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Everything posted by lynniec

  1. Stop allowing it. Remove those body parts she is licking and if necessary nudge her away. Simultaneously, do not give her any attention for it. That means no speaking to her; no touching her; no eye contact. I'm trying to imagine what it is you are doing with your hands that she can reach them during this period of "excitement". Is it that you're playing with her? You could : Crate each dog separately for when visitors arrive. Crate one dog - handle/control the other on lead and teach incompatible behaviour such as "sit", as LL suggests. Have one dog outside and one dog in, so that you are able to deal with the matter of 'visitor behaviour' one dog at a time. Don't allow visitors to give your dogs attention whilst they are excited or behaving in any other undesireable manner. Do you take the dogs to training? Having obedience skills "under their hat" will help you use these for the other occasions of visitors. In fact, every time your dog licks you, you would be able to command the dog to drop. That is, if your dog knows that skill in the first place. no i am not playing with her she just seems to be so excited and gets worse with the other staff around. he is nearly 8 so i don't know if maybe she is still a silly puppy but that doesn't mean that the nipping is acceptable he isn't at all like her he is mellow and very obiedent shes just nutty(i do love her though) no the dogs don't go training i am going to take her though . do you train your dogs at home seperatly?
  2. yes she does sit for you and gets a treat you give her a pat and she just sits and lets you but the moment you stop pating her or pat the other staff she starts being silly on her own shes not so bad?
  3. i have a female staff and she is around 18mths she licks you all the time it's like she has a spring loaded tongue! when she gets excited she also sort of chomps her teeth together at the air but can often get your hand in excitment how do i get her to settle down she is at her worst when i get visitors or when you have both dogs together and try to pat them both . any suggestions?
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