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  1. poodlefan vet tired to collect urine but she wouldnt go. if my pup poos out blood again i will ring to clarify instructions but her poos are fine today no blood, hard, normal. Such is life- thanks it does seem like a personal attack and it feels like i am having to stick up for myself and prove something when i shouldnt have to i was at the vet not everyone else.
  2. xavier, you can all think what you like i no the turth i no i got help for my pup end of story i dont have to prove anything to any of you. i wont be replying in this thread anymore its over i dont want to fight i no what i have done and its not anyones bussiness i asked for help yesturday i said thanks for the advice i gave you all a update today and am getting flamed and called a lier.
  3. persephone and Cordelia thats very rude, why would i come on here and lie?? im only going on what my vet said i also thought why would i have to get a urine sample when its in her poo but then thought to myself maybe cause its connected?? i will be watching her closely but so far today her poos are normal colour and hard. As for urine in 3 weeks thats to test if all the blood has gone.
  4. Thanks for the help everyone. I rang my vet at 9am this morning got in at 9:45 got down there explained what was happening the vet asked a few questions checked her out said she is a very healthy young pup ruled out alot of problems due to her being so young and just said it could be a Infection that i should try to get a urine sample in 3 weeks and that was it, she was not worried and didnt think there was reason to cause alarm.
  5. does anyone no what could make this happen or what it could be?? she is a young healthy pup shiny coat bright eyes.
  6. i have seen a dog in season before i no the difference between a dog pissing out blood from there bottom to a dog in season which is drops of blood.
  7. How much blood? she done 5 blood poos in about 10 min nothing since 11:30 what colour is the blood? started as light red then went to a dark red is the blood smelly? not that i could tell it was very thick.
  8. Do you think she needs a Emergency vet?? she is acting normal running around.
  9. she is wormed every mth was done 3 weeks ago. I live in sunbury.
  10. Hello, i am new to dogzonline and a new puppy owner my pup is 8mths old and is pooing out blood its just pure blood no poo mixed in with the blood, she is acting normal very playful eating normal drinking normal everything is normal and fine expect for the blood, anything i can do?? what could be wrong?? she has a very healthy diet gets bones and is on two meals.
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