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Posts posted by auto

  1. she has passed stools so blockage has been ruled out.

    thanks for adivce in advance.

    It could still be a partial obscuration, a tear somewhere or an ulcer. I would go straight to the specialist and get the camera that they put down her throat done. They can then get a really good look right down the throat, stomach and bowel and you will know exactly what is wrong. Bright red blood indicates fresh bleeding and I would be taking it very seriously

    I am in far north qld and 900km for any marger city.

  2. I have a 2yr old bitch, that is in whelp( with 9 days togo) that is vomiting red blood.

    Started the day before yesterday, the vets are stomped.

    she has no temp, no discharge,did not vomite allday yesterday when she was on a drip, was fed last night and still on drip and vomited blood over night.

    rat sack posioning has been ruled out because has had blood test for clotting and her blood clots

    she has passed stools so blockage has been ruled out.

    thanks for adivce in advance.

  3. aussielover, I crated jane for 3 days and would not let her play with anyother dog. and kept an eye on her stichers that she did not lick them.( walks were only on a lead)

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