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Everything posted by schnauzer_luv

  1. Hi everyone, I already have one pup a mini schnauzer named Mazza, he turns one on Monday (yay!)...but today I am picking up his little sister, in half an hour in fact! Her name is Lola, and here are some pics I took of her at 6 weeks old. I'm getting soooo excited now!!
  2. They won't get it in for you? That's annoying The distributor I use in NSW is really trying to get it to take off, she will order any of it in as long as I giver her notice...I swear some companies just aren't interested in keeping the customer happy anymore...good luck, it's worth pursuing, fantastic food :rolleyes:
  3. Moggy think about trying Orijen. It is high in protein (40 %) and no grains also but is not sold by PP. I swapped my boy onto it last week, he does 1/4 of the poops he used to (no exaggeration) which means he's getting all the good stuff out of his food and next to no waste. It may help with your nasty problem, if evo works, it should work too, are you in NSW, I can give you a website that delivers it if you're interested.
  4. Same! Mazza has been on it for a week and he loves it! In the space of 2 days he has gone from 4 poos a day to 1!!! Miracle food, and he nearly knocks himself out trying to do tricks when I open the bag, he thinks he will get it faster...superstitious little bugger
  5. My boy had almost constant diahorrea on euk, even thought thats what his breeder feeds all her dogs of the same breed and has done for years..this indicates to me it's really specific to your pup. I have subsequently tried royal canin, eagle pack premium and eagle pack holistic...he is fine on all of them but still poos 4 times a day which I think is alot...my next port of call is orijen, I am picking up a trial pack this afternoon... edited for spelling
  6. I'm particularly attached to the second pic so if you can work that in that would be good! Thankyou artistic genius
  7. Would the talented Ms Harminee help me out with a siggy please :D I would like it to say Mazza and have a red background theme/frame and whichever combo of these piccies works... more on the way
  8. Does any one ever mix in a little of the eagle pack canned with the dry? Ive often looked at it but I'm not sure if its any good? I'm assuming it must be ok seeing the dry is of such high quality??
  9. Hey Tiger bluez I remember you, Mazza just turned 10 months too! I'll take a few picks this week and post them up. I'm waiting for his jumper to arrive from ebay so I'll pitone of those pics up after I take it I'm getting another puppy in a few months so I get to experience the joy (and pain) all over again!
  10. Mazza started sleeping on his own cushion bed next to our bed when he was a pup. In winter we brought him up on the bed with us to keep us warm Now its summer, he has decided its far to warm for such affections and will have a snuggle with us until we turn the lights off and then jumps off the bed and lays on the cold tiles in the hallway...within eyesight of course, in case we mysteriously leave
  11. Try to relax a little bit Shaun, the no eating is more than likely related to the drugs he's had pumped in to him. Mazza was off his tucker for a day or 2 after he got desexed in December, he was miserable, but more than anything I found myself obsessing because I felt horribly guilty for putting him through the op even though it is obviously the right thing to do. It took 4 days before Mazza was his true self again but your pup WILL start to pick up, just be patient and don't be too hard on yourself He will probably eat again when his stomach is more settled, its better not to rush or fuss with tempting foods, he will likely throw them up. Chicken is a great idea, its plain and very delicious to most dogs so I'm sure he will eat it as soon as he can stomach it. Good luck, my thoughts are with both of you PS - Mazza's scrotum was left behind too...it's getting smaller by the day - nothing weighing it down
  12. Mazza eats what ever I choose to feed him....otherwise it gets taken away and fed to him 4 hours later I feed him half a cup of royal canin twice a day, mixed with 3 tablespoons of whatever I find or have planned to have in the fridge e.g. steamed pumpkin, boiled chicken, chicken mince, lowfat mince and rice, sardines etc. He gets a chicken wing for lunch/ or if I'm leaving the house for more than half an hour I save it for then. I also train him atleast once a day so he gets a few bits of treat strap/cheese/dog biscuit then for extra encouragement He was once fussy...but quickly discovered that resulted in hunger, plus as a mini schnauzer his food obsession has increased with age
  13. Do frontline/advantage/advantix cover the same pests? That is, will I be doubling up on anything? If I use say advantage, drontal and proheart injections?
  14. Well...the war is on! I found fleas on my little furburger (aka Mazza) 2 days ago so hit him with frontline (even though it had only been 2 weeks since last treatment) did a quick clean and sat back and relaxed.....BIG MISTAKE! This morning I found adult fleas on him again...now it's personal My newly formed strategy is.... Capstar tablets every 2-3 days Wash with flea shampoo (in the next hour when I pull myself off DOL and the capstar has been put to work) Frontline fortnightly until current supply runs out....hints for better product welcome Obsessive vacuuming of carpets and (plus washing of) bedding Do I have a chance of winning this war? Is there anything else I should be doing? Pesky little buggers are in "plague proportions" in the illawarra at the moment according to petbarn woman...although I suspect this is the case everywhere? Wish me luck
  15. Wow, you have alot to contend with all at once! SOunds like generally you're doing well given your circumstances The pawing could be for a whole bunch of reasons but I'm only new to the dogworld myself so I'm going to go with obvious stuff. The pawing could be for attention. The first thing I would try is everytime it happens turn the other way and look at the sky (or anywhere but your dog). Do this EVERY time it happens whether it hurts or not. If this doesn't work I'd yelp every time it happens and see if that stops it. Just try not to look at him and definitely stop whatever you're doing, and don't give in to what pup wants. Its time to remind him whose boss, annoying collar or not
  16. I am assuming it is the same stuff I ate as a child?? Its this milky gelatinous substance that comes in a variety of colours (think creamy jelly). You can even set it in moulds...my mum used to make me pink bunnies She used to add nutmeg and or cinnamon to it I think, but I really haven't seen it for years. Why do you feed it to pups? I think it is highly likely it is one of those things I relish from childhood, but if I tasted it now would think its positively vile ;)
  17. Its cheaper than a vet but you can do better :D www.pricelesspets.com.au $47 for 6
  18. Hmmmm...ok now I'm slightly disturbed. I assumed that's how they got it, because that's the only way I've had direct contact with Bayer, and the letter I recieved with it was from them with that website listed. Sorry for leading you up the garden path...but atleast you get reminders?? The only other way I can think, is that I ordered drontal through vetproducts direct, but how would they know it was for a new puppy? and surely they cant pass on your info to bayer? OR My vets have passed on the info? Strange and unsettling either way...
  19. 2 or 3 tablespoons of steamed pumpkin will clean my boy out quick smart...he loves it! The pumpkin that is... If he has bones 2 days in a row he's "stools" get very hard, the pumpkin helps heaps...
  20. Hi puppy people, When we went to puppy preschool I was given a leaflet from bayer which was advertising a free email service to remind you when to worm and flea treat your dogs. I am always scared of forgetting these things so signed up, and it has been very useful What they didn't mention, but arrived in the mail today was that when you sign up they send you a little present We got a cute little pack with a ball and a pen and puppy book, and a sample of advocate, which I don't use...but I still thought it was really nice I'm not a total idiot, I realise its a marketing ploy...but I still like promo material, and Mazza loves his ball so we are happy campers So...if you want some free stuff and want reminders for your treatments I think the website was www.bayeranimal.com.au And no...I don't work for them...just wanted to share :p
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