j - cool car shot :eek:

    poocow - that's some collection! ... go superdog up the tree hehehe :cry:

    bindi-boo - accidentally deleted oh no! :rofl:

    I'm still struggling to organise and catch-up, I know I have some pics that I can post ... oh I just remembered one

    "look up" from our beach trip (again) on Monday


    (again, I've taken a variety of "look-up" shots so I may add a few more later :p )


  19. okay, I don't think I have anything new - work has been totally exhausting me atm

    but thought I'd try and catch up a little

    twospirit - I like your music shot. Is that a texture underlaid with the notes?

    It is my 1:12 scale violin and flute on top of scrapbook paper.

    ah looks like the instruments are floating :rofl:

    ... I like your water shot too!

    CM, love all your glass shots, the unknown cocktail looks awesome :cheer:

    thanks iltby - I didn't even get a chance to drink any of them :laugh:

    ... I really like your night trails I so want to try ... and lovely little birdy for "child" good work! Your "secret" shot could be out of a horror movie :cheer:

    Darien - I love the captured joy on your grandson's face too, brilliant

    huga - again, I've enjoyed your shots, the "look up" seems particularly memorable :cheer:

    jayC - nice dancy movement of your nightlights

    minimum - I really like your take on mobile, great shot!

    lea - great horsey portrait - gorgeous ... and good work on the "dance" shot too

    j - those vegies in the combost look really icky hahaha

    dieseldog - your music/nightlights shot is really cool

    poocow - great sketch of Top and Darcy :laugh:

    tlc - love your "mobile" shot I love a happy wagging tail! and your "child" shot is really vibrant!

    quoll - very clever idea with the glass shot you have glass (mirror) and glass (window) and then out to a beautiful view, I like it! ... and I like your "look up"! ... oh and fantastic shadow shot, I love that idea!

    terranik - ah Jedi in the sunnies :cry: ... and I really like your nightlights shot

    bindi-boo - I like the colour of your landscape

    MTD - cool otters, I like all those in that series :rofl:

    jag - love the web for home! ... too funny with the lack of "eyes" squinting against the flash ... fantastic idea with the nightlights, I may have to steal that one :) and really well executed!

    eza - I like your glasses shot, there's a cross in the bottom corner mirroring the cross of the sunny's arms which is kinda interesting, "home" is really sweet and I like the keys too!

    rocco - really cool glass shot, how on earth did you do it? I particularly like the way you have rocco looking down and ralph looking up hehehe :rofl: ... really cool iRoc as well, you got him dancing too :)

    I better get my shooting finger out ... everyone has come up with some fantastic ideas and creative thinking, anyone want to send some my way?


  20. I agree loving the light trails, I need company to go out and do those kinds of shots :laugh:

    Great creativity and pics everyone, sorry I haven't been around to comment individually, I hope to really catch up next week when I get a little leave :thumbsup:

    I have a few for the "Glass/es" category

    sunglasses - been done before but Texas this time :laugh:


    and glass shots which I quite like too

    Mahito (sp?)


    another unknown named cocktail


    beer and champagne


    and despite my dislike of pink, I revisited the red hue change to pink with Chester :)


    and I tried to do a portrait of Texas but none turned out as well as I had hoped so will have to wait on that one :)

  21. Sorry I'm not going to comment on every pic, but I think they have all been really creative and clever and I'm loving them all so far :rofl:

    bindi-boo - we've lost half of your shots early on :cool: ... great idea for music and I like what you've done with the shot ... I pulled out some tapes last month for a listen ... how ancient hahaha you could have that as your "old" shot too lol ... I like your 2nd "child" shot, great idea too

    They keep disappearing :cool: I have to keep going and replacing them. I dont know what is happening. :laugh:

    I was thinking that you must have moved the link in photobucket, you know when you add a sub-album or something it changes the link. If it isn't that then I have no idea?


    Okay, here's some more of mine. No real planning or creativity went into these, it was just a trip to the beach the other evening after work seemed to produce a few

    like "vegetable", who'd'a guessed (I think the horse rider that went by a few minutes earlier must have dropped it, 'cause I didn't notice it on the trip down) a turnip!


    I figured this one could be dance with those legs!? it's a pity I chopped off his tail really


    "best friends"






    "water" again


    or this "water" since I was trying to get shots with Texas


    I'd better check the list again 'cause I have no idea how many I've done or what I need :rofl: and I'll try and actually put some thought/effort in. I know there are some that I have ideas for and some that I will not be able to happen upon in which case there will be a plan. I did figure we can just keep adding even if we've already completed a category :rofl:


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