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Everything posted by Apfsds-t
It's been very nearly 12 months since I had to put Scotty dog down. I have finally gotten around to making a short tribute video http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=8IBDxXE7dCg And these days I have two new girls to care for, a rescued American Bulldog & a rehomed English Mastiff. But - I have not forgotten Scotty dog.
Australian soldiers serving in southern Afghanistan are mourning the death of Explosive Detection Dog ‘Andy’ – a two-year-old Kelpie-cross. ‘Andy,’ a member of the Special Operations Task Group (SOTG), was accidentally killed when struck by a vehicle within the Kamp Holland complex at Tarin Kowt. ‘Andy’ will be laid to rest near the Kamp Holland kennel complex alongside fellow fallen Explosive Detection Dogs ‘Merlin’ and ‘Razz’. Defence Spokesperson Brigadier Andrew Nikolić said ‘Andy’ was a recently qualified Explosive Detection Dog who finalised his training earlier this year. “Andy is the third Army Explosive Detection Dog to die on operations. “His death will be keenly felt by the soldiers in Oruzgan Province and the wider Royal Australian Engineers, particularly their specialist dog handlers.” Explosive Detection Dogs are used in a specialist search capacity to counter the threat of improvised explosive devices throughout Oruzgan Province. The ADF retains an Explosive Detection Dog capability within the Reconstruction Task Force. Source: http://www.defence.gov.au/media/Department...?CurrentId=7277 Australian Army Explosive Detection Dog 'Andy' rests between tasks in Afghanistan earlier this month.
The vet called me back with the results of the autospy. Well, the good news is that it was not lung cancer. However it was a small tumour on the top of his heart - which was bleeding. The bleed was into the sac around the heart. The vet believes that the tumour would not have shown up on xray or ultra sound. The only thing it would have shown up on was MRI. And the only thing that could have saved him would have been a heart transplant. Of course, this explains all the clinical systoms he had: High white blood cell count - Body trying to fight the tumour. slight Anemia - the slight bleeding. Bleed into heart sac - lack of any visible blood. Slight strange heart sound - not quiet a mumor - caused by the tumour / bleed. Lethergy, lack of appetite, shortness of breath - as compound result of all above. Whilst it is very sad, I know that I did the right thing. And, whilst I know Scotty could not understand what i was saying, you would be forgiven for thinking that he could: Last week - a day or two before he was put down, he was lying on the lounge & I asked him "have you had enough?" He reached out his paw & shook my hand. I was able to rescue the 'Aussie Bulldog' - x Picked her up on Thursday. She is settling in really well. Hopefully, we will have many happy years together. I miss you Scotty - RIP my friend.
Hello, I don't know you - nor your dog. However, I am sorry for your loss - I can only imagine how you feel. At least with mine - he was 10 years old, and I knew his time was approaching - but I thought I had another 2 years with him.... But only 9 months - it's terribly sad. I hope you experience the joy of a new pup soon - once you have grieved. best wishes
I have had a really tough time in the last four months. I had to put Nelson down in July because of seizures, and now today, Scotty. Here is a short tribute video to Nelson. The up side is that I have been fortunate enough to rescue a dog - all going well, I get her on Thursday. This is Chloe. Ain't she cute
Well, the day has finally come. Scotty has joined, Nelson & his mum, Indy, at the Rainbow bridge. He was put to sleep at about 5:15pm this afternoon (Monday 5th November 2007) He passed VERY quickly – even before the full dose had been administered. I stayed with him for about 30 minutes after. I spoke with the vet about the possibility of doing an autopsy to determine exactly what was going on, the vet indicated that he would be very interested in also learning what was going on in his lungs. So, an autopsy will be performed & the vet will call me tomorrow to advise the results. We believe he had lung cancer - he deteriorated quiet quickly. But, he was a valiant fighter. The vet said "in 25 years of veterinary practice, I have never seen a white blood cell count as high as this in a dog." Rest in peace mate. Thank you for being such a fantastic dog, for each and every one of the 3741 days you were with me - I will meet you, one day, at the rainbow bridge. The Last Battle If it should be that I grow frail and weak And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then will you do what must be done, For this -- the last battle -- can't be won. You will be sad I understand, But don't let grief then stay your hand, For on this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, You wouldn't want me to suffer so. When the time comes, please, let me go. Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, Only, stay with me till the end And hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree It is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you Who has to decide this thing to do; We've been so close -- we two -- these years, Don't let your heart hold any tears. -- Unknown