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Everything posted by auto

  1. Atua i would not be taking a pup to show training untill it is fully vacinated, and i could be wrong but i would say 12weeks like entring shows
  2. I will be thinking of you all, i hope you do not freeze your backsides of. Everyone just have fun i wish i could of made it. In the passed it has been a great weekend.
  3. HAVE fun everyone, no I will not be going this year :D
  4. We have had neuter classes for years, and I must admit not many if any enter then. But over the weekend we had 3dogs entered in neuter, witch was great, as for the ribbon and prize, what is one more.We have a open and 2 champ shows in septerber that will have neuter clases as well as veteran.All are welcome to come, that is in CLONCURRY, near mt Isa.
  5. i wont be there ,but i hope everyone has a great time.
  6. Okk see you all in rocky. safe travelling everyone.
  7. Megz has your trailer turned up yet.
  8. Lucys muma All dogs Puppies) go though a stage when, they will try the boundries, You just have to make shore it realizes that you are the Alpha of the pack. i hope this helps in some way. i am shore it will get better.
  9. I hope you all have a great time. i have to add though ;; ; ; ; GO QUEENSLAND
  10. FranCQ, I live near Mt Isa, i am just going on holidays and doing some show while I am away.
  11. Only 1 week untill i hit the road, i think i had better get packing.
  12. i would say metal fencing panels, we have ones that are called Bankcia, (if i can spell) they were about $80 a panel,and the panels are 3mt long.
  13. Megz, You might be like me when i got my trailer, it arrived in Cloncurry at 5.30.am and i headed to Townsville with it at 6.am
  14. pointers rule. i will. I am tall with brown hair.
  15. Points rule i have Labradors. i want Tails.
  16. Pointers rule . i looks like we are the only ones going to be there., So we will gete BIS and Rubis
  17. Dont tell me I am going to be the only one there. But i see it has had 22 hits, so some people must of been interested in the topic.
  18. Ok it is not long now for these shows i was just wondering who is going, i will be there with bells on.LOL it should be a good weekend.
  19. Sorry i will be in Rockhampton showing. But have fun anyway and good luck to all.
  20. THANKS for the results.
  21. :wave ARE we all shy or have had a bad weekend do not want to report. Come on face up what sort of a weekend did you have.
  22. :D Please put up results,
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