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Just a quick follow up - both pups have started warming to each other and are playfighting/stealing each others toys and treats and generally playing like pups do...it's looking all good! Have a little way to go, but both are 200% better than they were. Thanks for comments/suggestions.
They've been a bit better today, Zig tried to play a bit with her this morning and a bit more last night. I think it will be better once Ziggy starts to stand up for herself a bit more. Thank god indee was quieter over night...thought the beagles of the Apocolypse had arrived the first night she came home! PS - Marcos, see attached photo!
Tess - Thanks, I've thought of the rewarding bit, but unfortunately playing together peacefully doesnt happen long/often enough yet to get a reward in! Marcos - thanks for the support, you hit the nail on the head, we have been wondering if we'd done the right thing, poor Zig is a bit put out by it all, and i've been feeling almost guilty. I have the same feeling that Indee will definately be the dominant of the two, she's very bold and strong willed. I know most puppies are fearless for the first few weeks, but she takes it to a new level! We've been keeping them separate over night, pup is in the laundry in case of accidents, and Zig is living in the lap of luxury in the lounge room. Ideally we'd like them to both sleep together, but it's just not happening yet. Give it time i 'spose..
Hey all, Our new beagle puppy, Indee, came home on Tuesday. She's a handful (quite literally - only weighs 2 kilos!) as most puppies are, likes to bite everything in sight and thinks it's all a big game (good fun tho!). Our other puppy, Ziggy, is a 6 month old cocker cross poodle who is a great dog, very good natured with everyone and gets along well with the other dogs that she has met. Our problem is, the only other dogs she's really had contact with are adults who already know how to behave. Ziggy isn't territorial or aggressive at all, but even so we introduced them both carefully, had hold of them both and tried to make it as pleasant and fun as possible. Ziggy was very cautious, sniffed at her and seemed a bit bewildered at first. They started to play a little bit, both doing the bow and tail wagging/playful barking at each other, but then pup snapped at her face and that was it, Zig didnt want to play anymore. My main problem is this - for the past 2 days, Ziggy hasn't really wanted a bar of the new pup. Pup will go over to her and they'll sniff for a few seconds, then pup will snap at Ziggy's face, causing Zig to back away with her tail down and eventually lose interest. Ziggy seems really timid and intimidated by her and wont even let pup sleep near her. They've played a little bit together, but their version of playing is Ziggy being chased by the pup snapping at her heels. She's not interested in bonding at all so far. Has anyone been down this path before, and if so, how can i get them to break the ice? Is it a problem of them both being female, or just that pup has a more dominant streak?
BC and everyone else, Thanks for the replies - it had been suggested to us before that it might be a nesting thing, like trying to get comfortable almost. I have noticed every now and again she does it to her bed. Thanks again, and if anyone has any further ideas then im all ears!
BC and everyone else, Thanks for the replies - it had been suggested to us before that it might be a nesting thing, like trying to get comfortable almost. I have noticed every now and again she does it to her bed. Thanks again, and if anyone has any further ideas then im all ears!
Hey guys, Im after suggestions on how to correct a problem. My 6 month old spoodle has decided, in the last month or so, that 'digging' on the couch cushions is something she'd like to make a hobby out of. My wife and i don't have a problem with her sitting on the couch with us in the evening - she usually just sleeps next to us quietly. However, her latest trick is to 'dig' on the couch, like she would out in the yard. It started off as a gradual thing, where she'd come and just scratch at the cushions a few times, we'd tell her 'no' and she'd generally settle down. However, in the past 2 weeks or so, it's become a big deal. She'll jump up and dig as fast as she can, will ignore any attempts at correcting her and it generally winds up with her in 'time out' where we put her outside for a while. This happens throughout the day now, and it's usually always when one or both of us are in the room. I don't really know how to go about stopping it, i've tried ignoring her to see if it's just an attention thing, have tried distracting her with her toys etc. Even scruffing her wont work - she thinks it's a game. If it is an attention thing, then what is the best way of correcting it without 'giving in' to her? Thanks in advance, -Moose
We've been using diluted disinfectant and then spray over the general area with that quick drying carpet foam (the non-toxic pet friendly stuff!) to help disguise the smell. Like some others have mentioned there's special cleaners out there, fortunately we haven't needed to go that far...so far the detergent has been enough..fingers crossed!
Well spring is the time for it i 'spose, I never really considered that dogs would have trouble with that sort of allergy, as in grasses and so forth. Thanks for the reply, glad to hear your pup's nose is cleared up.
Hey all, Our 13 week old poodle cross spaniel has got a runny nose. Checked with the vet when she had her final C5 vaccination and he wasn't sure that it was a problem, said it may even be an allergy? Started to notice it about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The fluid from her nose is clear and seems to be intermittent, i.e. not running all the time. She doesn't cough or anything, doesn't seem to have any other symptoms and appears to be otherwise normal and energetic like all pups. Does anyone have an idea on what it might be, or had a similar condition in their dogs? Thanks in advance.
First post here guys, long time listener, first time caller kind of thing... Having a similar issue with our pup, she's nearly 10 weeks old and just starting to get to the stage where she's confident in her new home and trying a few things on, biting being one of them. It's not too bad at this stage, just would like to stop the habit before it gets started. Same as the above few posts, tried scruffing her, growling, saying 'no', but it tends to wind her up more. I will be taking her to puppy school as soon as she's old enough, which will hopefully get things sorted, but in the meantime any suggestions on being the more dominant one would be appreciated!