their is loads of stuff you can be doing with your new puppy in preperation for Agility
Restrained recalls- you simply can't do enough of these
Circle Work- getting your pup do run beside you around in circles, with the pup on the inside and outside on both sides of your body
Hand Targets- this is the start of my Contact training...
Can build confidence walking on a small plank on the ground, once confident put a couple of bricks under to raise it off the ground...
Once the pup has been taught to target a piece of perspex, or icecream lid, this can be added to end of plank for a 2on 2off nose target... may not be real important for a little dog but is still something taht can be taught to a young dog...
Start Line stay- Sit Stay.. VERY Important we all need a solid start line from our dogs
Teach your pup directional commands- spin left and right can be used later on to help direct over jumps
Puppies believe it or not can start jump training, but i use jump bumps. which are pvc pipe cut in half when laid on the ground looks like a speed bump... for a Papillon i would use 3inch pipe cut in half...
You can add jump uprights to the jump bumps, practise start lines also start handling manouvres- 90degree turn, 180 degree turn, 270 degree turn, speed circles, Front cross, rear cross, Pull Through, Push through, Serpentine...
Crate Training, pups can learn self control, finding entrances is just a great way to spend time training your puppy
I fully reccommend you purchase Greg Derretts Agility Foundation Training and Susan Garretts Success with one jump, and Crate Games, another good one is wendy papes Games to enhance training.. has 16 tug games you can play with your dog/puppy
these can be purchased at or
Good Luck with your training sounds like you are off to a great start all ready